Author | Record Number | Citation |
Johnson, F. Roy | 557 |
Johnson, F. Roy. The Algonquians. Murfreesboro, NC: Johnson Pub. Co., 1972. Vol. 2, pp. 148-50. |
Johnson, Jeannette | JOHN005 |
Johnson, Jeannette L., Jan Gryczynski, and Shelley A. Wiechelt. "HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, and hepatitis prevention needs of Native Americans living in Baltimore: In their own words." AIDS education and prevention 19.6 (2007): 531–44. |
Johnson, Guy Benton | 463 |
Johnson, Guy B. “Dr. and Mrs. Johnson Plan Study of Indian Community.” Pembroke Progress 12 Aug. 1948: Sec. 2 p. 1B. |
Johnson, Guy Benton | 398 |
Johnson, Guy B. “A Survey of the Churches of Robeson County, North Carolina, 1948-1949.” Tentative compilation: 3 Oct. 1948. Revised introductory remarks: 20 Jan. 1950. 12 p. [Included in entry 468]. |
Johnson, Guy B. | 460 |
Johnson, Guy B. “Personality in a White-Indian-Negro Community.” American Sociological Review 4.4 (Aug. 1939): 516-23. Excerpted in: When Peoples Meet. New York: Hinds, Hayden, and Eldredge, 1946. Pp. 576-82. |
Johnson, Gerald W. | 291 |
Johnson, Gerald W. By Reason of Strength. New York: Milton, Balch & Co., 1930. |
Johnson, F. Roy | 571 |
Johnson, F. Roy. The Lost Colony in Fact and Legend. Murfreesboro, NC: Johnson Publishing Co., 1983. Pp. 83-85. |
Johnson, Guy Benton | 630 |
Johnson, Guy B. “What’s In a Name: The Case of the Lumbee Indians.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Anthropological Society, Athens, GA. 9 April 1970. 8 p. [Included in entry 468.] |
Johnson, Meighan George | 479 |
Johnson, Meighan George. “Social-Demographic and Role Performance Differences in Fertility in a Rural, Low-Income, Tri-Racial County.” Diss. North Carolina State U, 1976. |
Johnson, Nancy Winora | JOHN006 |
Johnson, Nancy Winora. "Symbolic representation in Native American Lumbee art." M. A. U of North Carolina at Pembroke, 2004. |
Jones, English | 793 |
Jones, English. “The Educational and Occupational Status of Former Students of Vocational Agriculture of Pembroke High School, Pembroke, North Carolina.” Thesis. North Carolina State College, 1959. [Not seen.] |
Jones, Rhett S. | JONE001 |
Jones, Rhett S. “Black/Indian relations: an overview of the scholarship.” Transforming Anthropology 10.1 (2001): 2-16. |
Jones, J. Marshall | 107 |
Jones, J. Marshall. “Lumbee Boycott ‘Undetermined’ at Red Springs.” Robesonian 28 Aug. 1970: 1. |
Jones, Rosalyn Jacobs | 1127 |
Jones, Rosalyn Jacobs. “Upward mobility: a historical narrative. The John W. Jacobs story.” Diss. (English). Middle Tennessee State U, 1983. |
Jones, James | JONE002 |
Jones, James Arthur, and Malinda Maynor. "What is progress? Desegregating an Indian school in Robeson County, North Carolina." Southern Cultures 10.2 (2004): 87-93. |
Jordan, Pat | 844 |
Jordan, Pat. “The Passions of Joe Freeman Britt.” Southern Magazine 1.6 (March 1987): 38-41, 95-99. |
Jordan, Jerry Wright | 1028 |
Jordan, Jerry Wright, comp. Cherokee by Blood: Record of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the US Court of Claims 1906-1910. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1987- . |
Jordan, Pat | 844 |
Jordan, Pat. “The Passions of Joe Freeman Britt.” Southern Magazine March (1987): 38-41, 95-99. |
Jordan, Larry E. | JORD001 |
Jordan, Larry E. From Virginia to Alabama and beyond: migrations of related familes from 1610 to today [Web site]. |
Joyce, Allison Harrington | JOYC001 |
Joyce, Allison Harrington. "Language assessment of Lumbee Indian children in North Carolina." North Carolina Central U, 1999. |
Joyce, Maureen | JOYC002 |
Joyce, Maureen. "Brantley Blue, Judge, GOP Indian Official, Dies." Washington Post August 5, 1979. |
Juback, Bob | JUBA001 |
Juback, Bob. "DOJ to Monitor Robeson County Polls Tomorrow." WBTV News 13 [Myrtle Beach, SC]. November 7, 2016. |
Jurgensen, Paquita | 342 |
Jurgensen, Paquita. “Lumbee Indians: Lost Colony Descendants?” Chapel Hill Newspaper 18 June 1976. |
Kang, K. | 943 |
Kang, K.. “Mrs. Locklear Seeks New Image for Indians.” Baltimore News American 28 July 1971. |
Katz, William Loren | KATZ001 |
Katz, William Loren. “Blacks-Indians alliance has deep roots.” New York Times March 2, 1988, page A22. 413 words. |
Kaye, Mary | KAYE001 |
Kaye, Mary. “A place to be an Indian.” Sassy (New York: Fairfax Publications) 5 (November 1992): 74-5, 82-3. |
Keel, Bennie C. | 1066 |
Keel, Bennie C. “Excavations at the Red Springs Mound RB 4, Robeson County 1971.” Southern Indian Studies 22 (Oct. 1970): 17-22. |
Kehoe, Alice B. | 33 |
Kehoe, Alice B. North American Indians: A Comprehensive Account. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981. Pp. 201-203. |
Kelly, Deborah | 166 |
Kelly, Deborah. “High School Renamed for Purnell Swett.” Robesonian 25 June 1989: 1A. |
Kelly, Deborah | 170 |
Kelly, Deborah. “Robeson Officials Agree to Put Tap on School Funding.” Robesonian 15 April 1990: 1. |
Kennedy, Harold W. | 86 |
Kennedy, Harold W. “Suggests Changes in School Survey Recommendations.” Pembroke Progress 24 June 1948: 6B. |
Kenney, Andrew | KENN001 |
Kenney, Andrew. “Slain Lumbee leader honored in Raliegh.” Newsobserver [Raleigh, NC] March 20, 2014. |
Keokuk, Fanny | 519 |
Keokuk, Fanny. “The Croatan Indians.” Indian Craftsman [US Indian School, Carlisle, PA] 2.3 (Nov. 1909): 22. |
Kern, Bliem | KERN001 |
Kern, Bliem. “Lloyd Oxendine: visual artist.” Artist and Influence (New York: Hatch-Billops Collection, Inc.) 7 (1994): 186-195. |
Kernodle, David | KERN005 |
Kernodle, David. "Mistake Could Cost School System Millions." February 14, 2007. |
Kerns, Ursulla H. | KERN003 |
Kerns, Ursulla H. "A comparison of lexical items in Lumbee Vernacular English from the Pembroke and Prospect communities." Thesis. Durham, NC: North Carolina Central U, 2001. 59 pages. |
Kerns, Schnele | KERN002 |
Kerns, Schnele, and Sheila J. Bridges. A dialectal application of Minspeak: the case of a 10-year-old Lumbee Indian male with Cri-du-Chat Syndrome. In: Augmentative & Alternative Communication (discipline-wide sessions). ASHA Leader 6.15 (August 29, 2001): 17 (13 pages).
Kimball, Gwen | 321 |
Kimball, Gwen [pseud. of Robert Edward Gard]. The Puzzle of Roanoke, the Lost Colony. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1964. 136 p. |
Kimes, Caroline M. | KIME001 |
Kimes, Caroline M., Golden, Shannon L., Maynor, Rhonda F., Spangler, John G., Bell, Ronny A. "Lessons learned in community research through the Native Proverbs 31 Health Project." Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy, Vol 11, Apr. 17, 2014. ArtID: 130256. |
King, C. Richard | KING002 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Gene Locklear.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 1. 2004. |
King, C. Richard | KING001 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Harold Collins.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 1. 2004. |
King, C. Richard | KING004 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Joseph Bruce Oxendine.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 2. 2004. |
King, C. Richard | KING005 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Kelvin Sampson.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 2. 2004. |
King, C. Richard | KING003 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Dwight Lowry.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 1. 2004. |
Kirk, Jr., Phillip J. | 1238 |
North Carolina. Office of the Governor. Robeson County Task Force. Interim Report. By Phillip J. Kirk, Jr., Chairman. Raleigh, 8 June 1988. |
Klein, Barry T. | 1012 |
Klein, Barry T. Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian. Vol. 2. New York: Todd Publications, 1986. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC029 |
Knick, Stanley, and Linda E. Oxendine. “Standing in the gap: American Indian Studies at the University of North Carolina—Pembroke.” In: Native American Studies in higher education: models for collaboration between universities and indigenous nations. Ed. Duane Champagne and Jay Stauss. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira P, 2002. Chapter 11, pages 191-202. |
Knick, Stanley | 1135 |
Knick, Stanley. “Did Henry Berry Lowrie escape Robeson to become the Modoc’s Captain Jack?” Robesonian 25 Feb. 1993: 4A. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC001 |
Knick, Stanley. “Because it is right.”The Museum of the Southeast American Indian Center. U of North Carolina at Pembroke, 1998. Updated 29 September 2010. Key source |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC031 |
Knick, Stanley. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC002 |
Knick, Stanley. Robeson Crossroads archaeological survey: phase II testing in Robeson County. Pembroke, NC: Native American Resource Center, Pembroke State University, 1993. 56 pages. |
Knick, Stan | 579 |
Knick, Stan. “How Long Have the Lumbees Been Here?” Robesonian 16 Jan. 1992: 4A. |
Knick, Stanley | 1071 |
Knick, Stanley. Robeson Trails Archaeological Survey: Reconnaissance in Robeson County. Pembroke: Native American Resource Center, Pembroke State U, 1988. North Carolina State Documents depository microfiche G85 2: R6 |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC015 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 24 December 1998:3. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC003 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 11 March 1999: 4. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC011 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 14 January 1999:3. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC016 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 17 December 1998:3. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC004 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 18 March 1999: 6. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC010 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 21 January 1999:3. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC028 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 21 March 2002: 3. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC012 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 28 January 1999:2. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC014 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 31 December 1998:3. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC008 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 4 March 1998: 6. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC009 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 11 February 1999: 6. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC024 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail” (column). Carolina Indian Voice 13 August 1998: 2. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC021 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 15 October 1998: 2. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC026 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 17 September 1998: 2. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC006 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 18 February 1999: 5. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC019 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 24 September 1998:5. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC007 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 25 February 1999: 5. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC025 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 26 November 1998: 3. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC020 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 29 October 1998:5. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC005 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 4 February 1999: 6. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC023 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 5 November 1998: 5. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC022 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail [column].” Carolina Indian Voice 1 April 1999: 6. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC018 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 10 December 1998:3. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC027 |
Knick, Stanley. The Lumbee in context: toward an understanding. Pembroke, NC: Native American Resource Center, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, 2000. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC017 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 3 December 1998:3. |
Knick, Stanley | KNIC013 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail” (column). Carolina Indian Voice 7 January 1999:3. |
Knick, Stanley | 1402 |
Knick, Stanley. Along the Trail: A Reader About Native Americans. Pembroke: Native American Resource Center, Pembroke State U, 1992. |
Knick, Cynthia L. | HUNT012 |
Hunt, Cynthia L. “Looking back while walking forward (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 29 June 2000: 4. |
Knotek, Steven | KNOT001 |
Knotek, Steven E. "Utilizing culturally responsive consultation to support innovation implementation in a rural school." Consulting psychology journal 64.1 (2012): 46-62. |
Kulmala, Teddy | KULM001 |
Kulmala, Teddy. “Lowery, composer for ‘SATW!’, dies at 68.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). May 5, 2012 |
Kupferer, Harriet J. | 491 |
Humphrey, John A., and Harriet J. Kupferer. “Homicide and suicide among the Cherokee and Lubee [sic] Indians of North Carolina.” International journal of social psychiatry 28.2 (Summer 1982): 121-28. |
Kurland, Sheryl | KURL001 |
Kurland, Sheryl. “Milton Hunt seeks out the answers.” Baltimore Business Journal 9.44 (27 March 1992): Sec. 1 P. 35. |
Lagrone, Juanita | LAGR003 |
Lagrone, Juanita "Artist passes on traditions, history." Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). July 17, 2016. |
Lagrone, Juanita | LAGR002 |
Lagrone, Juanita. "Teaching what she sews: quilter passes on knowledge of craft." Red Springs Citizen [Red Springs, NC] August 14, 2016. |
Lagrone, Juanita | LAGR001 |
Lagrone, Juanita. "Chavis: 'You can't teach passion.'" Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] July 31, 2016. |
Lamm, Laura Ashley | LAMM001 |
Lamm, Laura Ashley. "The journey to the crown: Meet Victoria Huggins, Miss NC." North State Journal [Raleigh, NC]. June 28, 2017. |
Landry, Alysa | LAND002 |
Landry, Alysa. “Robin Cummings: The New ‘Mayor’ at UNC Pembroke.” Indian Country Today Media Network. September 29, 2015 |
Lang, Melvin | 743 |
Lang, Melvin. “Indian Life: Doubt Stemming from Ancestral Uncertainty Sparks Robeson Unease.” Durham Morning Herald 27 May 1973. |
Lang, Melvin | 729 |
Lang, Melvin. “Fire Razes Former School for Indians in Robeson County.” Greensboro Daily News 11 March 1973: B1. |
Langdon, Sarah E. | LANG001 |
Langdon, Sarah E., Golden, Shannon L., Arnold, Elizabeth M., Maynor, Rhonda F., Bryant Alfred, Freeman, V. Kay, Bell, Ronny A. "Lessons learned from a community-based participatory research mental health promotion program for American Indian youth." Health Promotion Practice, Vol 17(3), May, 2016. pp. 457-463. |
Lapointe, Joe | LAPO001 |
Lapointe, Joe. “Tiger Rookie Lowry: he's still a quiet guy, even on his big day.” Detroit Free Press (Michigan) 21 May 1984: 1D. (Monday). |
Lark, Thomas | LARK001 |
Lark, Thomas. “Lumbees hope for business profits.” Robesonian Monday, 21 May 2001. |
Lark, Thomas | LARK002 |
Lark, Thomas. “Lumbees seek grant.” Robesonian Monday, 18 June 2001. |
Larsen, Richard B. | LARS001 |
Larsen, Richard B. “Numbers and Angela.” College English 41.5 (January 1980): 517-23. |
Larson, Norma | BILL001 |
Larson, Norma (interviewer). North Carolina's oldest inhabitants. Interview with B. W. "Billy" Lowery. North Carolina Department of Archives and History, Raleigh, NC, 1958-1959. |
Lavell, William G. | 685 |
Lavell, William G. “Memorandum To: Deputy to the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs (Tribal Services). From: Associate Solicitor, Indian Affairs. Subject: Lumbee Recognition Legislation.” Washington: Office of the Solicitor, US Dept. of Interior, 23 Oct. 1989. Correspondence no. BIA.IA.0929 5p. Rpt. in House Report 101-685 (Bibliography entry 1384), House Report 102-215 (Bibliography entry 1387), and Senate Report 102-251 (Bibliography entry 1388). |
Lawing, Michelle F. | 562 |
Lawing, Michelle F. “The origin of the Robeson County Indians: A preliminary study.” Unpublished ms. [N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs, 1978.] |
Lawrence, R.C. | 1107 |
Lawrence, R. C. “Wishart and the Loweries.” The State 26 Aug. 1939: 6-7. Rpt. in Robesonian 28 Aug. 1939: 8. |
Lawrence, Robert Carbelle | 541 |
Lawrence, Robert Carbelle. “As You Love Your State, Hold Robeson.” The State of Robeson. Lumberton: J. J. Little and Ives, 1939. Pp. 111-20.
Lawrence, R.C. | 545 |
Lawrence, R. C. “Background of the Croatans.” The State 13 (20 Oct. 1945): 7. |
Lawrence, R.C. | 189 |
Lawrence, R. C. “Pembroke Indian School.” The State 10.42 (20 March 1943): 5, 37. |
Lawson, John | 505 |
Lawson, John. A new voyage to Carolina. 1709. Ed. Hugh Talmage Lefler. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1967. P. [69]. |
Le, Thuy Thanh Thi | LE00001 |
Le, Thuy Thanh Thi, Helen Johnson-Wall, and Katherine Hu. "Lung cancer: Improving screening in rural clinic." Journal of clinical oncology 37 no. 15 supplement. May 26, 2019. |
Le, Thuy Thanh Thi | LE00002 |
Le, Thuy Thanh Thi, and Helen Johnson-Wall. "Colorectal cancer: Improving screening in a rural clinic." Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, no. 15 supplement. May 26, 2019. |
Leclerq, Matt | LECL001 |
Leclerq, Matt. “Revels’ former boyfriend found liable.” Fayetteville Observer 26 March 2004. |
LeDuff, Charlie | LEDU001 |
LeDuff, Charlie. "At a slaughterhouse, some things never die; who kills, who cuts, who bosses can depend on race." New York Times 16 June 2000: A1. 5975 words. |
Lee, Tanya H. | LEE0002 |
Lee, Tanya H. "$380 Million More to Benefit Farmers, Ranchers in Keepseagle Compromise." Indian Country. May 2, 2016. |
Lee, Winkie | LEE0001 |
Lee, Winkie. “Walking in two worlds: Lumbee Indians preserve their identity through storytelling.” Charlotte Observer 6 November 1994: E1. |
Legerton, Mac | LEGE001 |
Legerton, Mac. “Speaking truth with power to those in power.” Fellowship (New York: Fellowship of Reconciliation, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom?) April/May 1988: 11-12. |
Legerton, Mac | LEGE003 |
Legerton, Mac. “Mac Legerton: We need better schools, not bigger schools.” The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, NC). July 2, 2016. |
Leland, Elizabeth | 855 |
Leland, Elizabeth. “Robeson Sorts Out Murders.” Charlotte Observer 18 April 1988: 4A. |
Leland, Eilzabeth | LELA001 |
Leland, Elizabeth. “The land of a legend.” Charlotte Observer Sunday, 16 June 2002. |
Lentz, Harris M., III | LENT001 |
“Tatanka.” In: Biographical dictionary of professional wrestling. By Harris M. Lentz, III. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1997. P. 324. |
Lerch, Patricia Barker | 46 |
Lerch, Patricia Barker. “State-Recognized Indians of North Carolina, Including a History of the Waccamaw Sioux.” Indians of the Southeastern United States in the Late Twentieth Century. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1992. Pp. 44-71. |
Levensky, Kay | 469 |
Levensky, Kay. The Performance of American Indian Children on the Draw-A-Man Test. (National Study of American Indian Education, Series III, Assorted Papers, No. 2.) Washington: Office of Education, 1971. |
Levin, S. | LEVI001 |
Levin, S., V. Lamar Welch, R. A. Bell, and M. L. Casper. “Geographic variation in cardiovascular disease risk factors among American Indians and comparisons with corresponding state populations.” Ethnicity & Health 7.1 (2002): 57-67. |
Levitisky, Allison | LEVI002 |
Levitsky, Allison. “Simitian studies Trump’s appeal.” The Daily Post [Palo Alto, CA]. September 16, 2017. |
Lew, Barton | 1022 |
Barton, Lew. “Searching the Family Tree.” Unpub. typescript. N.D. |
Lewis, George | LEWI001 |
Lewis, George. “Not so well red: Native Americans in the Southern civil rights movement reconsidered.” Borderlines: Studies in American Culture (Swansea, Wales) 3.4 1996): 362-375. |
Liles, Joe | LILE001 |
Liles, Joe. “The amazing story of McLean Research Corporation.” News from Indian Country 14.5 (March 15, 2001): 18B. |
Lindquist, G.E.E. | 532 |
Lindquist, G. E. E. “The Lost Colony of Roanoke Today.” The Southern Workman 57.10 (October 1928): [442]-44. |
Linton, Druenell E. | LINT001 |
Linton, Druenell E. "Cardiovascular risk factors and events in the Lumbee Native Americans of North Carolina." Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) 47.4 (2006): 167A. June 4, 2006. |
Litsky, Frank | LITS001 |
Litsky, Frank. "Universities punished for coach's violations." New York Times May 26 2006, sec. D: 2. |
Litty, Jamie | LITT001 |
Litty, Jamie M. "Audience reception of targeted message themes in a health video for Lumbee women." Fulfilling our dreams by bringing all cultures together. 16th annual joint conference of the National Association of African American Studies, the National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies, the National Association of Native American Studies, and the International Association of Asian Studies. National Association of African American Studies, 2007. |
Litty, Jamie | LITT002 |
Litty, Jamie M. "Coding health communication campaigns for cultural competence in Native populations: North Carolina." A perfect blend: American legacy in color. Joint conference of the National Association of African American Studies, the National Association of Hispanic and Latino Studies, the National Association of Native American Studies, and the International Association of Asian Studies. National Association of African American Studies, 2006. |
Livermore, Mary | 886 |
Livermore, Mary. “Odum Home for Indian Orphans.” Robesonian 15 May 1941: 3. |
Locklear, Eric | LOCK059 |
Locklear, Eric. “New group wants Lumbee people to guide government.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). April 13, 2015 |
Locklear, Mark | LOCK014 |
Locklear, Mark. “COMtech earns $181,000 grant.” Robesonian 27 November 2001. |
Locklear, Mark | LOCK066 |
Locklear, Mark. "New mace honors UNCP’s history." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. November 17, 2017. |
Locklear, Grady | 1032 |
Locklear, Grady. Genealogy: A Perspective. Unpublished typescript. Feb. 1989. 394 p. |
Locklear, James E. | LOCK002 |
Locklear, James E. “Without Lumbee leadership UNC-P could lose uniqueness.” Carolina Indian Voice 4 March 1999: 2. |
Locklear, Janie Maynor | 1008 |
Locklear, Janie Maynor, and Drenna J. Oxendine, comps. Contemporary Lumbee Leaders. Pembroke: Lumbee Regional Development Association, Dec. 1974. 30 p. [Sketches on 19 leaders.] |
Locklear, Mark | LOCK032 |
Locklear, Mark. “Recognition hearing set for Sept. 17.” Robesonian Friday, September 5, 2003. |
Locklear, Mark | LOCK039 |
Locklear, Mark. "Lumbee recognition: Senate panel sets date." Robesonian Thursday, June 29 2006. |
Locklear, Mark | LOCK051 |
Locklear, Mark. "Lumbee recognition: What does it really mean?" Robesonian Monday, June 18, 2007. |
Locklear, Mark | LOCK021 |
Locklear, Mark. “Ground broken today for Pembroke group home.” Robesonian Tuesday, 28 May 2002. |
Locklear, Mark | LOCK024 |
Locklear, Mark. “County schools awarded $9.5 million in grants.” Robesonian Wednesday, 14 August 2002. |
Locklear, James | LOCK027 |
Locklear, James. “Official asks community to end strife.” Fayetteville Observer 13 Oct. 2002. |
Locklear, Herbert | LOCK057 |
Locklear, Herbert H. Hard rocks in Bolton: a novel. Glenn Dale, MD: Rising Star Publishers, 2010. |
Locklear, Mark | LOCK040 |
Locklear, Mark. “Lumbee Tribe: Goolsby Is Elected Speaker.” Robesonian January 29, 2007. |
Locklear, Mark | LOCK040 |
Locklear, Mark. "Lumbee vote put off until Aug. 2." Robesonian Wednesday, July 26 2006. |
Locklear, Amy | LOCK006 |
Locklear, Amy. “The women.” Red Ink: a Native American student publication 3.1 (Spring 1994): 12-13. |
Locklear, A.W. | 763 |
Locklear, A. W. “The ‘Macs’ of Robeson: Hon. Hamilton McMillan and What He and Other ‘Macs’ Have Done for the Croatan Indians.” Robesonian 6 Aug. 1908: 1. |
Locklear, Tony Vincent | LOCK042 |
Locklear, Tony Vincent. “Cultural considerations in elder abuse: The Lumbee Indian example.” Thesis (M.A., Liberal Studies). U of North Carolina at Wilmington, 2005. 80 pages. |
Locklear, Arlinda | BLOG042 |
Locklear, Arlinda. "Op-ed: Making good on a promise to the Lumbee." Fayetteville Observer. December 29, 2010. |
Locklear, Chad | LOCK39a |
Locklear, Chad. "Swamp Posse." Pembroke Magazine 38 (2006): 172-81. |
Locklear, Mark | LOCK029 |
Locklear, Mark. “Lumbees approve constitution change.” Robesonian 10 March 2003. |