Robeson Crossroads archaeological survey: phase II testing in Robeson County.

Record Number: 

Knick, Stanley. Robeson Crossroads archaeological survey: phase II testing in Robeson County. Pembroke, NC: Native American Resource Center, Pembroke State University, 1993. 56 pages.


Using funding from the North Carolina Division of Archives and History, the National Park Service, and the Native American Resource Center, Knick and others (see Acknowledgments) conducted intensive tests on 15 high-potential archaeological sites in Robeson County. These sites were selected from the 314 sites identified by the Phase I archaeological reconnaissance Knick conducted in 1987-88. 

The major objectives of this Phase II testing were (1) to determine whether the sites warranted further research and (2) to assess their eligibility for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (see Appendix IV). The reconnaissance had used surface collection of artifacts to identify sites. Phase II used 1' square shovel tests (18"-36") at 25' intervals and soil auguring (1' deep, at 5' intervals, in blocks 25 feet square). For each site, Knick provides a chart showing the scale outline of the site, the shovel test and soil auger points, and (where possible), the area of greatest density of surface artifacts. He also provides a narrative discussion of the nature of the site and the variety of artifacts discovered, such as pottery shards, lead balls, implements, projectile points, and flakes indicating tool manufacture and/or maintenance. 

Knick then surveys the uses and periods of occupation of the site, as well as whether it does or does not warrant further research. One site showed very high research potential, two high, three moderate, and the rest low. No conclusive evidence was found concerning the linguistic affiliation of pre-contact Native Americans in the county (p. 50). The site which was judged to have very high research potential was suspected to be a constructed burial ground (p. 41).

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
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Access: This report can be purchased for $10.70 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling (make check payable to Native American Resource Center). Mail payment to: Native American Resource Center, UNC-Pembroke, PO Box 1510 UNCP, Pembroke, NC 28372-1510. See the Native American Resource Center's publications list.

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UNC-Pembroke, Native American Resource Center. Publications list
Other Features of Work: 
24 references, several diagrams of sites, 4 appendices