Locklear, Mark. “Recognition hearing set for Sept. 17.” Robesonian Friday, September 5, 2003.
A hearing on the federal recognition bill introduced by Senator Elizabeth Dole will be held by the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on September 17 from 10:00 a.m. until noon. Milton Hunt, Tribal Chairperson, will be the chief witness. Others scheduled to offer testimony include Senator Elizabeth Dole, Senator John Edwards, anthropologist Jack Campisi, tribal attorney Arlinda Locklear, and Representative Mike McIntyre. The tribe hopes to provide a bus so that supporters can attend the hearing.
Officials of the tribe would like Congress to vote on the bill early in 2004.
Another bill for federal recognition, introduced by Representative Mike McIntyre, has 223 cosponsors. That bill is now in the House Resources Committee. No hearing date has been set.