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Author Record Number Citation
Maynor, Malinda MAYN012

Maynor, Malinda, Judy Kertesz, and Ian Aronson. “Lumbee history.” The Appalachian Quarterly [Wise County Historical Society, VA] 4.2 (June 1999): 82-93.

Maynor, Malinda MAYN001

Maynor, Malinda. “Violence and the racial boundary: fact and fiction in the swamps of Robeson County, 1831-1871.” Honors Thesis (History and Literature), Harvard College, 1995. Key source

Maynor, Malinda MAYN010

Maynor, Malinda. “Indians got rhythm: Lumbee and African American church song.” North Dakota Quarterly 67.3-4 (2000): 72-91.

Maynor, Waltz 104

Maynor, Waltz.  “Academic Performance and School Integration: A Multi-Ethnic Analysis.”  Diss.  Duke U, 1970.

Maynor, Malinda MAYN011

Maynor, Malinda. “Was Henry Berry Lowrie a turpentiner?” Carolina Indian Voice 6 December 2001: 2.

Maynor, Malinda MAYN021

Maynor, Malinda. "Native American identity in the segregated South: The Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina, 1872-1956." Dissertation. U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2005.

Maynor, Douglas W. 657

Maynor, Douglas W. “Claims Cherokee Name for Robeson Indians.”  Robesonian 4 July 1979.

Maynor, Malinda M. MAYN009

Sounds of Faith. Dir. and prod. by Malinda M. Maynor. Videocassette. Department of Communication, Stanford U, 1997. 14 min. Key source

Maynor-Clark, Vinita MAYN006

Maynor-Clark, Vinita. “Reader favors heart center coming to Southeastern Regional Medical Center.” Carolina Indian Voice 17 December 1998:4

Maynor-Clark, Vinita MAYN002

Maynor-Clark, Vinita. “Cookie's Corner 1999 (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 11 March 1999: 2.

Maynor-Clark, Vinita MAYN007

Maynor-Clark, Vinita. “World's strongest man, Chief Iron Bear, to compete in U.S. Strongest Man competition.” Carolina Indian Voice 24 September 1998: 1.

Maynor-Clark, Vinita VMC0001

Maynor-Clark, Vinita. “Through Indian Eyes draws hundreds for auditions.” Carolina Indian Voice 21 January 1999:1. 

Maynor-Clark, Vinita MAYN000

Maynor-Clark, Vinita. “Through Native Eyes (The Henry Berry Lowry Story).” Carolina Indian Voice 7 January 1999:1.

Maynor-Clark, Vinita MAYN004

Maynor-Clark, Vinita. “'Through Native Eyes' Draws Hundreds for Auditions.” Carolina Indian Voice 21 January 1999: 1.

McAlearney, Ann Scheck MCAL001

McAlearney, Ann Scheck, Katherine W. Reeves, and Cathy Tatum. "Cost as a barrier to screening mammography among underserved women." Ethnicity & health 12.2 (2007): 189-203.

McCray, Mike MCCR003

McCray, Mike. “Lowery album gets a re-release.” The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, NC). July 6, 2012

McCray, Michael MCCR002

McCray, Michael. “Lumbee musician Willie French Lowery dies at 68.” The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, NC). May 4, 2012

McCrumb, Sharyn MCCR001

McCrumb, Sharyn. Lovely in her bones. 1985. New York: Ballantine Books, 1990.

McCulloch, Anne Merline MCCU001

McCulloch, Anne Merline, and David E. Wilkins. “'Constructing' nations within states: the Quest for federal recognition by the Catawba and Lumbee tribes.” American Indian Quarterly 19.3 (Summer 1995): 361-88.  Key source.

McDaniel, Kathryn H. MCDA001

McDaniel, Kathryn H., Overman, Muriel, Guttu, Martha, Engelke, Martha K. "School nurse evaluations: Making the process meaningful and motivational." The Journal of School Nursing, Vol 29(1), Feb 2013. pp. 19-30.

McDonald, Laughlin 748

McDonald, Laughlin.  “‘Undisciplined’ Indians.”  Civil Liberties 303 (July 1974): 3-4.  Rpt. in Carolina Indian Voice 18 July 1974: 4.

McDougle, Ivan E. 698

Estabrook, Arthur H., and Ivan E. McDougle. Mongrel Virginians: The WIN tribe. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1926. Pp. 188-94.

McEachern, Stuart 1109

McEachern, Stuart. “Eight years of terror.” The State 20.26 (29 Nov. 1952): 6.

McFarland, A.J. 531

McFarland, A. J.  “The Lost Colony.”  Popular Educator 40 (April 1923): 464-66.

McGee, Kendall MCGE001

McGee, Kendall. "Hearing scheduled for act that would grant Lumbee full federal recognition." [Florence, SC] September 19, 2017.

McInnis, N. 599

McInnis, N.  “Thoughts Regarding Indians of Robeson.”  Robesonian 5 March 1934: 4.

McInnis, N 770

McInnis, N. “Mayor McInnis Resents New Name for Pembroke.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 1 Jan. 1931: 4.

McIntyre, Dole MCIN003

McIntyre, Dole, and Tim Funk.  “Federal recognition of Lumbee Indian tribe raises questions.” Knight-Ridder/Tribune business news April 2, 2004: ITEM04093039.

McIrvin, Ronald 986

McIrvin, Ronald. “The Urban Indian: A Profile of the Greensboro Native American Population.” Urban Growth and Urban Life: Proceedings of the 3rd Urban Affairs Conference of N.C. Charlotte, 1981. Pp. 419-29. [UNC-WL]

McKay, Arnold A. 536

McKay, Arnold A.  “Nobody Knows Anything about the Croatans.”  The State 1.39 (24 Feb. 1934): 1-2.

McKellar, Brenda C. 641

McKellar, Brenda C.  “A Name to Live By.”  Unpub. typescript.  N.d.

McKenna, Christopher J. MCKE001

McKenna, Christopher J."Tri-racial theaters in Robeson County, North Carolina, 1896-1940." Going to the movies: Hollywood and the social experience of cinema. Ed. Richard Maltby, Melvyn Stokes, and Robert C. Allen. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2008. Pages 45-59; notes on pages 399-402.

McKenna, Chris MCKE002

McKenna, Chris. "Chasing MR. C: Early motion-picture exhibition in Robeson county, North Carolina (1896-1950)." Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 74(9-A)(E), 2014.

McKinnon, Henry A., Jr. MCKI001

McKinnon, Henry A., Jr. “Abiah's legend lives on.” Robeson Remembers column. Robesonian Sunday, 22 January 2000: 1C, 3C.

McKnickle, D'Arcy 607

McNickle, D’Arcy. “Memorandum [for the Commissioner of Indian Affairs]. Re: Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina.” Washington: Bureau of Indian Affairs, 7 April 1936. 7 p.

McKnickle, D'Arcy 608

McNickle, D’Arcy.  “Memorandum [for the Commissioner of Indian Affairs].  Re: Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina.”  Washington: Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1 May 1936.  13 p.

McLaurin, Tim 374

McLaurin, Tim.  “An Early Planting.”  Southern Exposure 18.4 (Winter 1990): 30-34.

McLaurin, C.E. 229

McLaurin, C. E.  “Old Main, Grocery Destroyed as Robeson Fire Continues.”  Robesonian 19 March 1973: 1.

McLaurin, Tim MCLA001

McLaurin, Tim. Keeper of the moon: a Southern boyhood. New York: Anchor Books (Doubleday), 1991.

McLean, A. W. 9

McLean, A. W. “Historical Sketch of Indians of Robeson County.” Robesonian (Lumberton, NC) 3 April 1913: 2; 7 April 1913: 2. Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit F.

McLean, A.W. 9

McLean, A. W.  “Historical Sketch of Indians of Robeson County.”  Robesonian 3 April 1913: 2; 7 April 1913: 2.  Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit F.

McLean, Angus W. 522

McLean, Angus W.  “Historical Sketch of the Indians of Robeson County.”  Statement before the House Committee on Indian Affairs, 14 Feb. 1913.  Hearings on S. 3258 (entry 1326), pp.19-25.  Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit F.

McLean, David 1068

McLean, David, and Michael Sellon. Documentary research of historic and pre-historic sites located in the Lumber River basin (d.o. DACW60-78-M-0503). 2v. Prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District, 1978. Ms. on file, St. Andrews Presbyterian College.

Mclean, David A. 1067

McLean, David A. “Project BOR 15-500 LWCF: Robeson County Recreation and Parks Commission, Lumberton, NC: Archaeological Reconnaissance.” 17 Dec. 1976. 14p. Report no. 5 in: North Carolina Archaeological Council Publication No. 3. Raleigh: Archaeological Council and the Archaeology Branch, Div. of Archives and History, N.C. Dept. of Cultural Resources, 1977.

McLean, Danielle MCLE001

McLean, Danielle. “Native votes went missing in North Carolina. Tribal leaders vow that won’t happen again next week.” ThinkProgress [Center for American Progress Action Fund] September 3, 2019.

McMahan, Eva M. 1050

McMahan, Eva M. “Lumbee Soundings: Voices of the Past.” [Script for a 30-minute videotape.] Lumberton: Robeson County Compensatory Indian Education Project, 31 May 1984. 18 p.

McMillan, Hamilton 588

McMillan, Hamilton.  Letter to O. M. McPherson, Special Indian Agent.  2 Aug. 1914.  Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit M, pp. 242-3.

McMillan, Alex Frew MCMI001

McMillan, Alex Frew. “Lost cause.” Business/North Carolina 15.10 (October 1, 1995): 40-48.

McMillan, Hamilton 513

McMillan, Hamilton.  The Lost Colony Found: An Historical Sketch of the Discovery of the Croatan Indians.  With: Their Advance Movement: Condition Before and After the War, Progress in Civilization and Religion.  By the Rev. J. J. Blanks.  Lumberton: Robesonian Job Print., [c1898?]  35 p.

McMillan, Hamilton 520

McMillan, Hamilton.  “The Croatans.”  North Carolina Booklet 10.3 (Jan. 1911): 115-21.

McMillan, Hamilton 506

McMillan, Hamilton. Sir Walter Raleigh’s Lost Colony: An historical sketch of the attempts of Sir Walter Raleigh to establish a colony in Virginia, with the traditions of an Indian tribe in North Carolina. Indicating the fate of the colony of Englishmen left on Roanoke Island in 1587. Wilson, NC: Advance Presses, 1888. 29 p. Rev. ed. Raleigh: Edwards and Broughton, 1907. 46 p. Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit C. Microfilmed by the Library of Congress.

McNeill, John Charles 1052

McNeill, John Charles. “Lumber River.” 1905. Robesonian Feb. 1951 (Robeson County Historical Edition): Sec. 2 p. 1.

McNeill, John Charles 343

McNeill, John Charles.  Possums and Persimmons: Newly Collected Poems.  Wendell, NC: Broadfoot’s Bookmark, 1977.

McPherson, O.M. 49

McPherson, O. M. Indians of North Carolina: Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, Transmitting, in Response to a Senate Resolution of June 30, 1914. Caption Title: Report on Condition and Tribal Rights of the Indians of Robeson and Adjoining Counties of North Carolina. US. 63rd Congress, 3rd Session. S. Doc. 677. Dated 5 Jan. 1915. Serial Set 6772. 252 p. Key source

McSpadden, Kay MCSP001

McSpadden, Kay. "Education’s newest ‘innovation’ in poor schools is just moving chairs on the Titanic." Charlotte Observer [Charlotte, NC]. January 22, 2018.

Meacham, Jody MEAC001

Meacham, Jody. "Lumbee gymnast Ashton Locklear aims to make up ground at Olympic Trials." The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). July 9, 2016

Meacham, Jody MEAC002

Meacham, Jody. "Lumbee gymnast Ashton Locklear named alternate for U.S. Olympics team." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. July 12, 2016. 

Meadows, Bob MEAD001

Meadows, Bob. “Lumbee pride, enterprise define, design heritage gear.” Charlotte Observer (North Carolina) 4 April 1997 (Friday): 1C, 8C.

Mehrtens, Cliff MEHR001

Mehrtens, Cliff. “Indian mascots secure for now? Panel: As long as behavior inoffensive.” Charlotte Observer 17 February 2001: 1B.

Melton, Frances Jones 512

Melton, Frances Jones.  “Croatans: The Lost Colony of America.”  Mid-Contintinent Magazine 6.3 (July 1895): [195]-202.

Meluch, Anthony M. MELU001

Meluch, Anthony M.; Karen S. Sibert, and Edmond C. Bloch.  “Malignant hyperthermia following isoflurane anesthesia in an American Lumbee Indian.” North Carolina Medical Journal 50.9 (September 1989): 485-487.

Melzer, Ashley MELZ001

Melzer, Ashley. “Proud to call him Lumbee: Willie French Lowery, 1944-2012.” Monday, May 7, 2012.

Mengers, Jerri 856

Menges, Jerri. “LRLS Officials Celebrate Service’s 10th Anniversary at Friday Banquet.” Robesonian 6 Nov. 1988: 1A.

Menges, Jerri 1269

Menges, Jerri. “Reporter Honored for Bravery in Takeover.” Robesonian 1 Feb. 1989: 1B.

Menges, Jerri 1073

Menges, Jerri. “Archaeology opens doors for Indian students.” Robesonian 7 May 1989: C1. 

Menges, Jerri 1252

Menges, Jerri. “Britt Doing Groundwork for Possible State Charges.” Robesonian 20 Oct. 1988: 1A.

Menges, Jerri 1268

Menges, Jerri. “Feb. 1, 1988: Impact of Hostage Incident Debated.” Robesonian 1 Feb. 1989: 1A.

Meredith, America MERE001

Meredith, America. “Lloyd Earl Oxendine.” First American Art Magazine Winter (2015/2016): 90-91.

Messer, Lynne MESS001

Messer, Lynne; Allan Steckler; and Mark Dignan. “Early detection of cervical cancer among Native American women: a qualitative supplement to a quantitative study.” Health Education & Behavior 26.4 (August 1999): 547-562.

Michielutte, Robert MICH002

Michielutte, Robert; Penny C. Sharp, Mark B. Dignan, and Karen Blinson. “Cultural issues in the development of cancer control programs for American Indian populations.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 5.4 (1994): 280 (17 pages).

Michielutte, Robert MICH001

Michielutte, Robert; Mark B. Dignan, Penny C. Sharp, Karen Blinson, and H. Bradley Wells. “Psychosocial factors related to cervical screening among Lumbee women.” American Journal of Health Behavior 23.2 (March/April 1999): 115-127.

Middleton, Lorenzo 252

Middleton, Lorenzo.  “N.C. Indians Oppose Selection of a White to Head College Originally Built for Them.”  Chronicle of Higher Education 18.22 (6 Aug. 1979): 1, 10.

Milbank, Dana MILB001

Milbank, Dana. “What's in a name? For the Lumbees, pride and money - the North Carolina Indians are exploring their roots and seeking federal standing.” Wall Street Journal 13 November 1995: A1.

Miller, Jason Paul MILL002

Miller, Jason Paul. “Mixed sociological alignment and ethnic identity: r-lessness in a Native American community.” Thesis. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, 1996. 84 pages.

Miller, Heather MILL006

Miller, Heather Ross. "Lumbee children." White trash: an anthology of contemporary Southern poets. Eds. Stone, Nancy and Robert Waters Grey. Charlotte, NC: New South, 1976. Page 57.

Miller, Doug MILL001

Miller, Doug. “Ms. Murphy has the cure for the evil that ails you. 'Root worker' curing spells, jinxes for 60 years.” Asheville Citizen-Times 16 March 1997 (Sunday): B4. Also in Charlotte Observer 17 March 1997: 2C and News & Observer (Raleigh, NC) 17 March 1997.

Miller, Sue 948

Miller, Sue. “City Schools Get Grant to Aid American Indian Students.” Baltimore Sun 4 Sept. 1973.

Miller, David James MILL003

Miller, David James. “Native Americans and the Confederacy during the Civil War: a study of the peculiar fight in Robeson County, North Carolina.” Honors essay. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998. 63 pages.

Mills, Gary B. 1037

Mills, Gary B. “Tracing Free People of Color in the Antebellum South: Methods, Sources, and Perspectives.” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 78.4 (Dec. 1990): 262-78.

Minegishi, Yoshiyuki MINE001

Minegishi, Yoshiyuki; Aubert Lavoie, Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, et al. “Mutations in activation-induced cytidine deaminase in patients with hyper IgM syndrome.” Clinical Immunology 97.3 (December 2000): 203-210.

Mitchell, Lynette Blair MITC001

Mitchell, Lynette Blair. “A place of belonging.” News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) Friday, 12 April 2002.

Moe, Susan Spence 1057

Moe, Susan Spence. “River Weaves Close-Knit Community.” News and Observer 19 Sept. 1976: Sec. 3 p. 2.

Monaghan, William Patrick 719

Monaghan, William Patrick.  “Frequencies of Blood Group Antigens in the Lumbee Indians of North Carolina.”  Thesis.  Bowling Green State U, 1974.

Monk, John MONK001

Monk, John. “U.S. bill would give Lumbees the right to sponsor gambling.” Charlotte Observer 9 June 1994: 1A.

Montgomerie, Deborah MONT001

Montgomerie, Deborah. “Coming to terms: Ngai Tahu, Robeson County Indians and the Garden Band of Ojibwa, 1840-1940. Three studies of colonialism in action.” Diss. Duke U, 1993.

Montgomery, Michael MONT002

Montgomery, Michael, and Margaret Mishoe. “'He bes took up with a Yankee girl and moved up there to New York': the verb bes in the Carolinas and its history.” American Speech 74.3 (Fall, 1999): 240-281.

Mook, Maurice A. 544

Mook, Maurice A.  “Algonkian Ethnohistory of the Carolina Sound.”  Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 34.7 (15 July 1944): 213-28.

Mooney, James 7

Mooney, James. “Croatan Indians.” Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 30, part 1.) Washington: Government Printing Office, 1907. P. 365. Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit M, pp. 251-252.

Mooney, James 7

Mooney, James.  “Croatan Indians.”  Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico.  (Smithsonian Institution.  Bureau of American Ethnology.  Bulletin 30, part 1.)  Washington: Government Printing Office, 1907.  P. 365.  Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit M, pp. 251-252.

Mooney, James 521

Mooney, James. "Comments recorded in: Proceedings of the Anthropological Society of Washington. Meeting of October 24, 1911." American Anthropologist ns 14 (1912): 563.

Moore, Wendy MOOR005

Moore, Wendy. “Tribal election raises many questions prior to installation.” Carolina Indian Voice Thursday, January 4, 2001: page 2.

Moore, MariJo MOOR004

Moore, MariJo, ed. Feeding the ancient fires: a collection of writings by North Carolina American Indians. [Greensboro, NC]: The Crossroads Press (a project of the North Carolina Humanities Council), 1999. 78 pages.

Moore-Cummings, Wendy MOOR003

Moore-Cummings, Wendy. “Time for talking is passed.” Carolina Indian Voice 25 March 1999:2.

Moran, Malcolm MORA001

Moran, Malcolm. "Sampson ready for rigors of Indiana; New coach a clear split from Knight era." USA Today Thursday March 30 2006, sec. Sports: 5C.

Morgan, Ernest West 80

Morgan, Ernest West.  “A Racial Comparison of Education in Robeson County (North Carolina).”  Thesis.  U of North Carolina, 1940.

Morgan, Mary Y. BRAY005

Brayboy, Mary E., and Mary Y. Morgan. “Voices of Indianness: the lived world of Native American women.” Women's Studies International Forum 21.4 (1998): 341-354.

Morris, Charles MORR001

Morris, Charles. “The swamp outlaws: a secret of twenty years.” Saturday Evening Post 1872. In nine installments: January 6, January 13, January 20, January 27, February 3, February 10, February 17, February 24, and March 2.

Morris, Murl Dale 969

Morris, Murl Dale. “Survey and Initiation of a Concept Proposal for the Implementation of a Community College Educational System Designed Specifically for the Needs of the Western Band of the United Lumbee Nation.” Diss. U of Mississippi, 1991.

Morris, Britt. 1026

Robeson County Register [periodical]. Ed. Morris F. Britt. Quarterly. Charlotte: M. F. Britt, IBS Graphics, 1986- .

Morris, Charles MOOR001

Morris, Charles. “The swamp outlaws: a secret of twenty years.” Saturday Evening Post 1872. In nine installments: January 6, January 13, January 20, January 27, February 3, February 10, February 17, February 24, and March 2.

Morrison, Julian 1161

Morrison, Julian. “Armed Indians Break Up Klan Meeting.” Greensboro Daily News 19 Jan. 1958: 1.

Morrison, Julian 1165

Morrison, Julian. “Sheriff Seeks Klan Leader's Indictment: Cole Accused of Inciting Riot Involving Indians and Ku Klux.” Greensboro Daily News 20 Jan. 1958: A1-3.

Moser, John J. 989

Moser, John J.  “Indians Worn Down by Neglect.”  Greensboro News & Record  1 May 1988: 1A.

Moss, Gary 1212

Moss, Gary. “John Hunt Sums Up His Situation: ‘I’m Terrified’.” Fayetteville Times 28 Feb. 1988: 1A.

Mott, Vivian MOTT002

Mott, Vivian W. "The role of culture in continuing professional education: An examination of epistemology and reflection among Native American women." The Cyril O. Houle Scholars in Adult and Continuing Education Program global research perspectives. Ed. Cervero, Ronald M. Vol. 4. Athens, GA: Department of Adult Education, U of Georgia, 2004. 127-37.

MRH, 20

MRH.  “Who Are the ‘Lumbee’ Indians?”  The Masterkey for Indian Lore and History [Los Angeles: Southwest Museum] 32 (May-June 1958): 92.

Munger, Guy 349

Munger, Guy.  “An Indian whose heart is filled with music.”  News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) 11 Nov. 1979: Sec. 4 p. 3.

Munger, Guy 154

Munger, Guy. “Promoting an Awareness of Indian Culture in the State.”  News and Observer 2 Feb. 1986: 3D.

Murawski, John MURA001

Murawski, John. “Robeson Co. has highest percentage of enrollments in NC under ACA.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]  October 2, 2014.

Murphy, Kate MURP001

Murphy, Kate. “State audit finds evidence of fraud, conflicts of interest by Oakland charter school operator.” San Jose Mercury News (San Jose, CA). June 13, 2012

Murphy, Edith 930

Murphy, Edith. “On the Trail of the Lumbees.” The VISTA Volunteer 3.10 (October 1967): 4-8. [PSU-MLL]

Murphy, Brian MURP002

Murphy, Brian and Quillin, Martha. "A new hurricane season is here. Why NC is still waiting for money to clean up from the last one." News & Observer [Raleigh, NC]. July 19, 2017.

Murray, Janette K. 335

Murray, Janette K. "Ella Deloria: A Biographical Sketch and Literary Analysis." Diss. U of North Dakota, 1974. Pp. 136-38.

Murray Jr., Ottis L. 858

Murray, Ottis L., Jr. “An Examination of Low Income Farmworkers’ Participation in a CETA Program in Robeson County, North Carolina.” Thesis. North Carolina State U, 1989.

Nacoste, Rupert W. NACO001

Nacoste, Rupert W. "Post-racial?: Something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Making connections: Interdisciplinary approaches to cultural diversity 11.1 (2009): 1-10.

Naureckas, Jim 854

Naureckas, Jim. Drugs, Good Ole Boys and ‘Just Another Murder’. In These Times 12.20 (13-19 April 1988): 5.

Nawrozki, Joe 952

Nawrozki, Joe. “Baltimore’s Forgotten Indians.” Baltimore News-American 19 Oct. 1975.

Nayer, Gautam NAYE002

Nayer, Gautam, Crystal D. Hadnott, and Riley H. Venable. "Patient satisfaction among Native Americans and other minority groups: Effects of patient physician match on ethnic origin & cultural similarity." Race, gender & class 17.3-4 (2010): 126-41.

Neal, Link NEAL002

Neal, Link, and Rhett McLaughlin. Looking for Ms. Locklear. Videodisk. RhettandLinKreations, [United States], 2008.

Nealy, Michelle J. NEAL001

Nealy, Michelle J. “Native roots and a multicultural future.”  Diverse Issues in Higher Education 25.17(2008): 30-31.

Nelson, Bryce 563

Nelson, Bryce.  “Looking for a Little Anthropological Delight?”  Washington Post 12 March 1978: G22.

Nelson, Mark S. NELS001

Nelson, Mark S.; Elizabeth A. Benziger, Michael J. Budzynski, et al. “Variations of probe EFD52 (D17526) for forensic DNA analysis.” Journal of Forensic Sciences 41.4 (July 1996), 557-68.

Newman, Denise L. NEWM001

Newman, Denise L. “Ego development and ethnic identity formation in rural American Indian adolescents." Child development 76.3 (May/June 2005): 734-746.

Newman, John U., Jr. 1188

Newman, John U., Jr. “We ran the Klan out of Carolina.” By a Lumbee woman as told to Newman. Official Detective Stories 28 (May 1958): 8-13.

Newsom, Ruby Crockett 1106

Newsom, Ruby Crockett. “McKay birthday celebration.” Robesonian 16 June 1939: 4.

Nichols, Rick 725

Nichols, Rick. “Are They Indians? Are They Lumbees?” News and Observer 9 Jan. 1972: Sec. 4 p. [3].

Nichols, Rick 637

Nichols, Rick.  “Indian Rights Is Smoldering Issue.”  News and Observer 11 March 1973: Sec. 1 p. 5.

Nichols, Rick 812

Nichols, Rick. “Indians Hit Postmaster Appointment.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 26 May 1974: 1.

Nielson, Alfred Meville 702

Nielson, Alfred Melville.  “A Study of Certain ‘Racial Islands’ in the Eastern United States.”  Thesis. Ohio State U, 1947.

Nimcocks, Amber NIMO001

Nimocks, Amber. “In 7th District, different paths point to capitol; Robeson educator's candidacy challenges 'old 'boy' tradition.” Fayetteville Observer-Times (Fayetteville, N.C.) 2 June 1996.

Norment, Bill 890

Norment, Bill. “Oxendine Sweeps All-Star Honors.” [Newspaper article, 1952?]

Norment, Mary C. 1083

Norment, Mary C. The Lowrie History, As Acted in Part by Henry Berry Lowrie, the Great North Carolina Bandit. With Biographical Sketches of His Associates. Being a Complete History of the Modern Robber Band in the County of Robeson and State of North Carolina. Wilmington: Daily Journal Printer, 1875. Key source

Norton, Bill, Jr. 419

Norton, Bill, Jr.  “A Tearful William Foster Jacobs–Lay Person of Year.”  North Carolina Christian Advocate 28 June 1988: 2.

Nye, R. 907

Nye, R. “Collins to Take On World’s Best.” Robesonian 1 Nov. 1992: 7B.

O'Brien, William OBRI001

O'Brien, William. “A truth to set them free: scenes from Robeson County.” The Other Side 25 (January-February 1989): 22-28.

O'Connor, Paul 250

O’Connor, Paul.  “Lumbee-HEW Meeting: ‘Limited Success’.”  Robesonian 1 July 1979: 1.

O'Connor, Paul 243

O’Connor, Paul.  “Dr. Givens Asks for Chance: ‘To Show What I Can Do’.”  Robesonian 13 May 1979: 7B.

O'Connor, Paul 244

O’Connor, Paul.  “Turner Rebuts Locklear’s Criticism.”  Robesonian 15 May 1979: 1.

O'Connor, Paul 249

O’Connor, Paul.  “Indians Appeal for Unity at Protest Rally.”  Robesonian 24 June 1979:  1A.

O'Connor, Paul 240

O’Connor, Paul.  “PSU Chancellor Selection Process Hit.” Robesonian 1 May 1979: 1.

O'Connor, Paul 241

O’Connor, Paul.  “Friday Expected to Name Givens as PSU Chancellor.”  Robesonian 11 May 1979: 1.

O'Mara, Richard OMAR001

O'Mara, Richard. “Among Lumbees, Locklear is the name of the game.” Baltimore Sun 12 October 1993: 6A (Tuesday)

Oakley, Eve 573

Oakley, Eve.  “James Lowery: Seeking the Truth.”  Fayetteville Observer 12 July 1983: 10A.

Oakley, Christopher Arris OAKL003

Oakley, Christopher Arris. “The legend of Henry Berry Lowry: Strike at the Wind! and the Lumbee Indians of North Carolina.” Mississippi quarterly 60.1 (Winter/Spring 2007): 59–80. Key source

Oakley, Christopher Arris OAKL004

Oakley, Christopher Arris. "'When Carolina Indians went on the warpath': The media, the Klan, and the Lumbees of North Carolina." Southern Cultures 14.4 (2008): 55-84.

Ocean, T. OCEA001

Ocean, T. Lynn. Southern poison: a Jersey Barnes mystery. New York: Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Minotaur, 2008.

Ohles, John F. 265

Ohles, John F., and Shirley M. Ohles.  Public Colleges and Universities.  New York: Greenwood, 1986.  Pp. 565-66.

Okuda-Jacobs, Angelina OKUD001

Okuda-Jacobs, Angelina. “Planting health, culture and sovereignty: traditional horticulture of the Lumbee Nation of North Carolina.” Thesis (M.S., Land Resources). U of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000. 90 p. Key source

Ola, Akinshiju C. 1214

Ola, Akinshiju C. “Newspaper Office Seized in Protest.” The Guardian: Independent Radical Newsweekly 2 Mar. 1988: 7.

Ola, Akinshiju C. 1253

Ola, Akinshiju C. “It Is the People Who Have Brought Justice, Not the System.” The Guardian: Independent Radical Newsweekly 26 Oct. 1988: 3.