Ground broken today for Pembroke group home

Record Number: 

Locklear, Mark. “Ground broken today for Pembroke group home.” Robesonian Tuesday, 28 May 2002.


A ground-breaking ceremony was held for the Native American Group Home on Ruth Dial Street near Pembroke Elementary School. The home, a project of the Southeastern United Methodist Agency for Rehabilitation and other agencies, will be operated by Asbury Homes. The 3,000-square-foot home, the first group home to be constructed in a Native American community, will be open to both Native Americans and others with developmental disabilities or physical or mental challenges. It is anticipated to house six adults and employ six staff (three of them part-time). The residents will be referrals from local agencies. The home should be open in sixteen months.

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Disabled adults | Group homes | United Methodist Church | Gary Locklear | Native American Group Home (Pembroke, NC)