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Author Record Number Citation
Biggs, Bo BIGG001

Biggs, Bo. “Milton Hunt to lead Democrats.” On the street column. Robesonian Tuesday, 27 April 1999: 4A.

Biggs, Kate Britt 1015

Biggs, Kate Britt, comp. Census of 1800, Robeson County, North Carolina. Compiled ... for the Col. Thomas Robeson Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. N.p.: n.p., [1946].

Biggs, Kate Britt 1014

Biggs, Kate Britt, comp. Census of 1850, Robeson County, North Carolina. N.p.: n.p., [1946].

Bigony, Beatrice 998

Bigony, Beatrice. “Migrants to the City: A Study of the Socioeconomic Status of Native Americans in Detroit and Michigan.” Diss. U of Michigan, 1974.

Bishop, Lynette 144

Bishop, Lynette.  “Two School Suits Claim Violations.”  Robesonian 4 Jan. 1981: 1D.

Blackburn, Charles 1123

Blackburn, Charles. “The nefarious adventures of the Lowry Gang.” The Near East 3.4 (Sept.-Oct. 1975): 18-21. Also in Tar Heel8.5 (July 1980): 24-25, 63.

Bledsoe, Jerry 631

Bledsoe, Jerry.  “Lumbee Pride and Politics: ‘A Mighty Stirring’ of People.”  Greensboro Daily News 19 Jan. 1971: A1.

Bledsoe, Jerry 802

Bledsoe, Jerry. “ ... Still Suffering and Hungry: Desperately Poor Lumbees Are There If You Look.” Greensboro Daily News [Greensboro, NC] 18 Jan. 1971: A1.

Bledsoe, Jerry 119

Bledsoe, Jerry. “‘Our Schools Are Close to Us’: Will Loss of Indian Schools Mean Loss of Identity?” Greensboro Daily News 19 Jan. 1971: A9.

Bledsoe, Jerry 219

Bledsoe, Jerry.  “There Could Be Trouble, Indians Say.”  Greensboro Daily News 13 Feb. 1972: A1.

Bledsoe, Jerry 220

Bledsoe, Jerry.  “Battle of Emotion Over a Building They Love.” Greensboro Daily News 13 Feb. 1972: A1.

Bledsoe, Jerry 226

Bledsoe, Jerry.  “Lew Barton Seeks the Middle of Indian-Centered Controversy.”  Greensboro Daily News 12 March 1973: B1.

Bledsoe, Jerry 326

Bledsoe, Jerry. “The Culture: Not Distinctly Indian: They Have Chosen to Follow the White Man’s Ways.” Greensboro Daily News 17 Jan. 1971: A-14.

Bledsoe, Jerry 23

Bledsoe, Jerry.  “A Story of Indian Progress: ‘We’ve Made It On Our Own’.”  Greensboro Daily News 17 Jan. 1971: A1.

Bledsoe, Jerry 210

Bledsoe, Jerry.  “A Symbol of Accomplishment.”  Greensboro Daily News 19 Jan. 1971: A9.

Bledsoe, Jerry 977

Bledsoe, Jerry. ‘The Heart Is-–Down Home’: Lumbees Return to Robeson County. Greensboro Daily News 20 Jan. 1971: A1.

Bledsoe, Jerry 1159

Bledsoe, Jerry. “Mr. Winkley Likes the Old.” Greensboro Daily News 17 Jan. 1971: A14. Rpt. (with modifications) in Bledsoe’s Just Folks: Visitin’ with Carolina People (Charlotte: Fast & McMillan, 1980), pp. 51-54.

Blu, Karen I BLU0001

Blu, Karen I. “'Reading back' to find community: Lumbee ethnohistory.” In North American Indian anthropology: essays on society and culture. Ed. Raymond J. DeMallie and Alfonso Ortig. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1994. Pp. 278-95. Key source

Blu, Karen I. BLU0005

Blu, Karen I. “5. Region and recognition: Southern Indians, anthropologists, and presumed biology.” In: Anthropologists and Indians in the new South. Ed. Rachel A. Bonney and J. Anthony Paredes. Tuscaloosa: Alabama UP, 2001. Pages 71-85; notes on pages 238-240. Key source

Blu, Karen I. 634

Blu, Karen I.  “‘We People’: Understanding Lumbee Indian Identity in a Tri-Racial Situation.”  Diss.  U of Chicago, 1972.

Blu, Karen I. 655

Blu, Karen I.  “The Uses of History for Ethnic Identity: The Lumbee Case.”  Currents in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Sol Tax.  Ed. Robert Hinshaw.  The Hague: Mouton, 1979. Pp. [271]-85.

Blu, Karen I. 648

Blu, Karen I.  “Varieties of Ethnic Identity: Anglo-Saxons, Blacks, Indians, and Jews in a Southern County.”  Ethnicity 4.3 (1977): 263-86.

Blu, Karen I. BLU0006

Blu, Karen I. “Lumbee.” Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 14, Southeast. Ed. Raymond D. Fogelson. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 2004. Pages 319-327. Key source

Blu, Karen I. 55

Blu, Karen I. The Lumbee problem: the making of an American Indian people. 1980; Lincoln: Nebraska UP, 2001. Key source

Blu, Karen I BLU0002

Blu, Karen I. “'Where do you stay at?' Home place and community among the Lumbee.” Senses of place. Ed. Steven Feld and Keith H. Basso. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press, 1996. Pp. 197-227. Key source

Blue, Brantley 215

Blue, Brantley.  “Wants To Preserve ‘Old Main’ and Get New Auditorium Too.”  Robesonian  25 Jan. 1972: 6.

Blue, Denise BLUE001

Blue, Denise. “The Lumbee: legends, lies, and lives.” Thesis. Western Carolina University, 1998. 68p.

Blythe, Anne BLYT002

Blythe, Anne. "Anheuser-Busch distributor removes Budweiser ads that offended Lumbees of NC." The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC). June 15, 2016

Blythe, Anne BLYT001

Blythe, Anne. "Lumbees of NC sue Anheuser-Busch over trademark use in Budweiser ads." The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC). June 14, 2016

Blythe, Anne BLYT004

Blythe, Anne. "Did Robeson County sheriff hide evidence in James Jordan killing investigation?" News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] December 19, 2016.

Bolch, Judy 757

Bolch, Judy.  “Indian Mysteries for Sale.”  News and Observer 18 June 1990: 1A.

Bonham, Chad BONH001

Bonham, Chad. Wrestling with God: 10 Stories of modern day warriors who came face to face with the Creator. Tulsa, OK: RiverOak Publishing, 2001. See Chapter 1, “Tatanka,” pages 15-35.

Bonney, Rachel A. 1397

Ethnic Studies Guide and Resources Manual for the Carolinas. By Rachel A. Bonney. Washington: Office of Education (DHEW), Ethnic Heritage Studies Branch, 1979. ERIC ED 183 494

Borchert, John L. 429

Borchert, John L.  “WNCC Organizes New Native American Church.”  North Carolina Christian Advocate 26 Jan. 1993 No. 2 WNCC: 1, 10.

Bordewich, Fergus M. BORD001

Bordewich, Fergus M. Killing the white man's Indian: reinventing Native Americans at the end of the twentieth century. New York: Doubleday, 1996. [See Chapter 2, “We Ain't Got Feathers and Beads,” pp.60-92.] Key source

Borowsky, Christina Marie 471

Borowsky, Christina Marie.  “Behavioral Characteristics of Lumbee Children According to Sibling Position.”  Thesis.  U of Maryland at Baltimore, 1973.

Boughman, Arvis Locklear BOUG003

Boughman, Arvis Locklear, and Loretta O. Oxendine. Herbal remedies of the Lumbee Indians. McFarland, 2004.

Boughman, Arvis BOUG002

Boughman, Arvis. “The Lumbee language is back!” Carolina Indian Voice. 1 April 1999:2.

Boughman, Arvis BOUG001

Boughman, Arvis. “The Lumbee language is coming back?” Carolina Indian Voice 25 March 1999:2.

Bow, Leslie BOW0001

Bow, Leslie. “The interstitial Indian: The Lumbee and segregation's middle caste.” Partly colored: Asian Americans and racial anomaly in the segregated South. New York: New York UP, 2010. 57-89; notes, 246-49.

Bowden, Barry 847

Bowden, Barry. “Report Says Justice Not Equitable for Indians.” Fayetteville Times 3 Feb. 1988.

Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara LOCK007

Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara. “Real Indian art.” N.C. Arts 8.3 (Fall 1992). Reprinted in Shared Heritage (Heritage Arts, 1993) and in Pembroke Magazine 27 (1995): 10-11.

Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara BRAV003

Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara. “Keeping the circle is . . .” In: Homecoming: an anthology by Writers Ink Guild. Ed. Marie Davis Winfree. Fayetteville, NC: Old Mountain Press, 1999. Page 68. Reprinted in Pembroke Magazine 32 (2000), page 141.

Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara BRAV001

Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara. “Local artist creates work for 'SATW' art auction.” Robesonian 26 June 1994:1A.

Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara BRAV002

Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara. “Lumbee artist dancing 'the Spiral Dance.'” Robesonian 21 December 1994: C1.

Brayboy, Connee BRAY008

Brayboy, Connee. “Remembering senior resident Superior Court judge Sandy Dexter Brooks.” Carolina Indian Voice 14 March 2002: 1.

Brayboy, Connee BRAY004

Brayboy, Connee. “Jacobs becomes tribal administrator amid allegations of non-compliance of federal rules and regulations.” Carolina Indian Voice (Pembroke, NC). February 19, 2004

Brayboy, Connee BRAY001

Brayboy, Connee. “Court rules neither LRDA nor Tribal Council is government but gives LRDA 'limited authority' to act on behalf of tribe.” Carolina Indian Voice 14 January 1999:1.

Brayboy, Connee BRAY002

Brayboy, Connee. Pembroke in the Twentieth Century. (The American Century Series) Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 1999. 96p. Key source

Brayboy, Bryan McKinley BRAY006

Brayboy, Bryan McKinley. “The Indian and the researcher: tales from the field.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 13.4 (July/August 2000): 415 (12 pages).

Brayboy, Shannon BRAY003

Brayboy, Shannon. “Lorna McNeill: a phenomenal woman.” Carolina Indian Voice 27.24 (15 June 2000): 1, 5.

Brayboy, Connee BRAY003

Brayboy, Connee. “Adolph Blue known as a man of principle and integrity.” Carolina Indian Voice Thursday, 6 July 2000: 1.

Brayboy, Tim BRAY009

Brayboy, Tim, and Bruce Barton. Playing before an overflow crowd: the story of Indian basketball in Robeson, North Carolina, and adjoining counties. Chapel Hill, NC: Chapel Hill P, 2003. 201 pages. Key source

Brayboy, Connee BRAY001

Brayboy, Connee. “Jacobs becomes tribal administrator amid allegations of non-compliance of federal rules and regulations.” Carolina Indian Voice (Pembroke, NC). February 19, 2004

Brewer, Jeutonne 355

Brewer, Jeutonne, and Robert W. Reising.  “Tokens in the Pocosin: Lumbee English in North Carolina.”  Essays in Native American English. San Antonio: Trinity U, 1982.  Also in American Speech 57.2 (1982): 108-20.

Brice, Pam BRIC001

Brice, Pam. "Shuler co-sponsors bill with adversary." Hendersonville news [ Henderson, Transylvania, and Polk Counties, North Carolina] April 27, 2007.

Bridgers, John Bracey 1064

Bridgers, John Bracey. “Groundwater pollution potential: a case study of Robeson County, North Carolina.” Thesis. Appalachian State U, December 1991. 

Bridges, Elinor 282

Bridges, Elinor.  “PSU Library’s History Linked to Progress.”  Robesonian 26 April 1992: C1.

Briggs, Delores 806

Briggs, Delores. “Control County School Board: Sociologist.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 1 Oct. 1972: 1.

Briggs, Olin 807

Briggs, Olin. “Further Hearings with Subpoena Powers Eyed as Civil Rights Advisory Panel Ends Sessions Here.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 1 Oct. 1972: 1

Briley, Mollye Hughes 467

Briley, Mollye Hughes.  “A Study of the Interpersonal Value Orientations of Extension Homemakers in Robeson County, NC.”  Thesis.  North Carolina State U, 1968.

Britt, Morris F. BRIT004

Britt, Morris F. "Appendix T. List of Lumbee surnames with dates of appearance in the greater Lumbee Settlement (N=523 surnames) 1740-2007." 107 pages. Key source

Britt, Morris F. 1039

Britt, Morris F. “Robeson County Indian Names: An Analysis Based upon the Census of 1910.” Robeson County Register 6.3 (August 1991): 120-22.

Britt, Albert 1053

Britt, Albert. “Down the Lumbee.” Outing 80 (Sept. 1922): 262-64.

Britt, Shannon BRIT001

Britt, Shannon. “Local gospel singer enjoying wave of success.” Robesonian 25 February 1994: 7A.

Britt, Morris 1027

Britt, Morris. “Indian Names in Robeson County.” Robeson County Register 1.3 (Aug. 1986): 113.

Britt, Grant BRIT005

Britt, Grant. "National Folk Festival: Dark Water Rising led by soulful powerhouse." Greensboro News and Record [Greensboro, NC] August 17, 2017.

Britten, Thomas A. BRIT003

Britten, Thomas A. American Indians in World War I: at home and at war. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico P, 1997. Pages 57, 198 (note 20).

Brooker, Lena Epps BROO002

Brooker, Lena Epps. “The blessings of Boone.” Appalachian Life 62 (December/January 2003): 24-25, 29.

Brooks, Jada BROO005

Brooks, Jada L, Diane Holditch-Davis, and Lawrence R. Landerman. “Interactive Behaviors of American Indian Mothers and Their Premature Infants.” Research in Nursing & Health. 36.6 (2013): 591-602.

Brooks, Jada BROO003

Brooks, Jada L, Diane Holditch-Davis, and Lawrence R. Landerman. “Interactive Behaviors of Ethnic Minority Mothers and Their Premature Infants.” Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. 42.3 (2013): 357-368.

Brooks, Dalton Peter 133

Brooks, Dalton Peter.  “Student Perception of Teacher Behavior in a Tri-Racial School District.”  Thesis.  Coral Gables, FL: U of Miami, 1975.

Brooks, Dexter 137

Brooks, Dexter.  “Desegregation in Robeson: Old Misrepresentations and New Directions.”  Revised.  Unpublished typescript.  22 April 1976.  31 p.

Brooks, Paul BROO001

Brooks, Paul. “A letter from the Indian Commission to President Molly Broad.” Carolina Indian Voice 18 February 1999:2.

Brooks, Paul BROO001

Brooks, Paul. “Tribal chair doubts validity of study.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). February 28, 2015 

Brooks, Jada L. BROO004

Brooks, Jada L., Diane Holdtich-Davis, Sharron L. Docherty, and Christina S. Theodorou. "Birthing and Parenting a Premature Infant in a Cultural Context." Qualitative Health Research 26.3 (2016): 387-398.

Brooks, Dexter 816

Brooks, Dexter. “Memorandum. Subject: A Survey of Federal Voting Law with Applications to Robeson County, North Carolina. To Professor Daniel H. Pollitt, U. of North Carolina School of Law, Chapel Hill.” 1 Dec. 1974. 31 p.

Brooks, Drew BLOG023

Brooks, Drew. "Former sheriff wins new sentence." Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] Tuesday, February 10, 2009.

Brower, Montgomery 1227

Brower, Montgomery, and Bill Shaw. “The Murder of Julian Pierce Provokes Grief and Grievances in Troubled Robeson County.” People Weekly 29.15 (18 April 1988): 60-62, 65.

Brown, Cynthia BROW003

Brown, Cynthia. [Reply to letter from Richard H. Houghton III]  Nation 257 no. 21 (20 December 1993): 750.

Brown, Cynthia BROW002

Brown, Cynthia. “The vanished Native Americans: unrecognized tribes.” Nation 257:11 (1 October 1993): 384, 386-388, 391. 2,647 words.

Brown, Dick 550

Brown, Dick.  “This Carolina Mystery Still Unsolved.”  News and Observer 19 July 1953:  Sec. 4 p. 1.

Brown, Wendy BROW001

Brown, Wendy. “Home remedies - and pinch of faith - cure ills in N.C.” Atlanta Journal and Constitution (Georgia) 15 January, 1995: Sec. M, p. 6. 740 words.

Brown, Dick 205

Brown, Dick.  “Pembroke State College Answers Indians’ Desire for Higher Education.”  Greensboro Daily News 1 June 1958: 1.

Brown, J.C. 893

Brown, J. C. “Indian 4-H Boys and Girls Learn Lesson in Living.” Robesonian 2 Aug. 1955: 7. Rpt. from Extension Service Review (USDA), June 1954.

Brown, Tonya BROW001

Brown, Tonya. "Rumors of violence lead to thousands skipping school in Robeson and Dillon counties." ABC 15 News [Myrtle Beach, SC]. February 19, 2018.

Brown, Dick 1172

Brown, Dick. “The Indians who routed the ‘Catfish’.” News and Observer 26 Jan. 1958: Sec. 3 p. 1.

Brown, Dick 1158

Brown, Dick. “U.S. Stakes Lumbees to New Future.” News and Observer 7 July 1968: Sec. 3 p. 8.

Brown, Dick 1126

Brown, Dick. “More Lowry saga.” Fayetteville Observer 5 July 1981: E1. 

Brown, L. A. 180

Brown, L. A.  “Indian Training School: Robeson County Indians and A. W. McLean Before House of Congress Committee—Ask for Appropriation of $50,000.”  Robesonian 17 Feb. 1913: 1.

Brown, Joye 141

Brown, Joye.  “Indians Lose Appeal of School Convictions.”  News and Observer 5 March 1980: 34.

Brown, D. 1156

Brown, D. “‘Radical’ Farm Venture for Indians Nears End.” News and Observer 15 Jan. 1967: III-12.

Brownell, Margo S. BROW004

Brownell, Margo S. “Note: Who is an Indian? Searching for an answer to the question at the core of federal Indian law.” University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 34 (Fall 2000/Winter 2001): 275- . 25,123 words.

Bryan, Susan Montoya BRYA002

Bryan, Susan Montoya. “American Indians ask for voice on federal court.” Associated Press. July 2, 2010

Bryant, Alfred BRYA002

Bryant Jr., Alfred, and Teresa D. LaFromboise. “The racial identity and cultural orientation of Lumbee American Indian high school students.” Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 11.1 (2005): 82-89.

Bryant, Alfred BRYA003

Bryant Jr., Alfred, et al. “Health differences among Lumbee Indians using public and private sources of care.” Journal of rural health 20.3 (2004): 231-36.

Bryant, Alfred BRYA003

Bryant, Alfred Jr., Baker, Stanley B. "The feasibility of constructing profiles of Native Americans from the People of Color Racial identity Attitude Scale: A brief report." Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, Vol 36(1), Apr, 2003. pp. 2-8.

Bryant, Alfred, Jr. BRYA001

Bryant, Alfred, Jr. “A validation of Helms' People of Color Racial Identity Attitude Scale with a Native American Population.” Diss. North Carolina State University, 1998. 75pp.

Bull, Rex Warren 478

Bull, Rex Warren.  “A Tri-Racial MMPI Study.”  Thesis.  U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1976.

Bumgarner, George William 421

Bumgarner, George William. The Methodist Episcopal Church in North Carolina, 1865-1939: Among the White Population, the Lumbee Native Americans, and, to a Limited Extent, the Black Population. [Charlotte]: Committee on Archives and History, Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, 1990. Pp. 223-35.

Burchette, Bob 128

Burchette, Bob.  “1st Indian on School Board Not a ‘Token’.”  Greensboro News 9 April  1973: B1.

Burgess, Elizabeth BURG002

Burgess, Elizabeth C. The Twins' Cafe, with 58 recipes from the characters. Denver, CO: Outskirts P, 2009.

Burgess, Harvey 829

Burgess, Harvey. “‘Deadliest Prosecutor’ Once Opposed Death Penalty.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 22 Mar. 1979: 4.

Burgess, Harvey 830

Bigelow, Scott. “Violence Seldom Crosses Racial Lines.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 16 April 1979: 1.

Burke, Brandon R. BURK001

Burke, Brandon R. "Isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from Lumbee medicinal plants." Thesis. Department of Chemistry, U of North Carolina at Wilmington, 2001. 51 pages. 8 tables, 19 figures.

Burt, Jesse 27

Burt, Jesse, and Robert B. Ferguson.  Indians of the Southeast, Then and Now. Nashville: Abingdon, 1973.  Pp. 155-58, 221-23, 231-35.

Butler, George E. 589

Butler, George E.  The Croatan Indians of Sampson County, North Carolina: Their Origin and Racial Status: A Plea for Separate Schools.  Durham, NC: Seeman Printery, 1916.

Byers, Donnie BYER001

Byers, Donnie. “Past, future on display at Odom (sp) home dedication.” Robesonian 28 April 1999: 1A.

Byrd, William L., III 1041

Byrd, William L., III, and Sheila Spencer Stover. “In Search of Cultural Identity. Part 2.” North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal February 1992: 48-54.

Calhoun, Jennifer CALH001

Calhoun, Jennifer. "Wealth adds on years: a study shows people in poor counties like Robeson don't live as long as those with more." Fayetteville Observer October 9, 2006.

Cannon, Sarita CANN001

Cannon, Sarita. "Racing towards manhood: The construction of Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance." The Quint: an interdisciplinary quarterly from the North, vol. 9, no. 4, 2017, pp. 9-35.

Carroll, Ginny 741

Carroll, Ginny.  “Indians’ Suit Dismissed in Wake Court.”  News and Observer 20 April 1973: 31.

Carroll, John S. 927

Carroll, John S. “Baltimore’s Lumbees: Lost Colonists?” Baltimore Sun 27 June 1966.

Carter, Kevin 1299

Carter, Kevin. “Conspiracy to Kill Native American Activist?” GreenLine Nov. 1991: 10-11.

Carter, Stephen L. Cart001

Carter, Stephen L. “Rename Redskins after NC Lumbee.” Newsobserver [Raleigh, NC] August 25, 2014.

Carter, J.L. 396

Carter, J. L.  “Burnt Swamp Association History Traced.”  The Biblical Recorder 5 Jan. 1949.

Carter, Lisa CART002

Carter, Lisa. Vines of Entanglement. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Fiction, 2015.

Cavin, Winston 983

Cavin, Winston. “Indians in Guilford in ‘Catch-up Game’ but GNAA Helping.” Greensboro Daily News 15 Jan. 1978: B9.

Cella, Matthew CELL001

Cella, Matthew. “Activist forces retitling of play; change omits use of ‘Indians’.” Washington Times November 12, 2002: B1. 773 words.

Ceriano, Valerie CERI001

Ceriano, Valerie. “Athletes beat prejudice, graciously accept plaque.” American Indian Report February 2000: page 28.

Chamberlain, Knight CHAM001

Chamberlain, Knight. “Answering the call: Cummings set to accept N.C. Baptist leadership role.” Robesonian 15 May 1999: 1A.

Chamberlain, Knight CHAM005

Chamberlain, Knight. “Lumbees hope for state boost.” Robesonian Saturday, 27 May 2000: 1A, 6A.

Chamberlain, Knight CHAM002

Chamberlain, Knight. “Here she is . . . Miss North Carolina.” Robesonian Monday 19 June 2000: 1A, 6A. 

Chamberlain, Knight 379

Chamberlain, Knight.  “Lela Brooks: An Example of the Power of Folk Art.”  Robesonian 3  May 1991: 6A.

Chamberlain, Knight CHAM003

Chamberlain, Knight. “McNeill doesn't believe in 'what if.'” Robesonian Saturday, 24 June 2000: 1A, 6A.

Chamberlain, Knight CHAM004

Chamberlain, Knight. “Budget includes Lumbee money.” Robesonian Friday, 16 June 2000: 1A.

Chamberlain, Knight BLOG024

Chamberlain, Knight. "Ex-sheriff Maynor faces punishment." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] Friday, June 20, 2008.

Chavers, Dean 25

Chavers, Dean.  “The Lumbee Story, Part I—Origin of the Tribe.”  Indian Voice [Santa Clara, CA: Native American Pub. Co.] 1.10 (1971-72): 11-12, 24.

Chavers, Dean 26

Chavers, Dean. “The Lumbee Story—Part II: A Short History of the Lumbees Since 1800.”  Indian Voice 1.11 (1971-72): 13-14, 26.

Chavers, Dean CHAV001

Chavers, Dean. “Some serious questions for the UNC-P Chancellor's Search Committee and other leadership.” Carolina Indian Voice 18 March 1999:2.

Chavis, Ben CHAV001

Chavis, Ben. "The teacher-student relationships as perceived by Lumbee Indians." Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol 47(4-A), Oct, 1986. pp. 1168.

Chavis, Ben CHAV004

Chavis, Ben, and Carey Blakeley. Crazy like a fox: one principal's triumph in the inner city. New York: New American Library, 2009.

Chavis, Ben 497

Chavis, Ben.  “The Teacher-Student Relationships as Perceived by Lumbee Indians.”  Diss.  U of Arizona, 1986.

Chavis, Vanessa CHAV003

Chavis, Vanessa L. “Aspects of a Lumbee Indian community that support successful algebra one students academically in middle grades.” Dissertation. University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2011.

Chavis, Preston CHAV005

Chavis, Preston. Memoirs of a Lumbee Native American boy. Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing & Enterprises, 2011.

Chavis, Abner 66


Chavis, Abner.  “Cherokee Indians of Robeson—They Need More and Better Schools No Provision for Care of Insane of the Race.”  Robesonian 15 Oct. 1917: 6.


Chavis, Ben CHAV002

Chavis, Ben. “What is Lumbee Indian culture? Does it exist?” In: A good Cherokee, a good anthropologist: papers in honor of Robert K. Thomas. Ed. Steve Pavlik. Los Angeles: American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, 1998. Pp. 177-188.

Chavis-Chitwood, Mary E. 1001

Chavis-Chitwood, Mary E. “Biography of James M. Chavis.” Unpublished typescript. 25 Dec. 1987. 21 p. [IERC]

Cheek, L. 975

Cheek, L. “Lumbees: A Silent Struggle.” Greensboro Record 7 Aug. 1968: D1.

Chesnutt, Charles Waddell CHES001

Chesnutt, Charles Waddell. Mandy Oxendine: a novel. [1897?] Ed. Charles Hackenberry. Urbana: Illinois UP, 1997. 112 p.

Chesnutt, Charles Waddell 284

Chesnutt, Charles Waddell. Mandy Oxendine: A Novel. [1897?] Ed. Charles Hackenberry. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1994?

Chicotel, Sally CHIC001

Chicotel, Sally, and Shane McLaughlin. “The list 500.” Inc. 20.15 (October 15, 1998): 81- .  (15 pages)

Christopher, Megan CHRI001

Christopher, Megan. “Persons with Disabilities in Robeson County, North Carolina: An Action-Oriented Community Diagnosis: Findings and Next Steps of Action.” Chapel Hill, NC: School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008. 95 p.

Church, Leon H. 262

Church, Leon H.  “Riddle of History Solved in Lebanon.”  The Lebanon Advertiser [Lebanon, IL] 6 June 1984: 5.  Rpt. in Carolina Indian Voice 12 July 1984: 1, 7.

Clabby, Catherine CLAB001

Clabby, Catherine. "Investigating Heart Health for Lumbee Women." North Carolina Health News. April 7, 2017.

Clark, Vinita CLAR003

Clark, Vinita Maynor. The historical making of the movie Through Native Eyes: The Henry Berry Lowrie story. Pembroke, NC: Carolina Indian Voice, 1999.

Clark, Kenneth D. 1003

Clark, Kenneth D. “Lumbee Indian Migration to Detroit and Their Success in Adjustment.” Thesis. Bowling Green State U, 1988. 69 p.

Clark, Vinita CLAR002

Clark, Vinita. “Where is the Beef? (The Lumbee Housing Money) The people certainly don’t have it!” Carolina Indian Voice (Pembroke, NC). July 22, 2004

Clarke, James F. CLAR001

Clarke, James F. "Walking in balance: Looking back while moving forward. Rediscovering the Lumbee language and moving into the 21st century." Thesis (MA, Liberal studies) Winston Salem, NC: Wake Forest University, 2007. 57p.

Clay, Russell 1193

Clay, Russell. “Injunction bars Klan from Robeson rally.” News and Observer 18 March 1966: 1.