Author | Record Number | Citation |
Clifford, William B. | 820 |
Clifford, William B., and Patricia L. Tobin. “Labor Force Participation of Working Mothers and Family Formation.” Demography 14.3 (Aug. 1977): 273-84. |
Clifford, William B. | 475 |
Clifford, William B., et al. “Modern and Traditional Value Orientations and Fertility Behavior in a Rural County.” International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 12.3-4 (July & Oct. 1975): 232-43. |
Cline, Ed | 231 |
Cline, Ed. “Old Main Likely to Cost Taxpayers A Million-Plus.” Greensboro Daily News 10 June 1973: A1. |
Clotfelter, Sallie | 670 |
Clotfelter, Sallie. “Pembroke Has Special Place in the Hearts of Lumbee Indians.” Greensboro News and Record 2 Nov. 1986: G1. |
Coggshall, Elizabeth | COGS001 |
Coggshall, Elizabeth L. “The prosodic rhythm of two varieties of Native American English.” NWAV 36. 2008. |
Coggshall, Elizabeth | COGS002 |
Coggshall, Elizabeth Learn. “Differential Vowel Accommodation among Two Native American Groups.” M. A. North Carolina State U, 2006. |
Cohen, Felix S. | 606 |
Cohen, Felix S. “Memorandum for the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.” Washington: Office of the Solicitor, US Dept. of the Interior, 8 April 1935. |
Cohen, David Steven | BLOG048 |
Cohen, David Steven. "Valid objections to recognition by Congress." News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] December 15, 2010. |
Coit, John | 740 |
Coit, John. “Authorities, Media Blamed for Poor Indian Showing.” News and Observer 14 April 1973: 19. |
Coit, J. | 809 |
Coit, J. “Panel Cites Robeson Bias.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 31 March 1973: 17. |
Coit, John | 127 |
Coit, John. “Robeson Indians Arrested.” News and Observer 25 March 1973: Sec. 1 p. 1. |
Coit, John | 738 |
Coit, John. “Hunt, Indians Meet; Holshouser Spurned.” News and Observer 11April 1973: 25. |
Coit, John | 118 |
Coit, John. “The gentle warrior for Lumbee Indians.” News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) 18 Oct. 1970: Sec. 4 p. 3. |
Coit, John | 324 |
Coit, John. “Indians Organize; Celebrate Holiday.” News and Observer 5 July 1970: 1. |
Coit, John | 217 |
Coit, John. “Indians Rally Against Democrats on Razing Plan.” News and Observer 6 Feb. 1972: Sec. 1 p. 5. |
Coit, John | 732 |
Coit, John. “Robeson Indians Arrested.” News and Observer 25 March 1973: Sec. 1 p. 1. |
Cole, James William | COLE002 |
East Carolina University. Joyner Library. Manuscript Collection. Guide to the James William Cole Papers, 1863, 1946-1967 (Manuscript Collection #40). |
Cole, Willard G. | 320 |
Cole, Willard G. “Robeson Indian Drama Proposed.” News and Observer 8 Dec. 1963. |
Coleman, D. Van | THRO001 |
Through Native Eyes: The Henry Berry Lowry Story. Videotape. Production, direction, and story by D. Van Coleman. “A NoDoze Production of a D. Van Coleman Film,” 1999. 52 min., 22 sec. |
Collins, Kristin | COLL001 |
Collins, Kristin. "Violence plagues Lumbees who are trying to stem tide; tribe in Robeson gets $30,000 state grant to study death rates." News and observer July 25 2006: A1. |
Collins, Marcus | COLL002 |
Collins, Marcus. “Navigating the Academy: Lumbee Indians and Higher Education.” Diss. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State U, 2015. |
Conley, Manuel A. | 1132 |
Conley, Manuel A., and Ginger Oxendine-Roberts. “Henry Berry Lowry House, North Carolina Indian Cultural Center: preliminary evaluation of interpretive data.” Paper for Public History (HST 370). Pembroke State U, 7 Dec. 1988. |
Cook, Andrew M. | COOK001 |
Cook, Andrew M. "'Thirty Thousand Half-Breeds' And 'Negroes with Guns': The Violent Formulation of Race in 1950s North Carolina." Thesis (MA, History). U of New York College at Brockport, 2006. 80 pages. |
Cooper, Richard | 1128 |
Cooper, Richard. Henry Berry Lowry: Rebel With a Cause. Famous Tar Heels. Raleigh: Creative Publications, 1985. |
Corbin, A.S. | 1141 |
Corbin, A. S. “Preliminary Report/Proposed Settlement 100 Families–Pembroke–Robeson County–N. C.” Unpub. typescript. N.d. [PSU-MLL] |
Corey, Mary | CORE001 |
Corey, Mary. “Sunday Snapshots (column): Herbert Locklear.” Baltimore Sun (Maryland) 13 October 1991: 1H (Sunday). |
Costo, Rupert | 663 |
Costo, Rupert. “An Object Lesson: The Lumbee Observance of Indian Heritage Week.” Wassaja: The Indian Historian 13.3 (Sept. 1980): 51-52. |
Couch, Greg | COUC001 |
Couch, Greg. "A cheater 'learns,' but mostly just earns." Chicago Sun-Times Friday May 26 2006, sec. Sports: 124. |
Cox, William Norment | 289 |
Cox, William Norment. “The Scuffletown Outlaws: A Carolina Folk-Play.” Southwest Review 11.3 (April 1926): [179]-204. —Reprints and Anthologies: In The Carolina Folk-Plays. Third Series. Ed. Frederick H. Koch. New York: Henry Holt, 1928. Pp. [1]-42. In North Carolina Drama. Ed. Richard Walser. Richmond, VA: Garrett & Massie, 1956. Pp. [35]-56. In The Scholastic [Pittsburgh: Scholastic Pub. Co.] 14 (11 May 1929): 6-7, 30-32; 14 (25 May 1929): 8-9, 28. |
Cox, Stephanie Ann | 147 |
Cox, Stephanie Ann. Minority Political Participation in North Carolina. Raleigh: North Carolina Human Relations Council, North Carolina Dept. of Administration, 1983. |
Coyle, Norman | 492 |
Coyle, Norman. “Adoption Problems Among Ethnic Groups: Lumbee Indian Children.” Residential Group Care and Treatment 2.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1983): 149-60. Rpt. in: Adoption for Troubled Children. Haworth, 1984. Pp. 149-60. |
Craven, Charles | 1190 |
Craven, Charles. “The Robeson County Indian uprising against the Ku Klux Klan.” South Atlantic Quarterly 57 (Autumn 1958): 433-42. |
Craven, Charles | 1197 |
Craven, Charles. “The night the Klan died in North Carolina.” True Magazine March 1975. Rpt. in Carolina Indian Voice 22 Jan. 1976: 1, 4-6. |
Craver, Richard | CRAV001 |
Craver, Richard. “High Point, N.C., businessman appointed to Charlotte Federal Reserve Office.” High Point Enterprise January 28, 2001. |
Crenshaw, David L. | CREN001 |
Crenshaw, David L. “Employing Lumbee Native American Stories to Identify Selective Cultural Distinctives within Native American Churches for the Purpose of a Counseling Ministry.” Ministry Research Project (D.Min.). Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, 2005. |
Crockett, Charles | 551 |
Crockett, Charles. “Warren ‘Issues’ Believe Croatans Their Ancestors; Clues Few.” News and Observer 9 Aug. 1953: Sec. 4 p. 2. |
Croom, Edward Mortimer | 446 |
Croom, Edward Mortimer, Jr. |
Culbreth, John | 169 |
Culbreth, John. “County Files Action to Void Funding Mandate.” Robesonian 29 Sept. 1989: 1A. |
Culbreth, John | 865 |
Culbreth, John. “County Usurps Power to Appoint Unity Members; Chair Resigns in Protest.” Robesonian 25 July 1989: 1A. |
Culbreth, John | 168 |
Culbreth, John. “Officials Defend Funding Methods.” Robesonian 30 Aug. 1989: 1A. |
Culbreth, John | 371 |
Culbreth, John. “Cultural Center in Jeopardy Due to Land Dispute.” Robesonian 1 May 1990: 1A. |
Culbreth, John | 277 |
Culbreth, John. “Oxendine Installed as Chancellor, Pledges PSU to Community Service.” Robesonian 29 Oct. 1989: 1A, 10A. |
Culbreth, John | 865 |
Culbreth, John. “County Usurps Power to Appoint Unity Members; Chair Resigns in Protest.” Robesonian 25 July 1989: 1A. |
Cummings, Wendy Moore | CUMM002 |
Cummings, Wendy Moore. “Lumbee writers and artists' works solicited for upcoming anthology.” Carolina Indian Voice 24 December 1998:1. |
Cummings, Delano | CUMM005 |
Cummings, Delano. River dreams: tales of a Lumbee warrior. Illus. by Eileen Harrison and Van Wilkins. Ed. by Marian Novak. Livermore, Maine: Signal Tree Publications, 2001. 146 pages. 17 illustrations. |
Cummings, Delano | CUMM004 |
Cummings, Delano. “Local author holds book signing at Vietnam Veterans Memorial.” Carolina Indian Voice 7 September 2000: 4. |
Cummings, Delano | CUMM001 |
Cummings, Delano. Moon Dash Warrior: the story of an American Indian in Vietnam, a Marine from the land of the Lumbee. Livermore, ME: Signal Tree Publications, 1998. 266p. |
Cunningham, Henry | CUNN001 |
CUNN001. Cunningham, Henry. “1st for Lumbees: a Navy admiral.” Fayetteville Observer-Times (North Carolina) 30 October 1997. |
Cunningham, Peggy | 953 |
Cunningham, Peggy. “Lumbees Feel Problems Have Been Exaggerated.” Baltimore News American 9 Nov. 1975. |
Currie, A.D. | 1096 |
Currie, A. D. “A run from the Lowrie Gang.” Robesonian 1 Jan. 1917: 3; 29 Jan. 1917: 2. |
Cushman, Tom | CUSH001 |
Cushman, Tom. “Brush with success did not come easily to Locklear.” Union Tribune (San Diego, CA) 23 June 1996:C1. |
Cuthrell, Harold Glenn | 1170 |
Cuthrell, Harold Glenn. “The charge of the Lumbee Indians.” Scottish Chief [Maxton, NC] 23 Jan. 1958: 1. |
Czarnecki, M. | CZAR001 |
Czarnecki, M. A. Diary of an exploding judge: a novel. San Jose: Writer's Showcase, 2002. |
Dalesio, Emery P. | DALE001 |
Dalesio, Emery P. “Robeson County remains state's most diverse racial mix.” Associated Press State & Local Wire Monday, 26 March 2001. 620 words. |
Dane, J.K. | 715 |
Dane, J. K., and B. E. Griessman. “The Collective Identity of Marginal Peoples: The North Carolina Experience.” American Anthropologist 74.3 (June 1972): 694-704. |
Daniel, G.R. | 723 |
Daniel, G. R. “Passers and Pluralists: Subverting the Racial Divide.” Racially Mixed People in America. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1992. Pp. 91-107. |
Daniel, G. Reginald | DANI003 |
Daniel, G. Reginald. “Triracial isolates: runaways and refuseniks.” More than Black? Multiracial identity and the new racial order. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 2002. See especially pages 68-75. |
Daniels, Stephen | DANI002 |
Daniels, Stephen, and John Rustin. “Lumbee casino gambling: Would another casino be good for North Carolina?” North Carolina Family Policy Council, February 2004. 4 p. 54 notes. |
Dannenberg, Clare J. | DANN002 |
Dannenberg, Clare J. “Grammatical and phonological manifestations of null copula in a tri-ethnic contact situation.” Paper presented at 1997 NWAVE session on Grammatical Structures in AAVE. |
Dannenberg, Clare J. | DANN001 |
Dannenberg, Clare J., and Walt Wolfram. “The roots of Lumbee language.” Revised draft. Unpublished report. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Language and Life Project, North Carolina State U, August 1997. 38 pages. 40 references. |
Dannenberg, Clare J. | TOWA001 |
“Towards the understanding of ethnic distinction and r-lessness in multi-ethnic southern communities: a study of Lumbee Indian Vernacular English.” Draft. 17 pages. |
Dannenberg, Clare J. | DANN004 |
Dannenberg, Clare, and Walt Wolfram. “Ethnic identity and grammatical restructuring: be(s) in Lumbee English.” American Speech 73.2 (Summer 1998): 139-159. |
Dannenberg, Clare J. | DANN003 |
Dannenberg, Clare Jacobs. “Moving toward a diachronic and synchronic definition of Lumbee English.” Thesis. North Carolina State University, 1996. 105 pages. |
Dannenberg, Clare J. | DANN005 |
Dannenberg, Clare J. “Grammatical and phonological manifestations of null copula in a tri-ethnic contact situation.” Journal of English Linguistics 27.1 (December 1999): 356-370. |
Dannenberg, Clare J. | DANN007 |
Dannenberg, Clare J. Sociolinguistic constructs of ethnic identity: the syntactic delineation of an American Indian English. (Publications of the American Dialect Society, no. 87) N.p.: Duke UP, 2002. 106 pages. Annotation forthcoming. |
Dannenberg, Clare J. | DANN006 |
Dannenberg, Clare J. “Sociolinguistic constructs of ethnic identity: the syntactic delineation of Lumbee English.” Diss. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1999. 167 pages. |
Dart, A.D. | 523 |
Dart, A. D. “Raleigh’s Lost Colony.” The Southern Workman [Hampton, VA: Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute] 42 (August 1913): 445-46. |
Davidson, Cameron | KRAJ001 |
Krajick, Kevin, and Cameron Davidson. “The riddle of the Carolina bays.” Smithsonian 28.6 (September 1997): 44-. (10 pages) |
Davidson, Margie | 1006 |
Davidson, Margie. “Indian women look to the future.” News and Observer 25 March 1973: Sec. 3 p. 1. |
Davis, Tom | DAVI001 |
Davis, Tom. “Devotion to the people: the legacy of Helen Scheirbeck.” Tribal College: Journal of American Indian Higher Education 12.4 (August 31, 2001): 33- . |
Davis, Owen | 821 |
Davis, Owen. “Robeson Indian Takes Helm at Lumbee Bank.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 18 Sept. 1977: Sec. 4 p. 3. |
Davis, Adam Clarke | 473 |
Davis, Adam Clarke, et al. Fertility Behavior in a Tri-Racial, Low Income Rural County. Project report. Raleigh: North Carolina State U, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, 1974. |
Davis, E. Dale | 155 |
Davis, E. Dale. “The Lumbee Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina, and Their Schools.” Paper presented at the National Conference of Christians and Jews (Pembroke, 19 Dec. 1986). |
Deese, Brenda | DEES002 |
Deese, Brenda Dial. “Ordinary people: Untucking oral teachings, traditions, and stories in Souteastern [sic] Indians.” Dissertation. North Carolina Sate U, 2002. |
Deese, James W. | 115 |
Deese, James W. “Believes It to Be ‘Will of God’ to Protect the Indian Heritage.” Robesonian 13 Sept. 1970: 8A. |
Degregory, Lane | DEGR001 |
Degregory, Lane. “Fragments of day-to-day living recovered in Outer Banks digs.” The Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk) 5 March 1996: B1. |
Deifell, David Chapman | DEIF001 |
Deifell, David Chapman. “A violation of human rights: a postmodern critique of the Federal Acknowledgment Program including a case study on the Lumbee Indians.” Honors essay. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994. 88 pages. |
Deitsch, Richard | DEIT001 |
Deitsch, Richard. “New world order: after years of battling for fair opportunities, people of color are finally running the show (in some places) and driving the economics of sports [The 101 most influential minorities in sports].” Sports Illustrated 98 no. 8 (May 5, 2003): 38+. |
Deloria, Ella Cara | DELO001 |
Deloria, Ella Cara. “Rough draft of pageant--Robeson County Indians, Pembroke, North Carolina. 'The Life-Story of a People.' Written and directed by Ella Cara Deloria, 1940-1941.” “The Modern Questor.” [approximately 31 pages] |
Deloria, Jr., Vine | DELO002 |
Deloria, Vine, Jr. “Introduction.” Speaking of Indians. By Ella Deloria. Bison Books Edition. Lincoln: Nebraska UP, 1998. Pages xv-xvii. |
Deloria, Jr., Vine | 649 |
Deloria, Vine, Jr. A Better Day for Indians. New York: Field Foundation, 1977. Pp. 19-21. |
DeMarce, Virginia Easley | 1042 |
DeMarce, Virginia Easley. “‘Verry Slitly Mixt’: Tri-Racial Isolate Families of the Upper South–A Genealogical Study.” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 80.1 (March 1992): [5]-35.aZ |
DeMarce, Virginia Easley | 1043 |
DeMarce, Virginia Easley. “Looking at legends: Lumbee and Melungeon: applied genealogy and the origins of tri-racial isolate settlements.” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 81.1 (March 1993): 24-45. |
Dempsey, Hugh A. | 346 |
Dempsey, Hugh A. “Sylvester Long, Buffalo Child Long Lance.” American Indian Intellectuals. 1976 Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society. St. Paul: West, 1978. Pp. 197-203. |
Dennis, Henry | 122 |
Dennis, Henry. The American Indian, 1492-1974: A Chronology and Fact Book. 2nd ed. Oceana, 1972. P. 62. |
deRus Jacquet, Aurélie | DERU001 |
de Rus Jacquet, Aurélie, et al. "Lumbee traditional medicine: Neuroprotective activities of medicinal plants used to treat Parkinson's Disease-related symptoms." Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. 206, 12 July 2017, pp. 408-425. |
Devane, Steve | DEVA003 |
Devane, Steve. “Professor: Pipeline to negatively affect economy via climate change." The Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] August 17, 2017. |
DeVane, Steve | DEVA001 |
DeVane, Steve. "Coal ash pond leaking into Robeson County swamp, groups say." Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] December 8, 2016. |
Dew, Joe | 849 |
Dew, Joe, and Jane Ruffin. “Drug Money a Powerful Lure in Robeson.” News and Observer 14 Feb. 1988: 1A. |
Dew, Joe | 1291 |
Dew, Joe, and Julie Powers Rives. “Minorities Seeing Changes in Robeson County.” News and Observer 19 Feb. 1990: 1B. |
Deyhle, Donna | BRAY007 |
Brayboy, Bryan McKinley, and Donna Deyhle. “Insider-outsider: researchers in American Indian communities.” Theory into Practice 39.3 (Summer 2000): 163 (7 pages). |
Dial, Adolph L. | 54 |
Dial, Adolph L., and David K. Eliades. The only land I know: A history of the Lumbee Indians. San Francisco: Indian Historian P, 1975. Rpt. |
Dial, Heather | DIAL001 |
Dial, Heather Kimberly. “Struggling for voice in a Black and White world: Lumbee Indians’ segregated educational experience in North Carolina.” Dissertation. North Carolina State U, 2005. |
Dial, Adolph L. | ADOL001 |
Dial, Adolph L. The Adolph Dial tapes. Interviews recorded 1969-1971. Transfer project completed in 1997. Located at the Native American Resource Center, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, PO Box 1510 UNCP, Pembroke, NC 28372-1510 Phone: 910.521.6282 E-mail: |
Dial, Heather Kimberly | DIAL002 |
Dial, Heather Kimberly. "Chapter 10. Struggling for voice in a Black and White world: The Lumbee Indians' segregated educational experience in North Carolina." Transformations in schooling: Historical and comparative perspectives. Ed. Kim Tolley. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Pages 225-250. Key source |
Dial, Adolph L. | 58 |
Dial, Adolph L. The Lumbee. Indians of North America. New York : Chelsea House, 1993. 112 p. |
Dial, Adolph L. | 43 |
Dial, Adolph L. “Lumbee Indians.” Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Ed. Charles Reagan Wilson. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1989. Pp. 436-37. |
Dial, Adolph L. | 35 |
Dial, Adolph L. “The Lumbee Indians: Still a Lost Colony?” New World Outlook 32 (May 1982): 19-22. |
Dial, Adolph L. | 39 |
Dial, Adolph L. “The Lumbees: From Adversity to Progress.” Carolina Indian Voice 1985: 24 Jan., p. 6; 31 Jan., p. 6; 7 Feb., p. 7; 14 Feb., p.9; 21 Feb., p. 6; 28 Feb., p. 6. |
Dial, Adolph L. | 28 |
Dial, Adolph L. “Lumbee Indians.” 5th Gulf Coast History and Humanities Conference, Pensacola, FL, Feb. 7-9, 1974. Indians of the Lower South: Past and Present. Ed. John K. Mahon. Pensacola: The Conference, 1975. Pp. 77-92. |
Dial, Adolph | 211 |
Dial, Adolph, and David K. Eliades. “Lumbee Indians of North Carolina and Pembroke State University.” Indian Historian 4.4 (Winter 1971): 20-24. Rpt. in The American Indian Reader: Education. Ed. Jeannette Henry. San Francisco: Indian Historian P, 1972. Pp. 51-60. |
Dial, Adolph L. | 40 |
Dial, Adolph L. “From Adversity to Progress.” Southern Exposure 13.6 (Nov.-Dec. 1985): 85-89. |
Diaz, Rosemary | DIAZ001 |
Diaz, RoseMary. “Jana: powerful pop music with a Native soul.” Native Peoples May/June 2002: 26-27. |
Dignan, Mark B. | DIGN001 |
Dignan, Mark B., Robert Michielutte, H. Bradley Wells, Penny Sharp, Karen Blinson, L. Douglas Case, Ronny Bell, Joseph Konen, Stephen Davis, and Richard P. McQuellon. “Health education to increase screening for cervical cancer among Lumbee Indian women in North Carolina.” Health Education Research: Theory & Practice 13.4 (1998):545-56. |
Dixon, Laura Beth | 485 |
Dixon, Laura Beth. “Minority Group Status and Fertility in a Tri-Racial, Rural Population.” Thesis. North Carolina State U, 1979. |
Dobie, Kathy | DOBI001 |
Dobie, Kathy. “Murder by the road in Robeson County.” Vibe 2.1 (February 1994): 72-78. |
Docherty, S. L. | DOCH001 |
Docherty, S. L., C. Lowry, and M. S. Miles. “Poverty as context for the experience of low-income Lumbee Indian mothers with a medically fragile infant.” Neonatal Network 26.6 (2007): 361-69. |
Dolasinski, Amanda | DOLA001 |
Dolasinski, Amanda. "Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina to host gospel festival Oct. 4 [2014]." Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] September 22, 2014. |
Dolasinski, Amanda | DOLA003 |
Dolasinski, Amanda. "Lawmakers hopeful for Lumbee recognition." Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC]. July 7, 2017. |
Dolasinski, Amanda | DOLA002 |
Dolasinski, Amanda. "Disaster: Robeson County worst off in state; 'I felt like I wanted to die... We got what we could, the rest is underwater.'" Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] October 13, 2016. |
Dolinski, Amanda | DOLI001 |
Dolinski, Amanda. “Lumbee Tribal Council financial committee meeting ends abruptly after confusion over housing loan ordinance.” fayobserver [Fayetteville, NC] September 25, 2014. |
Doster, Woody | 742 |
Doster, Woody. “Lumbees Must Organize to Get Slice of BIA Budget.” Greensboro Daily News 17 May 1973: D9. |
Douglas, Hector | DOUG001 |
Douglas, Hector, reporter. “Story of Henry Berry Lowry, as chronicled in the new movie Through Native Eyes.” Morning Edition. National Public Radio. 22 July 1999. Transcript |
Douglas, Donnie | DOUG003 |
Douglas, Donnie. “Burr blasts Cherokee in op-ed, says tribe working against Lumbee.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 21 June 2019. |
Douglas, Donnie | DOUG002 |
Douglas, Donnie & Willets, Sarah. "Senate unanimously passes SB 554." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. June 27, 2016 |
Duara, Nigel | DUAR001 |
Duara, Nigel. "Flooding, rescues and then a fatal shooting: Patience wears thin in North Carolina." Los Angeles Times [Los Angeles, CA] October 11, 2016. |
Dubin, Murray | DUBI001 |
Dubin, Murray. “It's official: they're American Indian, so they can get married.” Philadelphia Inquirer (Pennsylvania) 23 March 1991: A01 (Sunday). |
Duensing, Ed | 1401 |
Duensing, Ed, and Helen M. Scheirbeck, comps. Campfires: Legends and Tales of the Eastern Indians. Lumberton: Div. of Compensatory Education, Title IV, Part A, Indian Education Project, Robeson County Board of Education, 1985. [PSU-MLL] |
Dunbar, Gary S. | 554 |
Dunbar, Gary S. “The Hatteras Indians of North Carolina.” Ethnohistory 7.4 (Fall 1960): 410-18. |
Dunlap, A.R. | 313 |
Dunlap, A. R. “The Speech of the Croatans.” American Speech 21.3 (Oct. 1946): 231-32. |
Dunlap, A.R. | 704 |
Dunlap, A. R., and C. A. Weslager. “Trends in the Naming of Tri-Racial Mixed-Blood Groups in the Eastern United States.” American Speech 22.2 (April 1947): [81]-87. |
Dunnagan, Claude | 1113 |
Dunnagan, Claude. “Henry Lowery’s private six-year war against the South.” Male 11.7 (July 1961): 33-35, 39-45. |
Durant, David N. | 567 |
Durant, David N. Raleigh’s Lost Colony. New York: Atheneum, 1981. P. 164. |
Durant, David N. | 567 |
Durant, David N. Raleigh’s Lost Colony. New York: Atheneum, 1981. P. 164. |
Duval, Ashley | DUVA001 |
Duval, Ashley. “UNCP seeks new image.” Fayetteville Observer Wednesday, 4 April 2001. |
Edens, H.L. | 63 |
Edens, H. L. “Indian Race Problems: True Cause of Frequent Contentions Among Indians of Robeson Over Indian School Matters.” Robesonian 16 April 1914: 2. |
Edmonds, Ronni | EDMO001 |
Edmonds, Ronni. “At Mashantucket Native Americans find opportunity.” Pequot Times 9.2 (February 28, 2000) page 1. |
Edwards, John Carver | 1125 |
Edwards, John Carver. “Harris County bounty men and the ubiquitous Mr. Applewhite.” Atlanta Historical Journal 24.1 (Spring 1980): 53-62. |
Edwards, Tom | 224 |
Edwards, Tom. “Old Main: A Commentary.” National Congress of American Indians Bulletin 28.2 (April 1972): 1, 3. Rpt. in: Contemporary Newspapers of the North American Indian (microfilm). |
Egerton, John | 102 |
Egerton, John. “Six Districts, Three Races and More Things.” Southern Education Report 4 (Dec. 1968): 4-10. |
Eliades, David K. | 903 |
Eliades, David K. “A Conversation with Walter Pinchbeck.” Pembroke Magazine no. 8 (1977): 206-11. |
Eliades, David K. | 264 |
Eliades, David K., and Linda Ellen Oxendine. Pembroke State University: A Centennial History. Columbus, GA: Brentwood UP, 1986. 110 p. |
Eliades, David K. | 44 |
Eliades, David K. “The Lumbee Indians: Searching for Justice, Searching for Identity.” Tar Heel Junior Historian 28.2 (Spring 1989): 47-49. |
Elliott, Walker | ELLI002 |
Elliott, Walker. "'I Told Him I'd Never Been to His Back Door for Nothing': The Lumbee Indian Struggle for Higher Education under Jim Crow." North Carolina Historical Review 90.1 (2013): 49-87. |
Elliott, Carl | ELLI003 |
Elliott, Carl. “Adventures in the gene pool.” The Wilson quarterly 27.1 (2003): 12-21. |
Ellis, Marion A. | ELLI001 |
Ellis, Marion A. “Native son.” Our State: Down Home in North Carolina 68.6 (November 2000): 60-62. |
Elofson, Matt | ELOF001 |
Elofson, Matt. “Rebekah Revels in award; jury awards $11,000 to ex-Miss N.C.” Robesonian 27 March 2004. |
Emanuel, Ryan | BLOG008 |
Emanuel, Ryan. "A Persistent People's Long Quest for Justice." News and Observer. December 15, 2010. |
Emanuel, Ryan E. | EMAN001 |
Emanuel, Ryan E. “Water in the Lumbee world: A river and its people in a time of change.” Environmental history 24 no. 1 (January 2019): 25–51. |
Emerson, Pamela Marie | 1286 |
Emerson, Pamela Marie. “A Newspaper Held Hostage: A Case Study of Terrorism and the Media.” Honors essay. Chapel Hill: School of Journalism, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989. 71 p. [UNC-WL] |
Emling, Shelley | EMLI001 |
Emling, Shelley. “A new policy: insurance commissioner has stepped on some big toes in 6 months.” Atlanta Journal/Atlanta Constitution 17 June 1995: C2. |
Estabrook, Arthur H. | ESTA001 |
Estabrook, Arthur H. Papers, 1910-1943 (APAP-069). Albany, New York. M. E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University Libraries, University at Albany, State University of New York |
Evans, W. McKee | 828 |
Evans, W. McKee. “The North Carolina Lumbees: From Assimilation to Revitalization.” Southeastern Indians Since the Removal Era. Ed. Walter L. Williams. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1979. Pp. 49-71. |
Evans, R.L. | 263 |
Evans, R. L. “Opposition to Proposed Name Change of Pembroke State University Surfaces.” Fayetteville Observer 4 Dec. 1984: 1B. |
Evans, William | 337 |
Evans, William, and David Oxendine. “To Die Game.” Unpublished screenplay. Registered: WGAW. [Los Angeles, CA: Barbara’s Place Script Specialists, 1993?] 75 p. |
Evans, W. McKee | 1118 |
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Evans, W. McKee | 1134 |
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