Milton Hunt seeks out the answers.

Record Number: 

Kurland, Sheryl. “Milton Hunt seeks out the answers.” Baltimore Business Journal 9.44 (27 March 1992): Sec. 1 P. 35.


Milton Hunt, a Lumbee and native of Baltimore, has compiled and distributed the 96-page Business Resource Guide since 1990.  It contains basic information for new business owners, such as creating a business plan, obtaining financing, getting licenses, filing taxes, and establishing employee benefits.  The guide is distributed free at 60 sites throughout Maryland.  The revenue comes from advertisements.  People receiving the guide are usually required to fill out a check-off card listing the types of services they believe they will need for their new business.  Hunt turns this list into a monthly “leads list” which he sends to his advertisers.  The guide is updated and reprinted twice a year.

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
Publication Type: 
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