Record Number | Citation |
CSAS001 |
"Lumbee Tribe courted in election--UNC historian tells N&O focus should be on lingering issues." Center for the Study of the American South, 25 October 2020. |
DOUG003 |
Douglas, Donnie. “Burr blasts Cherokee in op-ed, says tribe working against Lumbee.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 21 June 2019. |
UPAD001 |
Upadhyah, Nishant. “‘Can you get more American than Native American?’: Drag and settler colonialism in RuPaul’s Drag Race.” Cultural Studies, vol. 33, no. 3, 2019, pp. 480-501. |
ROBE026 |
"Brooks leaves amazing legacy of achievement [Editorial]." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. January 9, 2018. |
RICH001 |
"Quilt sewn by Lowrie’s daughter donated to UNCP museum [Editor]." Richmond County Daily Journal [Rockingham, NC]. January 5, 2018. |
FRED002 |
Frederick, Jack. "Brooks recalled as Lumbee icon, medical pioneer." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. January 5, 2018. |
GRIF002 |
Griffith, Spencer. "In Dire Need of a Kidney Transplant, Charly Lowry Takes a New Look at Her Life's Work." IndyWeek [Durham, NC]. January 3, 2018. |
BIGE001 |
Bigelow, Scott. "Pembroke honored as state’s top small town." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. November 30, 2017. |
UNCK001 |
"Larry Chavis: Guiding young minds to explore global business." UNC Kenan-Flager News. November 15, 2017. |
ROBE023 |
"Chairman on spending spree; Lumbee need new leadership [Letter to the Editor]." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. October 18, 2017. |
SINC002 |
Sinclair, Tomeka. "N.C. 71 stretch now honors Goins." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. October 11, 2017. |
SMOO001 |
Smoot, Ryan. "Lumbee Tribe could be fully federally recognized with new bill." Daily Tarheel [Chapel Hill, NC]. October 3, 2017. |
SHIL066 |
Shiles, Bob. "Tribal Council wants Lumber River renamed to honor Lumbee." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] September 21, 2017. |
MCGE001 |
McGee, Kendall. "Hearing scheduled for act that would grant Lumbee full federal recognition." [Florence, SC] September 19, 2017. |
HAHN001 |
Hahn, Jonathan. “North Carolina hits the brakes on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.” The Sierra Club [Oakland, California] September 15, 2017. |
SNEE001 |
Sneed, Richard. “Principal Chief’s Report- Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017.” Cherokee One Feather [Cherokee, NC]. September 5, 2017. |
ROBE16 |
"Tribe gets Smithsonian showcase [Editorial]." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. September 1, 2017. |
ROBE029 |
"Lumbee gymnast Ashton Locklear places 2nd in California [Editor]." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. August 30, 2017. |
BRIT005 |
Britt, Grant. "National Folk Festival: Dark Water Rising led by soulful powerhouse." Greensboro News and Record [Greensboro, NC] August 17, 2017. |
SHIL067 |
Shiles, Bob. "Godwin high on recognition." The Red Springs Citizen [Red Springs, NC]. August 6, 2017. |
RILE001 |
Riley, Anissa. "Vet Med partnership with UNC Pembroke to strengthen industry workforce, diversity." Tuskeegee University [Tuskeegee, AL]. July 31, 2017. |
SHIL070 |
Shiles, Bob. "Locklear sends in letter of resignation." St. Pauls Review [St. Paul, NC] July 25, 2017. |
SHIL076 |
Shiles, Bob. "Road named to honor late tribal leader." Red Springs Citizen [Red Springs, NC]. July 4, 2017. |
ROBE022 |
"Lumbee youth to present films [Staff report]." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. July 1, 2017. |
CLAB001 |
Clabby, Catherine. "Investigating Heart Health for Lumbee Women." North Carolina Health News. April 7, 2017. |
SHIL039 |
Shiles, Bob. “Lumbee Tribal Council upholds 3-year enrollment rule.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). May 20, 2016 |
SHIL020 |
Baxley, Jaymie. “Miss Lumbee suspended in music video controversy.” Richmond County Daily Journal (Rockingham, NC) January 21, 2016. |
POLL003 |
Pollitt, Phoebe. “The Lumbee Indian Nurses.” Minority Nurse, Springer Publishing Company. November 19, 2015. |
BAXL002 |
Baxley, Jaymie. “Brick by Brick: Lumbee Tribal Housing Complex - | Behind the tribe’s turtle-shaped HQ.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). October 3, 2015 |
LOCK059 |
Locklear, Eric. “New group wants Lumbee people to guide government.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). April 13, 2015 |
HANN001 |
Hannel, Eric. Reinterpreting a Native American Identity: Examining the Lumbee Through the Peoplehood Model. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2015. |
LOWE003 |
Lowery, Malinda Maynor. "Racial science and federal recognition: Lumbee Indians in the Jim Crow South." In Recognition, sovereignty struggles, & indigenous rights in the United States: a sourcebook. Ed. Amy E. Den Ouden and Jean M. O'Brien. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2013. Pp. 65-94. |
641 |
McKellar, Brenda C. “A Name to Live By.” Unpub. typescript. N.d. |
590 |
Josiah William Bailey Papers. Special Collections Department, Perkins Library, Duke University. [Not seen.]
LOWR006 |
Lowry, David S, and James L. Peacock. For the Healing of the Nations: Lumbee Indian Community, Christian Missions, and the Transformative Power of Intervention. Diss. Chapel Hill, N.C: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012. |
OWIN001 |
Owings, Alison. “A trio of Lumbees. Pamela Brooks Sweeney, Curt Locklear, and Mary and Cummings Jacobs.” Indian voices: Listening to Native Americans. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2011. 37–61. |
BLOG035 |
Locklear, Arlinda. "Part 2: Reflections on the Battle for Lumbee Recognition." YouTube. 28 April 2010. |
BOW0001 |
Bow, Leslie. “The interstitial Indian: The Lumbee and segregation's middle caste.” Partly colored: Asian Americans and racial anomaly in the segregated South. New York: New York UP, 2010. 57-89; notes, 246-49. |
LOWR005 |
Lowry, David S. "I know you! Understanding racial experience within the Lumbee Indian community." M. A. thesis. U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010. Web. |
NACO001 |
Nacoste, Rupert W. "Post-racial?: Something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Making connections: Interdisciplinary approaches to cultural diversity 11.1 (2009): 1-10. |
LOWE002 |
Lowery, Malinda Maynor. "Indians, Southerners, and Americans: Race, tribe, and nation during ‘Jim Crow’." Native South 2 (2009): 1-22. |
GROS002 |
Gross, Ariela J. “Citizenship of the little races.” What blood won't tell: a history of race on trial in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2008. 111-139. |
BAIL002 |
Bailey, Anna. “How Scuffletown became Indian Country: Political change and transformations in Indian identity in Robeson County, North Carolina, 1865-1956.” Dissertation. U of Washington, 2008. |
YATE002 |
Yates, Gale Graham. "The North Carolina Lumbee people as seen through a visit with Linda Oxendine." Southern ethnicities. Ed. Theodosiadou, Youli. Thessaloniki [Greece]: Kornelia Sfakianaki Editions, 2008. [115]-29. |
OXEN009 |
Oxendine, David Bryan. Perceived fairness of an ethnic validation procedure: implications for Lumbee federal recognition. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, 2007. |
GONZ001 |
Gonzalez, Angela, Judy Kertesz, and Gabrielle Tayak. "Eugenics as Indian Removal: Sociohistorical Processes and the De(con)struction of American Indians in the Southeast." The Public Historian 29.3 (2006): 53-67. |
SING001 |
Singh, Renee. "Our roots go back to Roanoke: Investigating the link between the Lost Colony and the Lumbee People of North Carolina [Unpublished undergraduate student essay]." Prized Writing [UC Davis] 2006. |
MAYN021 |
Maynor, Malinda. "Native American identity in the segregated South: The Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina, 1872-1956." Dissertation. U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2005. |
OXEN008 |
Oxendine, David Bryan. "The effects of social exclusion threat and justifications on perceived fairness of an ethnic validation procedure: Implications for Lumbee federal recognition." Dissertation. North Carolina State U, 2004. |
YEAD001 |
Yeadon, Tim. “Hundreds mourn, remember Revels.” Greensboro News & Record (Greensboro, NC). July 14, 2003 |
ELLI003 |
Elliott, Carl. “Adventures in the gene pool.” The Wilson quarterly 27.1 (2003): 12-21. |
CELL001 |
Cella, Matthew. “Activist forces retitling of play; change omits use of ‘Indians’.” Washington Times November 12, 2002: B1. 773 words. |
LUMB010 |
“Lumbee video project gets lift from Harvey Godwin.” University Newswire (University of North Carolina at Pembroke) 14 August 2002. |
KNIC028 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 21 March 2002: 3. |
LUMB011 |
Lumbee by grace: landmarks in Lumbee identity. Videocassette. 29.20 minutes. Pembroke, NC: Museum of the Native American Resource Center, Mass Communications Dept., and Media Integration Project, UNC-Pembroke, 2002. Remastered as DVD, 2007. |
FERR001 |
Ferreri, Eric. “American Indians seek voice at UNC; the Carolina Indian Circle is quickly lobbying for increased recognition.” Chapel Hill Herald Monday, 6 November 2000: page 1. 852 words. |
HUNT010 |
Hunt, Cynthia L. “Looking back while walking forward (column): Confederation of Red Men's Lodge.” Carolina Indian Voice 27 July 2000: 4. |
LUMB007 |
Lowry, D.F. “Lumbee Indian Act of 1953: its origin and rationale.” Looking back while walking forward (column). Carolina Indian Voice Thursday, 6 July 2000: 4. |
BRAY006 |
Brayboy, Bryan McKinley. “The Indian and the researcher: tales from the field.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 13.4 (July/August 2000): 415 (12 pages). |
LOCK010 |
Locklear-Brayboy, Ervin. “What's in Lumbee name? Not much.” Robesonian Friday, June 16, 2000, p. 4A. |
LOCK010 |
Locklear-Brayboy, Ervin. “What's in Lumbee name? Not much.” Robesonian Friday, June 16, 2000, p. 4A. |
HUNT005 |
Hunt, Cynthia L. “Looking back while walking forward (column).” Carolina Indian Voice June 1, 2000: page 6. |
BRAY007 |
Brayboy, Bryan McKinley, and Donna Deyhle. “Insider-outsider: researchers in American Indian communities.” Theory into Practice 39.3 (Summer 2000): 163 (7 pages). |
KNIC004 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 18 March 1999: 6. |
KNIC003 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 11 March 1999: 4. |
KNIC012 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 28 January 1999:2. |
KNIC010 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 21 January 1999:3. |
KNIC011 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 14 January 1999:3. |
KNIC014 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 31 December 1998:3. |
KNIC015 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 24 December 1998:3. |
KNIC016 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 17 December 1998:3. |
LUMB006 |
“Lumbee tribe to help host NCAI convention.” Carolina Indian Voice 15 October 1998: 1. |
KNIC008 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 4 March 1998: 6. |
MARK002 |
Marks, Heather Forbis. “'Same ingredients, different labels': marking tribal boundaries at the North Carolina Indian Cultural Center.” Thesis. Wake Forest U, 1998. 154 pages. |
BRYA001 |
Bryant, Alfred, Jr. “A validation of Helms' People of Color Racial Identity Attitude Scale with a Native American Population.” Diss. North Carolina State University, 1998. 75pp. |
BRAY005 |
Brayboy, Mary E., and Mary Y. Morgan. “Voices of Indianness: the lived world of Native American women.” Women's Studies International Forum 21.4 (1998): 341-354. |
CHAV002 |
Chavis, Ben. “What is Lumbee Indian culture? Does it exist?” In: A good Cherokee, a good anthropologist: papers in honor of Robert K. Thomas. Ed. Steve Pavlik. Los Angeles: American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, 1998. Pp. 177-188. |
ROLO001 |
Rolo, Mark Anthony. “Native filmmaker's work shown at Sundance Film Festival.” The Circle 18.2 (28 February 1997): 9. |
MAYN005 |
Maynor, Malinda. Real Indian. Videocassette (1/2 in, sound, color). 7.5 min. New York: Women Make Movies, 1996. DVD re-release, 2009. |
CRO0001 |
“Cro, Croatan.” In: The color of words: an encyclopedic dictionary of ethnic bias in the United States. By Philip H. Herbst. Intercultural P, 1997. Page 62. |
OXEN002 |
Oxendine, David. “Racial identity development among Lumbee American Indian college students on a predominantly white campus.” Diss (Counselor Education). North Carolina State U, 1995. 122 pages. |
DEIF001 |
Deifell, David Chapman. “A violation of human rights: a postmodern critique of the Federal Acknowledgment Program including a case study on the Lumbee Indians.” Honors essay. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994. 88 pages. |
OUTL001 |
Outlaw, Marpessa Dawn. “The red and the black.” Emerge 4.6 (April 30, 1993): 50. |
696 |
Shepard, John, Jr. “Recognition Process Needs Revision.” Robesonian 21 March 1993: 45. |
695 |
"Lumberton Youth Stumps Clinton on TV.” Robesonian 21 Feb. 1993: 1A. |
694 |
Hunt, Cynthia L. “A Guide to Understanding Lumbee History.” Robesonian 5 Jan. 1993: 4A. |
MONT001 |
Montgomerie, Deborah. “Coming to terms: Ngai Tahu, Robeson County Indians and the Garden Band of Ojibwa, 1840-1940. Three studies of colonialism in action.” Diss. Duke U, 1993. |
693 |
Siceloff, Bruce. “Identity and Honor: Lumbee Indians and the Quest for Recognition.” News and Observer 20 Oct. 1991: 1J. |
679 |
Locklear, Barbara Brayboy. “Land of the Lumbee.” Unpublished typescript. 1989. 5p. [IERC] Rpt. in Robesonian 29 Sept. 1991: 4A. |
692 |
“Lumbee Bill Reintroduced.” Robesonian 14 March 1991: 1A. |
GREE001 |
Greenbaum, Susan. “What's in a label? Identity problems of Southern Indian tribes.” Journal of Ethnic Studies 19.2 (1991):107-126. |
GREE002 |
Greenbaum, Susan. “What’s in a label? Identity problems of Southern Indian tribes.” Journal of Ethnic Studies 19.2 (1991):107-126. |
691 |
Henderson, Bruce. “Martin Names Charlotte Woman to Head NC Indian Commission.” Charlotte Observer 9 Aug. 1990: 3D. |
690 |
Guyton, Nanette. “Lumbee Leaders Vow to Continue to Fight for Recognition.” Robesonian 11 Feb. 1990: 1A. |
689 |
Guyton, Nanette. “House Panel To Vote Today on Lumbee Recognition.” Robesonian 7 Feb. 1990: 1A. |
688 |
Guyton, Nanette. “Tribal Lawyer: Ruling Will Help Chances for Lumbee Bill.” Robesonian 19 Jan. 1990: 1A. |
687 |
Allday, Martin L. “Memorandum ... Interpretation of the Lumbee Act.” Washington: Office of the Solicitor, US Dept. of Interior, 20 Nov. 1989. 4 p. |
686 |
Perdue, Theda. “Native Southerners.” Southern Changes [Atlanta: Southern Regional Council] 11.5 (Nov. 1989): 1, 4-8. |
685 |
Lavell, William G. “Memorandum To: Deputy to the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs (Tribal Services). From: Associate Solicitor, Indian Affairs. Subject: Lumbee Recognition Legislation.” Washington: Office of the Solicitor, US Dept. of Interior, 23 Oct. 1989. Correspondence no. BIA.IA.0929 5p. Rpt. in House Report 101-685 (Bibliography entry 1384), House Report 102-215 (Bibliography entry 1387), and Senate Report 102-251 (Bibliography entry 1388). |
684 |
Guyton, Nanette. “Helms Is at Odds with Lumbee Recognition Petitioners.” Robesonian 31 May 1989: 1. |
683 |
Healey, Jon. “Sanford Introduces Bill to Give Lumbees Full Federal Recognition, but No Aid.” Winston-Salem Journal 4 May 1989: 36. |
682 |
Witten, Scott. “Lumbees Use Cheraw Link in Effort for Recognition.” Robesonian 2 April 1989: 1A. |
681 |
“Indian Peace Talks Canceled.” Robesonian 8 March 1989: B1. |
680 |
Witten, Scott. “Pembroke Native Honored for Human Relations Work.” Robesonian 6 March 1989: 1A. |
678 |
Talbert, Melissa. “Lumbee Recognition Is Debated.” Robesonian 4 Nov. 1988: 1A. |
677 |
Talbert, Malissa. “National Indian Group Endorses Recognition for Lumbees.” Robesonian 3 Nov. 1988: 1A. |
676 |
“Cherokee Opposition Helped Kill Bill on Lumbees.” Charlotte Observer 30 Sept. 1988: 5B. |
675 |
“Updates: Senate Committee Favors Lumbee Recognition.” Daybreak 2.4 (Autumn 1988): 27. |
674 |
Gibbs, Jeralene. “Leaders Optimistic About Lumbee Recognition.” Robesonian 15 Aug. 1988: 1A. |
673 |
Patterson, Dennis. “Lumbees Await Word from Congress on Recognition.” Charlotte Observer 3 Aug. 1988: 3E. |
672 |
Price, Mark. “‘Man with No Shoes’ Lends Lumbees Hand—Wes White, Advocate of Native Americans.” Fayetteville Times 8 Dec. 1987: 13A. |
671 |
Henderson, Bruce. “Lumbees Fight for Recognition as Tribe.” Charlotte Observer 15 Oct. 1987: 1A. |
57 |
Lumbee River Legal Services. The Lumbee Petition. Prepared in cooperation with the Lumbee Tribal Enrollment Office. Julian T. Pierce and Cynthia Hunt-Locklear, authors. Jack Campisi and Wesley White, consultants. Pembroke, NC: Lumbee River Legal Services, 1987. |
670 |
Clotfelter, Sallie. “Pembroke Has Special Place in the Hearts of Lumbee Indians.” Greensboro News and Record 2 Nov. 1986: G1. |
669 |
Hazel, Forest. “Black, White & ‘Other’: The Struggle for Recognition.” Southern Exposure 13.6 (Nov.-Dec. 1985): 34-37. |
668 |
98th Cong. 1st Session. Oversight of the Federal Acknowledgement Process. Hearing, Select Comm. on Indian Affairs. S.Hrg. 98-690. Y4.In2/11:S.hrg.98-690 (CIS 1984: S961-13) 164p. Dated 21 July 1983. |
667 |
Bizzell, Oscar M., ed. The Heritage of Sampson County, North Carolina. Newton Grove, NC: Sampson County Historical Society with Hunter Pub. Co., 1983. Pp. 83-84. |
665 |
Berde, Stuart. Coharie Reemergence: Attaining Religious and Educational Freedom in Eastern North Carolina, 1850c-Present. Lumbee River Legal Services and Coharie Intra-Tribal Council, 1982. |
666 |
Wilkins, David Eugene. “An Analysis of Colonial, State, and Federal ‘Definitions of Indian’.” Thesis. U of Arizona, 1982. |
664 |
Words of Today’s American Indian Women, Ohoyo Makachi: A First Collection of Oratory by American Indian/Alaska Native Women. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Education; Wichita Falls, TX: Prepared and distributed by Ohoyo, Inc., 1981. |
663 |
Costo, Rupert. “An Object Lesson: The Lumbee Observance of Indian Heritage Week.” Wassaja: The Indian Historian 13.3 (Sept. 1980): 51-52. |
662 |
“NCAI Considers Lumbees for Tribal Membership.” Wassaja: The Indian Historian 13.2 (June 1980): 50. |
661 |
Lynn, Lynette B. “Indian Status Proved.” Robesonian 1 May 1980: 17. |
660 |
Fanning, Adrian. “On Certification Moving Slowly.” Fayetteville Observer-Times 13 April 1980: 1B-2B. |
659 |
“Lumbee Petition Demands Federal Recognition of Tribal Status.” Wassaja: The Indian Historian 13.1 (March 1980): 60. Rpt. in Carolina Indian Voice 19 June 1980: 8. |
658 |
Rose, Hewitt. “Lumbee Indians and the Law.” Memorandum to John Merritt and Andria Turner, 16 Aug. 1979. 30 p. |
657 |
Maynor, Douglas W. “Claims Cherokee Name for Robeson Indians.” Robesonian 4 July 1979. |
656 |
North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs. “A Historical Perspective about the Indians of North Carolina and an Overview of the Commission of Indian Affairs.” North Carolina Historical Review 56.2 (April 1979): 177-87. |
655 |
Blu, Karen I. “The Uses of History for Ethnic Identity: The Lumbee Case.” Currents in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Sol Tax. Ed. Robert Hinshaw. The Hague: Mouton, 1979. Pp. [271]-85. |
654 |
“The Lumbees: Their Status Is a Knotty Problem.” Durham Morning Herald 19 Aug. 1978. |
653 |
Vaden, Ted. “Indians Wage War of Names.” News and Observer 7 Aug. 1978: 25. |
652 |
95th Cong. 2nd Sess. Hearing ... on S. 2375, to Establish an Administrative Procedure and Guidelines to be Followed by the Dept. of Interior in its Decision to Acknowledge the Existence of Certain Indian Tribes. Senate Select Comm. on Indian Affairs. Dated 18 April 1978. (CIS 1978, S961-16.) |
651 |
Zucchino, David. “The Lumbees.” News and Observer 18 Sept. 1977: 4-1. |
650 |
Warren, Harold. “Are They Indians? Congress Must Decide.” Charlotte Observer 2 May 1977: 1. |
649 |
Deloria, Vine, Jr. A Better Day for Indians. New York: Field Foundation, 1977. Pp. 19-21. |
648 |
Blu, Karen I. “Varieties of Ethnic Identity: Anglo-Saxons, Blacks, Indians, and Jews in a Southern County.” Ethnicity 4.3 (1977): 263-86. |
647 |
Woods, Ruth Dial. “A Position Paper Presented to the American Indian Policy Review Commission–Task Force #10, Terminated and Nonfederally Recognized Indians, April 16, 1976.” Unpublished typescript. 8 p.
645 |
U.S. Senate. Select Comm. on Indian Affairs. American Indian Policy Review Commission. Task Force Ten. Report on Terminated and Non Federally Recognized Indians. Washington: GPO, 1976. Pp. 160-73. |
646 |
American Indian Policy Review Commission. “Public Hearing.” Pembroke, April 16 and 17, 1976. Fayetteville, NC: Worth Reporting Co., 1976. |
644 |
“Adolph Dial Named to American Indian Policy Review Commission.” Carolina Indian Voice 13 March 1975: 1. |
643 |
“Senator Jesse Helms Reintroduces Amended Lumbee Bill.” Carolina Indian Voice 23 Jan. 1975: 1. |
642 |
“Lumbee Bill Revision Dies in 93rd Congress; Senator Sam Ervin Disavowal Strikes Death Blow.” Carolina Indian Voice 24 Dec. 1974: 1. |
640 |
Betts, Jack. “Rose Seeks Aid for Lumbees.” Greensboro Daily News 28 Aug. 1974: B1. |
638 |
“Legal History Between Lumbee Indians and the United States Congress.” Unpublished typescript. [1974?] [8] p. |
639 |
Woods, Ruth Dial. “Testimony: Indian Definition Study.” Pembroke: R. D. Woods, [1974?] 75 p. |
637 |
Nichols, Rick. “Indian Rights Is Smoldering Issue.” News and Observer 11 March 1973: Sec. 1 p. 5. |
636 |
“Indian Delegates Launch Drive Here.” News and Observer 18 March 1972: 10. |
635 |
“New Pembroke Facility [Henry Berry Lowry College] To Teach Indian Culture.” News and Observer 14 Feb. 1972: 5. |
634 |
Blu, Karen I. “‘We People’: Understanding Lumbee Indian Identity in a Tri-Racial Situation.” Diss. U of Chicago, 1972. |
633 |
Barton, Lew. “Evidence of legal ‘Indianness’ shown in long-lost document.” Robesonian 6 Dec. 1971: 11. |