98th Cong. 1st Session. Oversight of the Federal Acknowledgement Process. Hearing, Select Comm. on Indian Affairs. S.Hrg. 98-690. Y4.In2/11:S.hrg.98-690 (CIS 1984: S961-13) 164p. Dated 21 July 1983.
Julian Pierce’s testimony (pp. 48-59; typescript at Indian Education Resource Center, Pembroke, NC) examines the special situation of Southern tribes, which find it difficult to meet the BIA criterion of documented autonomy throughout history. Discusses three other concerns of North Carolina tribes about the BIA’s Federal Acknowledgement Project. Another Senate hearing on the federal acknowledgement process (May 26, 1988; Y4.In2/11:S.hrg.100-823) contains testimony by Adolph Dial (pp. 27-34 and 178-189) on the history of Lumbee efforts at Federal recognition; the burden that federal acknowledgement requirements place on Eastern tribes; and conflict of interest in the Branch of Acknowledgement Research’s Indian-preference hiring policy.