Record Number | Citation |
632 |
Olson, Delmar W. “The Lumbee Community: A Proposal to Restore, Reactivate, Recreate, Perpetuate, Promote the Lumbee Culture and to Establish a Lumbee Identity Expressible Within the Totality of the Lumbee Community.” Written for Lumbee Regional Development Commission. Unpublished typescript. 5 April 1971. 5 p. |
631 |
Bledsoe, Jerry. “Lumbee Pride and Politics: ‘A Mighty Stirring’ of People.” Greensboro Daily News 19 Jan. 1971: A1. |
630 |
Johnson, Guy B. “What’s In a Name: The Case of the Lumbee Indians.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Anthropological Society, Athens, GA. 9 April 1970. 8 p. [Included in entry 468.] |
629 |
Indian Voices: The First Convocation of American Indian Scholars. San Francisco: Indian Historian P, 1970. Pp. 117-23. |
628 |
“Sampson’s Indians Once Operated Own Schools.” The Sampsonian [Clinton, NC] 31 March 1966. |
627 |
“Pembroke Indian Conference Ends.” Scottish Chief 24 April 1961. |
626 |
Gray, Penn. “‘Indian Nations’ Sends Envoys to Tell Lumbees About Unity.” Robesonian 2 Sept. 1959?
625 |
Maynor, Lacy W. “The Trail of the 20th Century Brave.” Address. National Congress of American Indians, 15th Annual Convention, Missoula, Montana, 15 (?) Sept. 1958. |
624 |
“Group Approves Name-Change for Robeson Indians.” News and Observer 26 Feb. 1953: 11. |
623 |
“Indians Plan to Fight Bill.” News and Observer 21 Feb.1953: 7. |
622 |
“Indians Vote Name Change.” News and Observer 5 Feb. 1952: 1. |
621 |
Gray, Penn. “30,000 North Carolinians Vote Themselves a Name.” The State 19 (26 Jan. 1952): 6-7, 14. Rpt. in Carolina Indian Voice 14 Dec. 1978: 9; 3 Nov. 1983: 10. |
620 |
Sharpe, Helen Seawell. “Indians Voice Name Change Opinions.” Robesonian 23 Jan. 1952: 1. |
619 |
“Robeson Indians Will Vote on Name ... Feb. 2.” Robesonian 8 Jan. 1952: 1. |
618 |
“Indians’ Historic Heritage Retold as Petition Circulates.” Hamlet News-Messenger 28 Aug. 1951. |
617 |
“‘Lumbee Indians’ Designated in Bill Introduced by Watts.” Robesonian 5 April 1951: 1. |
616 |
“Indians Approve Change in Name.” Robesonian 2 April 1951: 1, 7. |
615 |
“Robeson Indians To Decide Name ....” News and Observer 30 March 1951: 24. |
614 |
Maynor, Jesse. “Says Indians Have ‘God-Given Rights’.” Robesonian 9 May 1949: 4. |
613 |
“Says Indians in Town of Pembroke and Educated Members of Race Have Not Taken Part in Recent Agitation.” Robesonian 25 April 1949: 1. |
612 |
“Pembroke Indians Organize to Obtain ‘Special Rights’.” Robesonian 22 April 1949: 1. |
611 |
“First Annual Robeson County Indian Fair to Close Saturday in Pembroke.” Robesonian 31 Oct. 1947: 1. |
610 |
Zimmerman, William. Letter to Joseph Brooks. Washington: Office of Indian Affairs, US Dept. of the Interior, stamped 12 Dec. 1938. Correspondence no. Ind-Org. 71526-38. [3] p. |
609 |
Sharpe, J. A., Jr. “Siouan Council’s Main Objective Realized in Indian Resettlement Project, Biggest Federal Benefit.” Robesonian 22 July 1938: 1. |
608 |
McNickle, D’Arcy. “Memorandum [for the Commissioner of Indian Affairs]. Re: Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina.” Washington: Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1 May 1936. 13 p. |
607 |
McNickle, D’Arcy. “Memorandum [for the Commissioner of Indian Affairs]. Re: Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina.” Washington: Bureau of Indian Affairs, 7 April 1936. 7 p. |
606 |
Cohen, Felix S. “Memorandum for the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.” Washington: Office of the Solicitor, US Dept. of the Interior, 8 April 1935. |
605 |
Mrs. What-Nots. “Leaving the Siouans and Going to the Cherokees.” Robesonian 3 May 1934: 4.
603 |
“The Cherokee Indians’ Objection to the ‘Siouan Bill.’” Robesonian 26 April 1934: 4. |
604 |
“Robeson Indians Farther Advanced, Speaker Asserts.” Robesonian 26 April 1934: 6. |
601 |
“The Cherokees’ Objection to the ‘Siouan Bill’.” Robesonian 23 April 1934: 4. |
602 |
“Indians at Big Mass Meeting Vote Unanimously to Adopt Name Siouan.” Robesonian 23 April 1934: 1, 8. |
600 |
“Indians Protest Strongly Against Name of ‘Siouan’.” Robesonian 19 April 1934: 1. |
599 |
McInnis, N. “Thoughts Regarding Indians of Robeson.” Robesonian 5 March 1934: 4. |
597 |
Godwin, W. H. “Proposed Change of Name to Siouan.” Robesonian 26 Feb. 1934: 4. |
598 |
Hunt, L. B. “There’s No History of a Tribe Named Croatan.” Robesonian 26 Feb. 1934: 1. |
596 |
Sharpe, J. A., Jr. “Dispute of Robeson Indians Over New Name Based on Motives for Adoption.” Robesonian 19 Feb. 1934: 1. |
595 |
Sharpe, J. A., Jr. “Sentiment Among Indians Divided on Change of Name.” Robesonian 15 Feb. 1934: 1. |
594 |
The Diamond Kid. “As the Wind Changeth—A New Name.” [Poem.] Dated 14 Feb. 1934. Rpt. in Thomas (entry 569), p. 248. |
593 |
“Robeson Indians Would Be Called Siouans under Senate Bill.” Robesonian 12 Feb. 1934: 1. |
592 |
“Croatans Again Seek Recognition.” Charlotte Observer 4 Feb. 1934: 3-1. |
591 |
Ashe, S. A. “The Croatans.” News and Observer 20 Oct. 1933: 4. |
589 |
Butler, George E. The Croatan Indians of Sampson County, North Carolina: Their Origin and Racial Status: A Plea for Separate Schools. Durham, NC: Seeman Printery, 1916. |
587 |
“Uncle Sam Is Probing Identity of Croatans: To Ascertain if They Are Branch of Cherokees.” Wilmington Star 2 Aug. 1914. |
588 |
McMillan, Hamilton. Letter to O. M. McPherson, Special Indian Agent. 2 Aug. 1914. Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit M, pp. 242-3. |
586 |
“Investigation of Indians: Simmons and Godwin Want to Know Whether There Are Any Lands or Monies Due Indians of Robeson and Adjoining Counties from the Government.” Robesonian 30 April 1914: 1. |
585 |
“Cherokee Indians of Robeson: Rightful and Ancient Name of Indians of Robeson and Adjacent Counties Restored.” Robesonian 13 March 1913: 4. |
584 |
“Croatans Want Name Cherokees: The Rival Indian Forces Appeal to Legislature.” News and Observer 4 Feb. 1911: P. 3 col. 1. |
583 |
Hunt, James. “Seriously Objects to the Name ‘Croatan’.” Robesonian 11 Aug. 1910: 3. |
582 |
Locklear, A. S. “A Protest. The Indians of Robeson Merely Want Their Original Name and Are Not ‘Pursuing a Shadow’.” Robesonian 7 (8?) Feb. 1910: 8. |
581 |
“Croatan to Cherokee: Croatan Indians Want Name Changed to Cherokee.” Robesonian 3 Feb. 1910: 3. |
580 |
“Croatan.” Robesonian 24 Jan. 1910: 1. |