Dobie, Kathy. “Murder by the road in Robeson County.” Vibe 2.1 (February 1994): 72-78.
Balanced account of the murder of James Jordan, father of professional basketball star Michael Jordan, in Robeson County on July 23, 1993. Two Robeson County youths (Daniel Green, African-American, and Larry Demery, Native American) were arrested for the incident. Focuses on the reactions of Robeson County residents, including editors of the Robesonian, classmates of Green and Demery, and a variety of community members. Gives background information on the boys' activities prior to the murder. Dobie visits Rev. Lindbergh Chavis of Baker's Chapel Church in Rowland, cruises through Pembroke on a Sunday night with three teenagers, visits Bill Brewington at Purnell Swett High School, and talks with Hayes Allan Locklear, who was then at the Indian Education Resource Center. One focus of the article is on violent crime, and attitudes toward it, in Robeson County