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Author Record Number Citation
Thomson, Estes THOM002

Thomson, Estes. “Rural Prosperity Commission to study why region lags.” Associated Press State & Local Wire 2 July 1999. 527 words.

Thoreson, Katrina THOR001

Thoreson, Katrina. "Legendary Pride: How Legends Derived from Times of Oppression Influence Cultural Pride in Subsequent Eras Through the Analysis of the Lowry War in Robeson County, North Carolina 1864-1872." Thesis (M.A., History). San Diego, CA: U of San Diego, 2015.

Thrasher, Alice THRA001

Thrasher, Alice. “Universities work on diversity.” Fayetteville Observer May 9, 2003.

Tilley, Greta 979

Tilley, Greta. “Indians’ Image Barrier in School.” Greensboro Record 3 July 1975: B1.

Tilley, Greta 978

Tilley, Greta. “Lumbees Aim to End ‘Invisible’ Status.” Greensboro Record 2 July 1975: A1.

Tilley, Greta 980

Tilley, Greta. “Lumbee Indians Left Farm to Find City Job Bias.” Greensboro Record 4 July 1975: B2.

Tkacik, Christina TKAC001

Tkacik, Christina. "From the vault: American Indians in Maryland." Baltimore Sun [Maryland] November 16, 2016.

Tobin, Juanita TOBI001

Tobin, Juanita. “The woman from the Lumbee tribe.” Journal of counseling and development 64 (September 1985): 51. Reprinted in: Ransom street quartet: poems & stories. By Juanita Tobin. Boone, NC: Parkway Publishers, 1995.

Tobin, Patricia L. 474

Tobin, Patricia L., et al.  “Value of Children and Fertility Behavior in a Tri-Racial, Rural County.”  Journal of Comparative Family Studies 6.1 (Spring 1975): 46-55.

Toole, Judith 175

Toole, Judith.  “New School District Lines to be Checked by Board.”  Robesonian 27  Sept. 1991: 1A.

Toole, Judith 176

Toole, Judith.  “Johnson’s Promise to Resign Fails to Satisfy Caucus.”  Robesonian 17 June 1992: 1A.

Toole, Judith 880

Toole, Judith. ‘Revealing Portrait’ of County Compiled.” Robesonian 23 Aug. 1992: 1A.

Toole, Judith 174

Toole, Judith.  “Dropout Rate Increasing at Slower Pace.”  Robesonian 26 Aug. 1991: 1A.

Torbert, Benjamin TORB002

Torbert, Benjamin. “Tracing Native American language history through consonant cluster reduction: the case of Lumbee English.” American Speech 76.4 (Winter 2001): 361-387. 35 references.

Torbert, Benjamin Charles TORB001

Torbert, Benjamin Charles. “Native American language history traced through consonant cluster reduction: the case of Lumbee English.”  Thesis.  Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, 2000. 61 pages.

Towle, Lisa H. TOWL001

Towle, Lisa H. “A recipe for economic health.” North Carolina (Raleigh: North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry) 52.6 (June 1994): 21-26.

Towle, Lisa H. TOWL003

Towle, Lisa H. “'Dream team' for education: targeted for takeover, schools get help with dropouts, illiteracy.” North Carolina (Raleigh: North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry) 52.6 (June 1994): 29-31.

Towle, Lisa H. TOWL002

Towle, Lisa H. “Robeson repairing its image with efforts to boost tourism.” North Carolina (Raleigh: North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry) 52.6 (June 1994): 28.

Townsend, George Alfred 1078

Townsend, George Alfred, comp. The Swamp Outlaws: or, The North Carolina Bandits; being a complete history of the modern Rob Roys and Robin Hoods. The Red Wolf Series. New York: Robert M. DeWitt, 1872. Another edition: The Swamp Outlaws of North Carolina. Philadelphia: Old Franklin Publishing House, 1872.

Townsend, Peggy T. 1018

Townsend, Peggy T. Vanishing Ancestors: Cemetery Records of Robeson County, North Carolina. 3 v. N.p.: [Peggy Townsend], 1975-92.

Tpkunesh, TPKU001

Kunesh, Thomas Peter. “Arlinda Faye Locklear, 1951- .” In: Notable Native Americans. Ed. Sharon Malinowski. New York: Gale Research Inc., 1995. Pp. 243-244.

Trapani, William TRAP001

Trapani, William. “Re/cognizing Native American sovereignty in an age of manifest manners.” Journal of Law in Society 3 (Winter 2002): 1-29. 10,529 words

Travis, Scott TRAV003

Travis, Scott. “The unbeaten path: Indian life once centered on the Burnt Swamp community.” Fayetteville Observer-Times (Fayetteville, N.C.) 25 August 1996.

Travis, Scott TRAV002

Travis, Scott. “Economic cohesion encouraged in Robeson County.” Fayetteville Observer-Times 24 January 1997 (Friday).

Travis, Scott TRAV004

Travis, Scott. “Robeson Sheriff Maynor gets nod.” Fayetteville Observer-Times (North Carolina) 6 May 1998.

Travis, Scott TRAV001

Travis, Scott. “Activist lawyer's legacy is still felt in Robeson.” Fayetteville Observer-Times 26 March 1998.

Triplett, Frank 1085

Triplett, Frank. History, romance and philosophy of great American crimes and criminals .... New York: N. D. Thompson and Co., 1884. Pp. 464-92.

Tucker, Jill TUCK001

Tucker, Jill. “Charter schools’ officials may face criminal probe.” The San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco, CA). June 14, 2012

Tumulty, Karen 1237

Tumulty, Karen. “Killing of Indian Brings N.C. Racial Problems to Fore.” Akwesasne Notes 20.1 (Early Spring 1988): 10-11.

Turner, Eugene ALLE002

Allen, James P., and Eugene Turner. “Where diversity reigns.” American Demographics 12.8 (August 1990): 34-38.

Tyner, K. Blake TYNE001

Tyner, K. Blake. Robeson County. Images of America series. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2003. 128 pages. Key source

Tyson, Ruel W., Jr. 418

Tyson, Ruel W., Jr.  “The Testimony of Sister Annie Mae.”  Diversities of Gifts: Field Studies in Southern Religion.  Ed. Ruel W. Tyson, Jr.  Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1988.  Pp. 105-25.

Tyson, Timothy B. TYSO001

Tyson, Timothy B. "Ku Klux Klan routing, January 18, 1958." Radio free Dixie: Robert F. Williams & the roots of Black power. Chapel Hill, NC: U of North Carolina P, 1999. 137-40.

Umberger, Randolph 340

Umberger, Randolph.  "Strike at the Wind!"  Script.  Pembroke: N.p., 1970?.


“Lumbee Citizen to Coordinate Southeast American Indian Studies at UNCP.” Indian Country Media Network Today. August 22, 2014.

Upadhyah, Nishant UPAD001

Upadhyah, Nishant. “‘Can you get more American than Native American?’: Drag and settler colonialism in RuPaul’s Drag Race.” Cultural Studies, vol. 33, no. 3, 2019, pp. 480-501.

Urban, Rob 1239

Urban, Rob. “Report on Robeson: Proof of Corruption Sparse.” Charlotte Observer 15 June 1988: C1.

Urban, Rob 1004

Urban, Rob. “Charlotte Indian Museum at Old Fireman’s Hall Is Dream Slow in Coming.” Charlotte Observer 11 March 1991: 1B.

Vaden, Ted 653

Vaden, Ted.  “Indians Wage War of Names.”  News and Observer 7 Aug. 1978: 25.

Vaden, Ted 832

Vaden, Ted. “Small Businessman of the Year Thought Big.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 1 July 1979: Sec. 4 p. 3.

Van Dyke, Jeffrey Alan 1199

Van Dyke, Jeffrey Alan. “Bedsheets and broadsheets: covering the Ku Klux Klan in North Carolina.” Thesis. U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986. Pp. 41-45, 55-57.

Vaughan, Earl, Jr. VAUG001

Vaughan, Earl, Jr. “Indian history; men seek to keep memories alive.” Fayetteville (NC) Observer Tuesday, 7 April 1998.

Vela, Karen 134

Vela, Karen.  “Racial Discrimination Found in L’ton Schools.”  Robesonian 5 June 1975:  11.

Verkuilen, Kathy 171

Verkuilen, Kathy.  “Lowry Ready to Face Challenges as NCAE’s New President-Elect.”  Robesonian 10 June 1990: 1A.

Villa, Judi VILL001

Villa, Judi. “Honored for making a difference, social worker is committed to aiding abused children on Indian reservation.” Arizona Republic/Phoenix Gazette 1 May 1992: 6-7 (Friday).

Vincent, Roger VINC001

Vincent, Roger, and Amanda Covarrubias. “Developer thinks big to keep pace with growth; Jim Thomas is leading a massive proposal for Universal City, a plan that could serve expanding real estate needs.” Los Angeles Times December 29 2006, Home ed.: C-1. 1400 words.

Vitaglione, Tom VITA001

Vitaglione, Tom. “Corporal punishment used mostly on Lumbee students in Robeson.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). March 26, 2015

Vizenor, Gerald VIZE001

Vizenor, Gerald. “Blue moon ceremonial.” In: Earthdivers: tribal narratives on mixed descent. Minneapolis: Minnesota UP, 1981. Pp. 67-76. Key source

Vuffalo Child Long Lance, 290

Buffalo Child Long Lance [Sylvester Clark Long]. Long Lance: The Autobiography of a Blackfoot Chief. New York: Cosmopolitan, 1928.

Waage, Fred WAAG001

Waage, Fred. “Lost Colony.” Pembroke Magazine 35 (2003): 54.

Wagner, Adam WAGN001

Wagner, Adam, "GenX shows up in Bladen farmer’s honey." Fayetteville News [Fayetteville, NC]. December 4, 2017.

Wagoner, Mark WAGO001

Wagoner, Mark, photographer. “Pathmakers: North Carolina Native American women of distinction. A sampling of 1994 recipients.” Pembroke Magazine 27 (1995): 33-42.

Waldman, Carl 1133

Waldman, Carl. Who was who in Native American history: Indians and non-Indians from early contacts through 1900. New York: Facts on File, 1990. Pp. 211-12. 

Waldman, Carl 42

Waldman, Carl.  “Lumbee.”  Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes.  New York: Facts on File, 1988.  Pp. 118-19.

Walker, Richard WALK002

Walker, Richard. "Good Luck Ashton Locklear! Lumbee Olympic Gymnastics Hopeful." Indian Country. July 8, 2016

Walker, Richard WALK003

Walker, Richard. "Olympics-Bound Ashton Locklear: 'Indian Country is in My Heart!'" Indian Country Today Media Network July 21, 2016.

Walker, Andrea K. WALK001

Walker, Andrea K. “A Native Miss America? Lumbees hope this year's Miss N.C. can be first.” Charlotte Observer Wednesday, 9 August 2000: B1.

Walker, Charles R. 1148

Walker, Charles R. “Homesteaders–New Style.” Survey Graphic: Magazine of Social Interpretation 28.6 (June 1939): 377-81, 408.

Walker, Richard WALK004

Walker, Richard. “Hunt makes history with national honor.” Indian country today (Lakota times) 23.18 (October 15, 2003): B1.

Wallace, Charles 344

Wallace, Charles.  Carradine: An Original Screenplay.  First draft.  Unpublished typescript, [1977?]  126 p.

Walls, Frances 91

Walls, Frances.  “Johnston Children To Enter White Schools If Parents Prove They’re Indian.”  News and Observer 11 Sept. 1955: 12.

Walton, Trudy WALT001

Walton, Trudy. “Lumber River took many lives, inspired poets and bootleggers.” News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) Sunday, 1 February 1948: 1.

Ward, Kristen WARD001

Ward, Kristen. “Culturally Responsive Housing.” Thesis (M. Arch.) U of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2012.

Warren, Gene 329

Warren, Gene.  “Gene Locklear: Lumbee Indian Artist Who Made It to Big Leagues.”  Robesonian 29 April 1972.

Warren, Gene 275

Warren, Gene.  “New PSU Chancellor Wants ‘To Impact on the Community’.”  Robesonian 29 June 1989: 14A.

Warren, Gene 253

Warren, Gene.  “Givens Seeks Greater Cooperation.”  Robesonian 2 Oct. 1979: 11.

Warren, Harold 650

Warren, Harold. “Are They Indians? Congress Must Decide.” Charlotte Observer 2 May 1977: 1.

Warren, Gene 238

Warren, Gene.  “Dedication of Indian Teacher Inspired Escape from Poverty.”  Robesonian 25 March 1979: 6C.  “Shrapnel Bit is Momento [sic] of Duty in World War II.”  Robesonian 1 April 1979: 8A.  “Administrative Talent Seen Early in Career.”  Robesonian 8 April 1979: 8A.  “‘Right Man at Right Time’ Propelled PSU Expansion.”  Robesonian 15 April 1979: 1C.

Warren, Gene 237

Warren, Gene.  “Dr. English E. Jones: A Great American Indian.”  Pembroke Magazine no. 11 (1979): 274-77.

Warren, Gene 235

Warren, Gene.  “Pembroke Campus Has Indian Relics on Display.”  Greensboro Daily News 18 July 1976: C2.

Warren, Gene 208

Warren, Gene.  “Pembroke Seeks Regional University Status.”  Greensboro Daily News 23 March 1969: A9.

Warren, Gene 373

Warren, Gene.  “Mike Wilkins To Exhibit Carving Skills During Heritage Celebration.”  Robesonian 14 Sept. 1990: 1A.

Warren, Gene 901

Warren, Gene. “Pinchbeck Dedicates His Life to Working with Boy Scouts.” Lumberton Post/Scottish Chief 16 March 1969: 11.

Warren, Gene 266

Warren, Gene, ed.  Centennial Report, 1887-1987.  Pembroke: The University, 1986?  30 p.

Warren, Gene 279

Warren, Gene.  “Prine Retiring After 48 Years at PSU.”  Robesonian 10 Jan. 1991: 6A.

Warren, Gene 278

Warren, Gene.  “PSU’s Chancellor Happy with his First Year in Office.”  Robesonian 1 July 1990: 1C.

Warren, Gene 274

Warren, Gene.  “PSU’s ‘Givens Era’ Keyed to Personal Diplomacy.”  Robesonian 30 April 1989: C1.

Warren, Gene 874

Warren, Gene. “Former PSU Professor Elected to N.C. House.” Robesonian 8 Nov. 1990: 7A.

Warrick, Joby WARR001

Warrick, Joby. “Tainted wells, poisoned relations.” News and Observer 15 October 1995: B1 (Raleigh, N.C.)

Watson, Patricia 954

Watson, Patricia. “The Lumbee Indians. Multi-Ethnicity in Maryland–-Focus Baltimore–-Workshop Project–-Ethnic Data Project.” Unpublished typescript. 1979. [18] p. [EPFL]

Watts, Carroll 1065

Watts, Carroll. “Robeson County ‘dig’ reveals clues of former occupants.” Robesonian 30 Aug. 1970: 5B.

Watts, Carroll 112

Watts, Carroll.  “Lumbee Fund-Raising Drive Nets $2,200 for Legal Battle.”  Robesonian  10 Sept. 1970: 1.

Waynick, Capus M. 794

Waynick, Capus M., ed. North Carolina and the Negro. Raleigh: North Carolina Mayors’ Co-Operating Committee, 1964. Pp. 127-28.

Weeks, Donnie E. WEEK001

Weeks, Donnie E. “An in-depth study of educational issues as they relate to the reorganization of five school systems.” Diss. Campbell U, 1990. 174 p.

Weeks, Stephen B. 508

Weeks, Stephen B. “The Lost Colony of Roanoke: Its fate and survival.” Papers of the American Historical Association 5.4 (1891): 439-480. Summarized in Annual Report of the American Historical Association 1890: 97-98. Reprinted as a separate; New York: Knickerbocker, 1891. Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit CC.

Weeks, Stephen B. 509

Weeks, Stephen B.  “Raleigh’s Settlement on Roanoke Island: An Historical Survival.”  Magazine of American History 25 (Feb. 1891): 127-39.

Wei, Guo WEI0001

Wei, Guo, Linda B. Greaver, and Stephen M. Marson. "Postpartum depression: racial differences and ethnic disparities in a tri-racial and bi-ethnic population." Maternal and child health journal 12 (2008): 699-707.

Weinberger, Andrew D. WEIN001

Weinberger, Andrew D. “A reappraisal of the constitutionality of miscegenation statutes.” Journal of Negro education 26.4 (Autumn 1957): 435-446.

Wellman, Manly Wade 316

Wellman, Manly Wade.  The Haunts of Drowning Creek.  New York: Holiday, 1951.  205 p.

Wellons, R.D. 191

Wellons, R. D.  “State Faces Problem of Providing Graduate Education for Indians; PSC Degree Ends Opportunity for Schooling in N.C.”  [Newspaper article, Feb. 1947?]

Wellons, R.D. 197

Wellons, R. D.  “Last 10-Years Growth of College 60 Years Old Reported to Trustees.”  Pembroke Progress 9 June 1949: 8.

Wells, Pamela Luann WELL002

Wells, Pamela Luann, et al. "An oral health survey of the Lumbee Tribe in southeastern North Carolina." Journal of Dental Hygiene 84.3 (2010): 137-44.

Wells, Pamela Luann WELL001

Wells, Pamela Luann. "An oral health survey of the Lumbee Tribe in southeastern North Carolina." Master of Science. U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008.

Wertheimer, John W. WERT001

Wertheimer, John W. "Native Americans and school desegregation: the Chavis case in Robeson County.” Law and society in the South: A history of North Carolina court cases. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2009. Pp.165–189. Notes, Pp. 251–264. Key source

West, Sam 1031

West, Sam. “Records of Robeson County in the North Carolina Archives.” Robeson County Register 3.3 (Aug. 1988): 92-111.

West, Amy Elizabeth WEST002

West, Amy Elizabeth. “The experience of social anxiety in Native American adolescents.” Diss. (Psychology). U of Virginia, 2004. 139 p.

Weston, Mary Ann WEST001

Weston, Mary Ann. Native Americans in the news: images of Indians in the twentieth century press. Westport, CT: Greenwood P, 1996. Pages 120-121. 

Wetmore, Ruth Y. 1069

Wetmore, Ruth Y. “Report on excavations at the Buie Mound, Robeson County, North Carolina.” University of South Carolina. Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology. Notebook 10 (1978): 30-71.

Wetmore, Ruth 1129

Wetmore, Ruth. “Henry Berry Lowrie, the swamp outlaw.” News and Observer, 400th anniversary edition, July 1985: Sec. 6 p. 16.

Wetmore, Ruth Y. 29

Wetmore, Ruth Y.  First on the Land: The North Carolina Indians.  Winston-Salem: F. Blair, 1975.  Pp. 164-68.  [PSU-MLL]

White, Wes 575

White, Wes.  “Summary of a Restricted Report on Lumbee Origins Made by David Wilkins in 1983.”   Unpublished typescript.  N.d.  6 p.

White, Wesley 578a

White, Wesley.  “The American Indian Population in Robeson County, N.C. from 1837-1854.”  Report for Lumbee River Legal Services.  15 Jan. 1986.  [Not seen.]

White, Wes 564

White, Wes.  “A Report on the Origins of the Lumbee Indians: A Somewhat Revised and Proofread Version.”  Unpub. typescript.  1 April 1978.

White, Wes 4

White, Wes. "Local History References and Lumbee Indian References in the Lumberton, NC Robesonian, 1897, 1900-1939." Unpublished manuscript. N.D.

White, Jack Chapman 490

White, Jack Chapman.  “American Indian Youth Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention Project.”  Diss.  Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, 1982.

White, Paul WHIT001

White, Paul. “Franklin man teaches ‘street’ karate.” The Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, VA). October 11, 1992

Whittle, Richard 818

Whittle, Richard. “Small N.C. District Is Giant on Death Penalty.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 22 Dec. 1975: 1, 6.

Wicker, Leslie Cleveland 481

Wicker, Leslie Cleveland.  “Racial Awareness and Racial Identification Among American Indian Children as Influenced by Native-American Power Ideology and Self-Concept.”  Diss.  U of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1977.

Wilcox, Ed 426

Wilcox, Ed.  “Robeson Preacher Opens His Own TV Station.”  Robesonian 8 March 1992: C1.

Wiljanen, Ursula WILJ001

Wiljanen, Ursula. “Lumbee celebrate a rare heritage.” Tampa Tribune (Florida) 26 April 1993: Heartland section, page 1.

Wilkie, Lorrie 1249

Wilkie, Lorrie. “Robesonian Staffers Express Disbelief.” Fayetteville Observer/Fayetteville Times 15 Oct. 1988: 1B.

Wilkins, David WILK006

Wilkins, David. “Wilkins: Red, black, and bruised.” Indian country today October 21, 2003.

Wilkins, David Eugene 666

Wilkins, David Eugene.  “An Analysis of Colonial, State, and Federal ‘Definitions of Indian’.”  Thesis.  U of Arizona, 1982.

Wilkins, W.S. 764

Wilkins, W. S.  “State Should Provide for Indian Insane: White and Colored Insane Are Provided For But There Is No Place for the Indian Insane.”  Robesonian 6 Sept. 1915: 3.

Wilkins, Cherry 772

Wilkins, Cherry. “The Strange Case of Nick and Versha.” The State [Charlotte, NC] 1.47 (21 April 1934): 18.

Wilkins, David E. WILK001

Wilkins, David E. “Henry Berry Lowry: champion of the dispossessed.” Race, Gender & Class 13.2 (Winter 1996): 97-111. 

Wilkins, David E. WILK007

Wilkins, David E. "Breaking into the intergovernmental matrix: the Lumbee Tribe's efforts to secure federal acknowledgment." Publius: The journal of federalism 23. 4 (Fall 1993): 123-142. Key source

Wilkins, Tim WILK004

Wilkins, Tim. “SATW! no show in 2004; lack of money cancels play.” Robesonian 25 March 2004.

Wilkins, David E. WILK002

Wilkins, David E. “The Lumbee tribe and its quest for federal recognition: Lumbee Centurions on the Trail of Many Years.” In: A good Cherokee, a good anthropologist. Ed. Steve Pavlik. Los Angeles: American Indian Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles, 1998. Pp. 149-75. Key source

Wilkins, David WILK003

Wilkins, David. Racial identity and the federal recognition process: a case study of the Lumbee Indians. Paper presented at: “ ‘Eating out of the same pot’: relating Black and Indian (hi)stories.” Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College, April 2002. 14 pages.

Willets, Sarah WILL009

Willets, Sarah. “Lumbee Tribe, R.A. Jeffreys settle in beer ad lawsuit.” Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). July 1, 2016.

Willets, Sarah WILL011

Willets, Sarah. "McCrory to protest votes in 12 counties; Robeson among those cited." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] November 17, 2016.

Willets, Sarah WILL005

Willets, Sarah. “McCrory: Revels inspired pay proposal.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). April 11, 2016

Willets, Sarah WILL004

Willets, Sarah. “Tribe receives $185K grant to aid homeless.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC) January 15, 2016.

Willets, Sarah WILL008

Willets, Sarah. "In Robeson, a third of potential moms uninsured." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. July 8, 2016

Willets, Sarah WILL010

Willets, Sarah. "Flood water brings health worries." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] October 19, 2016.

Williams, Bronwyn 370

Williams, Bronwyn [pseud. for Dixie Browning and Mary Williams].  Stormwalker.  Harlequin Historical, vol. 47.  Toronto: Harlequin Books, 1990.

Williams, Allison WILL003

Williams, Allison. “Labor market is Lumbee's love.” Associated Press State & Local Wire 2 December 2000. 793 words.

Williams, Megan WILL007

Williams, Megan. “Sacred Grounds.” Our State Magazine (September 2007): 34-36.

Williams, Charles T., II WILL002

Williams, Charles T., II. The Kinnakeeter. New York: Vantage P, 1975. 141p.

Williams, Robert A., Jr. WILL001

Williams, Robert A., Jr. “Vampires Anonymous and critical race practice.” Michigan Law Review 95 (February 1997): 741-65.

Williamson, Hadley 105

Williamson, Hadley.  “Lumbees Hold Meet on School Action.”  Robesonian 25 Aug. 1970: 1.

Wilson, Bonnie 269

269.     Wilson, Bonnie.  “Squabble Resurfaces Over PSU Name-Change Proposal.”  Fayetteville Times 29 June 1987: B1.

Wilson, Susan Price 1207

Wilson, Susan Price. “Tension Has Grown Since [19]86 Shooting.” Winston-Salem Journal 2 Feb. 1988: 4.

Wilson, E.Y. 511

Wilson, E. Y.  “The Lost Colony of Roanoke.”  The Canadian Magazine 4 (April 1895): [500]-504.

Wilson, J Matthew GRON001

Gronke, Paul, and J. Matthew Wilson. “Competing redistricting plans as evidence of political motives: the North Carolina case.” American Politics Quarterly 27.2 (April 1999): 147-176.

Winfield, John B. WINF001

Winfield, John B., Philip L. Cohen, Linda Bradley, et al. “IgM cryoprecipitation and anti-immunoglobulin activity in dysgammaglobulinemia type I.” Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology 23.1 (April 1982): 58-69.  MEDLINE:  82234446. ISSN: 0090-1229.

Wirt, Keesia WIRT002

Wirt, Keesia. “Drama greeted by full house.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] Monday, 5 July 1999: 1A.

Wishart, Francis Marion 1074

Wishart, Francis Marion. “Diary of Col. Francis M. Wishart, commander of action against the Lowry outlaws of Robeson County, North Carolina, 1864-1872, and comments by an unknown author.” Typescript. Presented by Mrs. Annabel Wishart Lane. 

Witherspoon, David 800

Witherspoon, David. “At NCCU, Lumbees Pursue Careers in Law Field.” Durham Morning Herald [Durham, NC] 26 Oct. 1970.

Witten, Scott WITT018

Witten, Scott. “RCC on Probation.” Robesonian Wednesday, 6 December 2000: 1A, 10A.

Witten, Scott WITT022

Witten, Scott. “State draws economic recovery map.” Robesonian 30 January 2002.

Witten, Scott WITT014

Witten, Scott. “Grants to aid in completing replica of Tuscarora village.” Robesonian 3 October 2001.

Witten, Scott WITT011

Witten, Scott. “Lumbee Tribal Council picks administrators.” Robesonian 8 October 2001.

Witten, Scott WITT025

Witten, Scott. “Study: County Tax Burden Is among Lowest in State.” Robesonian Monday, February 5, 2007.

Witten, Scott WITT007

Witten, Scott. “Judge takes election stance.” Robesonian Sunday, 4 June 2000: 1A, 2A.

Witten, Scott 359

Witten, Scott.  “Cultural Center Will Bring Boost to Entire County.”  Robesonian 24 July 1988: B1. 

Witten, Scott WITT023

Witten, Scott. “Cultural Center ‘not in danger.’ ” Robesonian Friday, May 16, 2003.

Witten, Scott WITT013

Witten, Scott. “Lumbees approve constitution.” Robesonian 11 November 2001.

Witten, Scott WITT005

Witten, Scott. “Tourism dollars rise.” Robesonian Saturday, 24 June 2000: 1A, 6A.