Witten, Scott. “RCC on Probation.” Robesonian Wednesday, 6 December 2000: 1A, 10A.
Robeson Community College has been placed on one-year probation by its accrediting agency, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Because the school failed to accomplish several recommendations made by the reaccreditation visiting team in April, SACS did not reaccredit the school for 10 years; instead, it extended the current accreditation for a one-year probationary period. The recommendations RCC failed to meet involved the roles of the college president and its board of trustees.
If RCC is not removed from probation and reaccredited, it will lose all its federal funding and its students will not be able to transfer credits earned there to other colleges.
The report SACS issued to RCC stated, “It was clear from meeting with the board and other statements which came from the campus, that special interest groups representative of the two prominent racial groups--American Indians and African Americans--worked together to cause division within the board and a reduction in the authority being given to the president to manage the institution” (p. 10A).