Record Number | Citation |
MCLE001 |
McLean, Danielle. “Native votes went missing in North Carolina. Tribal leaders vow that won’t happen again next week.” ThinkProgress [Center for American Progress Action Fund] September 3, 2019. |
BALC001 |
Balcerzak, Ashley. ‘Hope to hopelessness’: Will government step up after second storm? Webpage. Abandoned in America. Part 2. Center for Public Integrity, October 10, 2018. |
ROBE025 |
"Tribe working hard to ensure HUD compliance [Editorial]." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. November 28, 2017. |
HUNT018 |
Hunter, TC. "Industrial recruiter calling it quits." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. October 24, 2017. |
HUNT019 |
Hunter, TC. "$5.1M earmarked for Robeson." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. October 23, 2017. |
ROBE024 |
"ACP sparks lawsuit [Staff Report]." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. October 7, 2017. |
WOOL013 |
Woolverton, Paul. "One year later, roundtable at UNC Pembroke focuses on Hurricane Matthew’s lessons." Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC]. October 5, 2017. |
ROBE018 |
"Judicial map plan wouldn’t benefit Robeson County [Editorial]." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. October 3, 2017. |
SHIL066 |
Shiles, Bob. "Tribal Council wants Lumber River renamed to honor Lumbee." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] September 21, 2017. |
LEVI002 |
Levitsky, Allison. “Simitian studies Trump’s appeal.” The Daily Post [Palo Alto, CA]. September 16, 2017. |
ROBE015 |
"UNCP to host forum on Matthew [Editorial]." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. September 15, 2017. |
FUTC012 |
Futch, Michael. "FEMA freezes public assistance funding for Matthew relief." Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] September 14, 2017. |
DEVA003 |
Devane, Steve. “Professor: Pipeline to negatively affect economy via climate change." The Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] August 17, 2017. |
SHIL069 |
Shiles, Bob. "Almost all people displaced by Hurricane Matthew out of area hotels, motels." The St. Pauls Review [St. Pauls NC]. July 26, 2017. |
SHIL074 |
Shiles, Bob. "County balks at giving pipeline permit." Red Springs Citizen [Red Springs, NC]. July 17, 2017. |
SHIL076 |
Shiles, Bob. "Godwin: Recognition is near." Red Springs Citizen [Red Springs, NC]. July 7, 2017. |
SHIL077 |
Shiles, Bob. "Robeson Democrats ordered to redo local election." Red Springs Citizen [Red Springs, NC]. July 4, 2017. |
Jacobs, Chick. "Cooper announces major funding for Robeson County." The Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC]. June 28, 2017. |
SHIL078 |
Shiels, Bob. "Edge: State ‘intentionally delayed’ stalls project." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. April 15, 2017. |
WOOL012 |
Woolverton, Paul. "New state park planned for Black River." The Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC]. April 6, 2017. |
REDS002 |
"It could be another good year for growth [Business]." Red Springs Citizen [Red Springs, NC]. April 3, 2017. |
SHIL050 |
Shiles, Bob. "Robeson County plans to canvass results amid govenor’s race holdup." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] November 26, 2016. |
QUIL004 |
Quillin, Martha. "A month after Hurricane Matthew, many in Lumberton despair of ever getting back to normal." The News & Observer [Raleigh, NC]. November 15, 2016. |
810 |
Schlosser, Jim. “Indians Represented.” Greensboro Record [Greensboro, NC] 3 April 1973: B1. |
JUBA001 |
Juback, Bob. "DOJ to Monitor Robeson County Polls Tomorrow." WBTV News 13 [Myrtle Beach, SC]. November 7, 2016. |
WOOT002 |
Wooten, Alan. “Lumbee representative sworn in as chairman of state commission.” The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, NC). June 3, 2016 |
SHIL040 |
Shiles, Bob. “HUD report could say tribe misspent $264,000.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). May 21, 2016 |
OPIN001 |
Opinion. “Larger than life, Britt make a mark.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). May 4, 2016. |
SAUN001 |
Saunders, Barry. “An end to Britt’s brand of justice.” The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC). April 12, 2016 |
WILL005 |
Willets, Sarah. “McCrory: Revels inspired pay proposal.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). April 11, 2016 |
WILL006 |
Willets, Sarah. “’Deadliest DA’ remembered for substance, style.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). April 7, 2016 |
SHIL026 |
Shiles, Bob. “Tribe must return $265K to HUD – Money misspent on travel, non-housing needs.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC) March 18, 2016. |
SHIL018 |
Shiles, Bob. “Godwin’s DC trip makes history – Uses time to push federal recognition.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC) January 17, 2016. |
WILL004 |
Willets, Sarah. “Tribe receives $185K grant to aid homeless.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC) January 15, 2016. |
863 |
Rural Advancement Fund Justice Project. “Presentation to Human Relations and Unity Commission.” Unpublished typescript. N.d. 7 p. |
SHIL021 |
Shiles, Bob. “Townsend wins leadership position.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC) November 6, 2015. |
SHIL007 |
Shiles, Bob. “Tribal court plans closed hearing on ethics allegations.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] April 28,2015. |
HAST001 |
Hasty, Kim. “Sunday salute: Milton Hunt was a ‘true icon’ around Pembroke.” The Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] April 25, 2015. |
SHIL006 |
Shiles, Bob. “ Court decides to open up ethics hearing.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] April 30, 2015. |
SHIL005 |
Shiles, Bob. “No sale on Hayes Mill Pond.” Laurinburg Exchange [Laurinburg, NC] April 9, 2015. |
SCHI001 |
Schilling, Vincent. “Lumbee Could Decide NC Senate Race—Tribe Ignored in Recent Debate.” Indian Country Media Today. September 12, 2014. |
PATE001 |
Pate, J.L. “Burr talks economy, Lumbee recognition.” Laurinburg Exchange [Laurinburg, NC] August 15, 2014. |
OURV001 |
“Our View: Improper spending imperils Lumbee housing work.” Fay Observer [Fayetteville, NC] July 30, 2014. |
OXEN011 |
Oxendine, Linda. "Remembering Adolph Dial: A man for all seasons." Robesonian (Lumberton, NC) September 2, 2013. |
BRYA002 |
Bryan, Susan Montoya. “American Indians ask for voice on federal court.” Associated Press. July 2, 2010 |
WOOD004 |
“Woods plans to use diversity as strength.” Carolina Indian Voice Thursday, 17 August 2000: page 1. |
HUNT003 |
Hunt, Cynthia L. “An open letter to the Indian voters of Robeson County concerning the at-large position on the school board.” Carolina Indian Voice 20 April 2000: 1. |
BIGG001 |
Biggs, Bo. “Milton Hunt to lead Democrats.” On the street column. Robesonian Tuesday, 27 April 1999: 4A. |
GRON001 |
Gronke, Paul, and J. Matthew Wilson. “Competing redistricting plans as evidence of political motives: the North Carolina case.” American Politics Quarterly 27.2 (April 1999): 147-176. |
NATI002 |
“Native Americans pushing for special N.C. license tag; supporters hope to gather enough applications for the plate at the upcoming Indian unity conference in Fayetteville.” Greensboro News & Record (North Carolina) 20 February 1999: B4. |
TRAV004 |
Travis, Scott. “Robeson Sheriff Maynor gets nod.” Fayetteville Observer-Times (North Carolina) 6 May 1998. |
NIMO001 |
Nimocks, Amber. “In 7th District, different paths point to capitol; Robeson educator's candidacy challenges 'old 'boy' tradition.” Fayetteville Observer-Times (Fayetteville, N.C.) 2 June 1996. |
LEWI001 |
Lewis, George. “Not so well red: Native Americans in the Southern civil rights movement reconsidered.” Borderlines: Studies in American Culture (Swansea, Wales) 3.4 1996): 362-375. |
EMLI001 |
Emling, Shelley. “A new policy: insurance commissioner has stepped on some big toes in 6 months.” Atlanta Journal/Atlanta Constitution 17 June 1995: C2. |
AJAC001 |
Shaw, Russell. [Question about John Oxendine.] Atlanta Journal/Atlanta Constitution 15 January 1995: A2 |
HEAL001 |
Healey, Thomas. “Civil rights trailblazer leaves Indians better off.” Tar Heel of the Week. News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) 4 December 1994: 1C. |
THOM003 |
Thompson, Estes. “N.C. county picks Indian as sheriff; Lumbees say election will aid their image.” Atlanta Journal/Atlanta Constitution 27 November 1994: M3. |
878 |
Scipio, Sylvester. “County Endorses 8-Member Board.” Robesonian 26 Sept. 1991: 1A. |
877 |
Bigelow, Scott. “Indian Group Wants House District.” Robesonian 16 April 1991: 1A. |
874 |
Warren, Gene. “Former PSU Professor Elected to N.C. House.” Robesonian 8 Nov. 1990: 7A. |
865 |
Culbreth, John. “County Usurps Power to Appoint Unity Members; Chair Resigns in Protest.” Robesonian 25 July 1989: 1A. |
853 |
Flaherty, David T. “Memorandum, March 25, 1988, from ... Secretary, Dept. of Human Resources, to the Governor’s Robeson County Task Force, on Billy McKellar’s Death.” Raleigh: N.C. Dept. of Human Resources, 1988. [17] p. |
852 |
Oriole, Kim. “Robeson Creates Race Panel.” Fayetteville Observer 22 March 1988: 1B. |
851 |
Martin, Terry. “Minorities’ Disunity in Robeson County Dilutes Voting Strength.” Winston-Salem Journal 28 Feb. 1988: A1. |
844 |
Jordan, Pat. “The Passions of Joe Freeman Britt.” Southern Magazine March (1987): 38-41, 95-99. |
816 |
Brooks, Dexter. “Memorandum. Subject: A Survey of Federal Voting Law with Applications to Robeson County, North Carolina. To Professor Daniel H. Pollitt, U. of North Carolina School of Law, Chapel Hill.” 1 Dec. 1974. 31 p. |
814 |
Smith, W. “Anti-Indian Bias Found.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 18 Sept. 1974: 21. |
813 |
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. North Carolina Advisory Committee. Economic and Political Problems of Indians in Robeson County: A Report. Washington: The Commission, July 1974. |
808 |
Tarleton, Larry. “Robeson County’s Indians Bolting Democratic Ranks.” Charlotte Observer [Charlotte, NC] 5 Nov. 1972: 3B. |
801 |
Sider, Gerald Marc. “Political History of the Lumbee Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina: A Case Study of Ethnic Political Affiliations.” Diss. New School for Social Research, 1971. |
798 |
Gruson, Kerry. “Lumbees Seeking Political Power.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 25 May 1970: 6. |
796 |
“Non-White Registration ... Highest in County.” Robesonian 30 April 1968: 1. |
791 |
“Pembroke Indians Form Political Activity Group.” News and Observer 28 Feb. 1958: 24. |
790 |
“First Indian Recorder in Robeson Begins His Work.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 9 Dec. 1955? |
789 |
“Classmate of Immortal Jim Thorpe Is Now Progressive Pembroke Mayor.” Scottish Chief [Maxton, NC] 6 Aug. 1954. |
787 |
“Indian Leader Announces for Seat in State Legislature.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 18 March 1954: 1. |
781 |
“Pembroke To Hold Primary April 24; Town Will Elect Officials for First Time under New Charter.” Robesonian 3 April 1945: 1. |
780 |
“Pembroke Will Elect Officials: Senate Bill Provides for Election of Mayor and Commissioners Heretofore Appointed.” Robesonian 22 Feb. 1945: 1. |
765 |
“Robeson Indians.” Robesonian 10 Jan. 1916: 4. |
764 |
Wilkins, W. S. “State Should Provide for Indian Insane: White and Colored Insane Are Provided For But There Is No Place for the Indian Insane.” Robesonian 6 Sept. 1915: 3. |
763 |
Locklear, A. W. “The ‘Macs’ of Robeson: Hon. Hamilton McMillan and What He and Other ‘Macs’ Have Done for the Croatan Indians.” Robesonian 6 Aug. 1908: 1. |
762 |
Stancill, G. W. “A Lie Denounced: An Old Confederate Soldier and Preacher Denounces as a Lie the Report that He Is Preaching Social Equality.” Robesonian 25 May 1908: 1. |
761 |
“The Pembroke Petition.” The Argus 12 Feb. 1903: 2. |
760 |
“Strong Argument for the Amendment.” Robesonian 17 July 1900: 2. |
759 |
Humphrey, W. H. “A Card.” Robesonian 26 June 1900: 1. |