Record Number | Citation |
FRIE001 |
Friedlander, Brett. "NC native Sampson rebuilds his coaching career at Houston." North State Journal. January 17, 2018. |
UNCP007 |
"UNC Pembroke, Lumbee Tribe make Riverside a cross-country site." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] August 11, 2016. |
WALK003 |
Walker, Richard. "Olympics-Bound Ashton Locklear: 'Indian Country is in My Heart!'" Indian Country Today Media Network July 21, 2016. |
FOWL001 |
Fowler, Scott. "Huntersville gymnast Ashton Locklear in Olympics limbo, but still celebrating." [Raleigh, NC] July 15, 2016. |
MEAC002 |
Meacham, Jody. "Lumbee gymnast Ashton Locklear named alternate for U.S. Olympics team." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. July 12, 2016. |
MEAC001 |
Meacham, Jody. "Lumbee gymnast Ashton Locklear aims to make up ground at Olympic Trials." The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). July 9, 2016 |
GRAV001 |
Graves, Will. "A battle for the final spot." The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). July 8, 2016 |
WALK002 |
Walker, Richard. "Good Luck Ashton Locklear! Lumbee Olympic Gymnastics Hopeful." Indian Country. July 8, 2016 |
LITS001 |
Litsky, Frank. "Universities punished for coach's violations." New York Times May 26 2006, sec. D: 2. |
COUC001 |
Couch, Greg. "A cheater 'learns,' but mostly just earns." Chicago Sun-Times Friday May 26 2006, sec. Sports: 124. |
INDI004 |
"Indiana didn't do Sampson any favors." Sporting News April 14 2006: 67. |
MORA001 |
Moran, Malcolm. "Sampson ready for rigors of Indiana; New coach a clear split from Knight era." USA Today Thursday March 30 2006, sec. Sports: 5C. |
TATA001 |
Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. Chris Chavis (Tatanka). Unpublished essay. |
KING003 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Dwight Lowry.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 1. 2004. |
KING004 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Joseph Bruce Oxendine.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 2. 2004. |
KING001 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Harold Collins.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 1. 2004. |
KING005 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Kelvin Sampson.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 2. 2004. |
KING002 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Gene Locklear.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 1. 2004. |
DEIT001 |
Deitsch, Richard. “New world order: after years of battling for fair opportunities, people of color are finally running the show (in some places) and driving the economics of sports [The 101 most influential minorities in sports].” Sports Illustrated 98 no. 8 (May 5, 2003): 38+. |
BIGE002 |
Bigelow, Scott. “Kelvin Sampson comes home to Pembroke.” University Newswire (University of North Carolina at Pembroke) April 29, 2003. Reprinted in: Carolina Indian Voice May 1, 2003, p. 1. |
LOCK030 |
Locklear, Mark. “UNCP will wait on nickname decision.” Robesonian Tuesday, 29 April 2003. |
YOUN001 |
Young, Ryan. “UNC-Pembroke: Indians like logo.” USA Today Friday, April 25, 2003. 456 words. |
BRAY009 |
Brayboy, Tim, and Bruce Barton. Playing before an overflow crowd: the story of Indian basketball in Robeson, North Carolina, and adjoining counties. Chapel Hill, NC: Chapel Hill P, 2003. 201 pages. |
STAT001 |
“State Board debates American Indian mascot resolution.” Associated Press State & Local Wire 1 May 2002. |
LOCK015 |
Locklear, James. “Former pro baseball player swings soul into painting.” Fayetteville Observer Friday, 6 July 2001. |
SCHL001 |
Schlosser, Jim. “Swinging at history: Lumbee Indian pursues PGA Tour spot.” News & Record (Greensboro, NC) Tuesday, 24 April 2001. 810 words. |
MEHR001 |
Mehrtens, Cliff. “Indian mascots secure for now? Panel: As long as behavior inoffensive.” Charlotte Observer 17 February 2001: 1B. |
GARL001 |
Garland, Greg. “Proposal seeks to end Indian teams; suggested resolution would direct schools to stop nickname use.” Baltimore Sun (Maryland) Tuesday, 6 February 2001: page 1B. 737 words. |
PETE001 |
Peterson, Stacy. “Strong man Collins powers way to world record.” Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, NC) Friday, 12 January 2001. |
BONH001 |
Bonham, Chad. Wrestling with God: 10 Stories of modern day warriors who came face to face with the Creator. Tulsa, OK: RiverOak Publishing, 2001. See Chapter 1, “Tatanka,” pages 15-35. |
POWE001 |
Powers-Beck, Jeffrey. “ ‘Chief.’ ” American Indian Quarterly 25.4 (Fall 2001): 508- (32 pages). |
BUFF001 |
“Buffaloe selected as N. C. delegate to U. S.'s largest karate tournament.” Carolina Indian Voice 7 September 2000: 1. |
MAKI001 |
“The making of a Lumbee role model; Jammie Deese is the name to remember.” Carolina Indian Voice 20 April 2000: 1. |
ROOT001 |
O'Kane, Dan. “Roots and reality: Sampson must 'have a cause' to stay on top.” Tulsa World (Oklahoma) 14 March 2000. |
BART006 |
Barton, Bruce. “As I See It (column): Dwight Lowry remembered at the NCHSAA.” Carolina Indian Voice Thursday, February 10, 2000: page 2. |
CERI001 |
Ceriano, Valerie. “Athletes beat prejudice, graciously accept plaque.” American Indian Report February 2000: page 28. |
SWAI001 |
Swain, Glenn. “Native American high school athletes lauded; for 13 years after Brown v. Board of Education, students couldn't play in state high school playoffs.” Herald-Sun (Durham, NC) 24 October 1999. |
OXEN001 |
Oxendine, Joseph B. “Indian mascots derogatory to Native Americans.” Charlotte Observer 10 March 1999. |
MAYN007 |
Maynor-Clark, Vinita. “World's strongest man, Chief Iron Bear, to compete in U.S. Strongest Man competition.” Carolina Indian Voice 24 September 1998: 1. |
VAUG001 |
Vaughan, Earl, Jr. “Indian history; men seek to keep memories alive.” Fayetteville (NC) Observer Tuesday, 7 April 1998. |
ROAC001 |
Roach, Donald. “University of Oklahoma-Norman in the game.” Black Issues in Higher Education 14.20 (November 27, 1997): 33. |
BATT001 |
Batten, Sammy. “Lowry's love of children was foremost.” Fayetteville Observer-Times (North Carolina) 15 August 1997. |
MEAD001 |
Meadows, Bob. “Lumbee pride, enterprise define, design heritage gear.” Charlotte Observer (North Carolina) 4 April 1997 (Friday): 1C, 8C. |
LENT001 |
“Tatanka.” In: Biographical dictionary of professional wrestling. By Harris M. Lentz, III. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1997. P. 324. |
SOON001 |
“Sooners go with Sampson.” Robesonian 26 April 1994: B1. |
SLOA001 |
Sloan, Bob. “World record; Pembroke's Collins places himself among Guiness (sic) greats by pulling 86,560 pounds.” Robesonian 14 April 1994: 1B. |
JAME001 |
James, Beverly. “Human tractor sets big goals, has lots of pull.” Charlotte Observer 10 April 1994: 1B. |
910 |
Peguise, Tiffany. “Coming Home: Martial Arts Expert Buffaloe Returns to Pembroke ...” Robesonian 30 June 1993: 1B. |
881 |
Locklear, Barbara Braveboy. “Pembroke Manufacturer Earns Blue Chip Award.” Robesonian 20 June 1993: D1. |
907 |
Nye, R. “Collins to Take On World’s Best.” Robesonian 1 Nov. 1992: 7B. |
WHIT001 |
White, Paul. “Franklin man teaches ‘street’ karate.” The Virginian-Pilot (Norfolk, VA). October 11, 1992 |
909 |
Sloan, Bob. “Locklear Fairs (sic) Well at Giants’ Spring Training.” Robesonian 15 April 1992: 1B. |
908 |
Quillin, Martha. “Pembroke, Home of the Braves, Shies Away from Mascot’s Image.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 6 Feb. 1992: 1A. |
906 |
Sloan, Bob. “A Long Mission Completed.” Robesonian 4 Aug. 1991: 1B. |
MARK001 |
Marks, Stuart A. Southern history in black and white: nature, history, and ritual in a North Carolina community. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991. 327 pages. |
905 |
Oxendine, Joseph B. American Indian Sports Heritage. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Books, 1988. Pp. 275, 299-303. |
LAPO001 |
Lapointe, Joe. “Tiger Rookie Lowry: he's still a quiet guy, even on his big day.” Detroit Free Press (Michigan) 21 May 1984: 1D. (Monday). |
891 |
“PSC Athlete Signed by Bucs.” Robesonian 5 Nov. 1954: 7. |
890 |
Norment, Bill. “Oxendine Sweeps All-Star Honors.” [Newspaper article, 1952?] |
AMSL001 |
“American strength legends: Chief Iron Bear Collins.” |