Record Number | Citation |
ROBE027 |
"Pipeline faces another hurdle [Editorial]." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. January 11, 2018. |
ROBE026 |
"Brooks leaves amazing legacy of achievement [Editorial]." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. January 9, 2018. |
GALO001 |
Galofaro, Claire. "A protest in Trump Country brings home nation’s race divides." Journal Star [Peoria, IL]. Decemebr 1, 2017. |
HAHN001 |
Hahn, Jonathan. “North Carolina hits the brakes on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.” The Sierra Club [Oakland, California] September 15, 2017. |
ROBE014 |
"Duke’s decision to recycle coal ash helps with PR problem [Editorial]." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. September 6, 2017. |
DEVA003 |
Devane, Steve. “Professor: Pipeline to negatively affect economy via climate change." The Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] August 17, 2017. |
SHIL065 |
Shiles, Bob. "Tribe, FEMA sign pact.” Red Springs Citizen [Red Springs, NC]. August 8, 2017. |
SHIL074 |
Shiles, Bob. "County balks at giving pipeline permit." Red Springs Citizen [Red Springs, NC]. July 17, 2017. |
POLL003 |
Pollitt, Phoebe. “The Lumbee Indian Nurses.” Minority Nurse, Springer Publishing Company. November 19, 2015. |
YEAD001 |
Yeadon, Tim. “Hundreds mourn, remember Revels.” Greensboro News & Record (Greensboro, NC). July 14, 2003 |
POLL001 |
“Poll: Hatcher has cost county jobs.” Robesonian 18 January 2000: 4A |
PATT001 |
Patterson, Oscar, III. “The press held hostage: terrorism in a small North Carolina town.” American Journalism 15.4 (Fall 1998): 125-39. |
WOOL000 |
Woolverton, Paul. “Robeson County tugs at Eddie Hatcher.” Fayetteville (North Carolina) Observer-Times 29 June 1998 (Monday). |
TAKE001 |
Hatcher, Eddie, David Hardy, and Taylor Sisk. Takeover: The trials of Eddie Hatcher. Videotape. 103 min. Morrisville, NC : Take One Productions, 1997. |
WITT004 |
“Jacobs speaks out about Eddie Hatcher.” Robesonian 27 February 1994: 1A. |
1300 |
Ruffin, Jane. “UNC-CH Law Teacher Loses Appeal of Contempt Case.” Raleigh News and Observer 18 Dec. 1991: 2B. |
1299 |
Carter, Kevin. “Conspiracy to Kill Native American Activist?” GreenLine Nov. 1991: 10-11. |
1298 |
Seessel, Adam. “Coalition Struggles in Robeson County.” Southern Exposure 19.2 (Summer 1991): 7. |
LAWY001 |
"Lawyers ripped, but sanctions reduced.” UPI-BC Cycle. Regional News: Virginia. 20 Sept. 1990. 599 words. |
1297 |
Rhodes, Barbara. “Private Probe Questions Pierce Death.” Robesonian 26 Aug. 1990: 1A. |
1296 |
Rhodes, Barbara, and John Culbreth. “Jacobs Released from Jail, Plans to Stay in Charlotte.” Robesonian 24 July 1990: 1A. |
1295 |
Rhodes, Barbara. “Guilty Plea Gets Chavis Suspended Sentence in Trial.” Robesonian 5 June 1990: 8A. |
1294 |
Rhodes, Barbara. “Hatcher’s Attorney Sued for $1 Million in Damages.” Robesonian 1 May 1990: 1A. |
1293 |
“Hatcher Sues Hostage, Newspaper Thru Counterclaim.” News of Robeson County 4 April 1990: 1. |
1292 |
“Cummings Family Accepts $65,000 Suit Settlement.” Robesonian 14 March 1990: 1A. |
1291 |
Dew, Joe, and Julie Powers Rives. “Minorities Seeing Changes in Robeson County.” News and Observer 19 Feb. 1990: 1B. |
1290 |
“Kunstler: Case Was Winnable.” Robesonian 15 Feb. 1990: 1A. |
1289 |
“Hatcher Gets 18 Years After Guilty Plea.” Robesonian 14 Feb. 1990: 1A. |
1288 |
“Former Hostage Suing Hatcher.” Robesonian 25 Jan. 1990: 1A. |
1285 |
“Hatcher Attorneys Fined.” Charlotte Observer 30 Sept. 1989: 5B. |
1284 |
“Nakell: Morgan Killed ... County Probe.” Robesonian 22 Aug. 1989: 1A. |
1283 |
Bailey, Sean M. “Lawyers Deny Claim They Filed Frivolous Lawsuit Against State.” News and Observer 8 Aug. 1989: 1C. |
1282 |
“State Rebukes Hatcher-Jacobs Lawyers.” Robesonian 15 June 1989: 1. |
1281 |
“Witness’ No-Show Postpones Trial of Sandy Chavis.” Robesonian 13 June 1989: 1A. |
1280 |
“County DA, Ex-Hostage Oppose Similar ‘Deal’ with Hatcher.” Robesonian 5 May 1989: 1A. |
1279 |
“Jacobs Gets 6 Years Active After Guilty Plea.” Robesonian 4 May 1989: 1A. |
1278 |
Pitts, Lewis. “Available Evidence Warrants an Investigation.” Robesonian 27 April 1989: 4A. |
1277 |
“AG’s Office: Hatcher’s Suit Has No Basis.” Robesonian 6 April 1989: B1. |
1276 |
“130 Attend Memorial Honoring Godwin, Pierce.” Robesonian 28 March 1989: 1A. |
1275 |
Godfrey, R. L. “Venue Changed for Chavis Trial.” Robesonian 24 March 1989: 1A. |
1274 |
“Judge in N.Y. Rejects Jacobs’s Bid for Asylum.” Charlotte Observer 15 March 1989: 4E. |
1272 |
“Hatcher Faces Federal Charges in Extradition Battle.” Charlotte Observer 14 March 1989: 3D. |
1273 |
Godfrey, R. L. “Witnesses: No Fair Trial for Chavis in County.” Robesonian 14 March 1989: 1A. |
1271 |
Godfrey, R. L. “Mrs. Cummings, Son, Each Get 26-Month Terms.” Robesonian 12 March 1989: 1A. |
1270 |
“Hatcher Arrested After Soviets Refuse to Grant Asylum Plea.” Asheville Citizen 11 March 1989: 1A. |
1269 |
Menges, Jerri. “Reporter Honored for Bravery in Takeover.” Robesonian 1 Feb. 1989: 1B. |
1268 |
Menges, Jerri. “Feb. 1, 1988: Impact of Hostage Incident Debated.” Robesonian 1 Feb. 1989: 1A. |
1267 |
Henderson, Bruce. “A Year Later, Elements Still Linger in Robeson Hostage Drama." Charlotte Observer 1 Feb. 1989: 1B. |
OBRI001 |
O'Brien, William. “A truth to set them free: scenes from Robeson County.” The Other Side 25 (January-February 1989): 22-28. |
1286 |
Emerson, Pamela Marie. “A Newspaper Held Hostage: A Case Study of Terrorism and the Media.” Honors essay. Chapel Hill: School of Journalism, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989. 71 p. [UNC-WL] |
1287 |
Huck, Susan. Legal Terrorism: The Truth about the Christic Institute. McLean, VA: New World Publishing, 1989. Pp. 122-34. |
1266 |
Segrest, Mab. 1988 Report: Bigoted Violence and Hate Groups in North Carolina. Durham: North Carolinians Against Racist and Religious Violence, 1989. Pp. 7-9. |
1265 |
Horne, Bob. “Remorseful Jacobs: Hatcher ‘Has Just Destroyed Me’.” Robesonian 21 Dec. 1988: 1A. |
1263 |
“Hatcher Flees, Takes Sanctuary in N.Y.” Robesonian 18 Dec. 1988: 1A. |
1264 |
Godfrey, R. L. “Gov. Martin Names New D.A., Judge.” Robesonian 18 Dec. 1988: 1A. |
1262 |
“Hatcher Demands Counsel of Choice.” Robesonian 7 Dec. 1988: 1A. |
1256 |
Barreiro, José. “Drug Terror at Lumbee: Does Justice Mean ‘Just-Us’ in Robeson County?” Daybreak 2.2 (Midwinter 1988): 13, 15-16, 28-29, 35. |
1257 |
Barreiro, José. “One Murder Too Many: The Assassination of Julian Pierce.” Daybreak 2.2 (Midwinter 1988): 14. |
1255 |
“The Fire is Corruption.” Daybreak 2.2 (Midwinter 1988): 37. |
1260 |
“First Words.” Northeast Indian Quarterly 5.4 (Winter 1988): 2-3, 52. |
1259 |
A County on the Brink. Videotape. “Stateline.” University of North Carolina Center for Public Television and WTVD, Raleigh. Broadcast: 3 Nov. 1988. |
1258 |
“Reporter Threatens Lawsuit Against Tuscarora Activists.” IPN Weekly Report [Highland, MD: Crowflying] 4.44 (1 Nov. 1988): 3-4. |
1254 |
“Martin’s Task Force Presented Documents ‘Proving Drug Trafficking’.” Robesonian 30 Oct. 1988: 1A. |
1253 |
Ola, Akinshiju C. “It Is the People Who Have Brought Justice, Not the System.” The Guardian: Independent Radical Newsweekly 26 Oct. 1988: 3. |
1252 |
Menges, Jerri. “Britt Doing Groundwork for Possible State Charges.” Robesonian 20 Oct. 1988: 1A. |
1251 |
Henderson, Bruce. “Acquittals Draw Protest.” Charlotte Observer 19 Oct. 1988: C1. |
1250 |
“Robeson Group Seeks Focus on Old Problems.” Fayetteville Observer 17 Oct. 1988: 1B. |
1248 |
Rives, Julie Powers. “Jury Finds Indian Pair Not Guilty.” News and Observer 15 Oct. 1988: 1A. |
1249 |
Wilkie, Lorrie. “Robesonian Staffers Express Disbelief.” Fayetteville Observer/Fayetteville Times 15 Oct. 1988: 1B. |
1247 |
Henderson, Bruce. “No One Was to Be Hurt in Siege, Jacobs Said.” Charlotte Observer 12 Oct. 1988: 4B. |
1246 |
Hitt, Greg. “Indians Get Sympathy of Editor.” Winston-Salem Journal 1 Oct. 1988: 5. |
1245 |
Hitt, Greg. “Hatcher Accuses Government: 40 Indictments Put Off to Get Convictions, Attorney Says.” Winston-Salem Journal 27 Sept. 1988: 15. |
1244 |
“Judge Allows Necessity Defense for Hatcher.” Greensboro News & Record 25 Sept. 1988: C5. |
1243 |
Marson, Stephen M. “The Murder of Julian Pierce: Can Sandy Jordan Chavis Receive a Fair Trial?” Report submitted to Evander M. Britt et al., attorneys at law. Lumberton: Marson and Associates, 13 Aug. 1988. 18 p. |
1242 |
Flesher, John. “Hostage-Trial Defendant Says 13 Witnesses Dead, Others Are Threatened.” Charlotte Observer 6 Aug. 1988: 3E. |
1241 |
“Tuscarora Activists Released on Bond.” IPN Weekly Report [Highland, MD: Crowflying] 15 July 1988. |
1235 |
“Drug Terror at Lumbee: Prosecutor Becomes Judge over Murdered Opponent.” Daybreak 2.3 (Summer 1988): [28]. |
1228 |
“Background Paper on Robeson County, North Carolina: A Special Report Prepared for the Fannie Lou Hamer Convention, July 1988.” Lumberton: Center for Community Action/CALC, 1988. 2 p. |
1240 |
“Robeson Compromise Reached on Britt Judgeship.” Fayetteville Observer/Fayetteville Times 25 June 1988: 1A. |
1239 |
Urban, Rob. “Report on Robeson: Proof of Corruption Sparse.” Charlotte Observer 15 June 1988: C1. |
1238 |
North Carolina. Office of the Governor. Robeson County Task Force. Interim Report. By Phillip J. Kirk, Jr., Chairman. Raleigh, 8 June 1988. |
1234 |
Mangiameli, M. “Hunt Gets 30 Year Sentence.” Robesonian 29 May 1988: 1A. |
1233 |
Segrest, Mab. “Robeson County’s ‘Third World Ills’.” Christian Century 11 May 1988: 468-69. Rpt. (with modifications) in: Southern Changes [Atlanta: Southern Regional Council] 10.4 (July/Aug. 1988): 14-16. |
1232 |
“Motive for Slaying of Lumbee Indian Activist Is Questionable.” IPN Weekly Report [Highland, MD: Crowflying] 6 May 1988. |
1231 |
Shapiro, Joseph P., and Ronald A. Taylor. “There’s Trouble in Robeson County.” U.S. News and World Report 104.17 (2 May 1988): 24, 27. |
1230 |
Wright, Ed. “Judgement Day in Robeson County: Forcing a Community to Face Its Past.” Southern Magazine 2.8 (May 1988): 15-16. |
1227 |
Brower, Montgomery, and Bill Shaw. “The Murder of Julian Pierce Provokes Grief and Grievances in Troubled Robeson County.” People Weekly 29.15 (18 April 1988): 60-62, 65. |
1226 |
Ola, Akinshiju C. “Anyone Who Doesn’t Want to Stand Up Is Crooked or Crazy.” The Guardian: Independent Radical Newsweekly 40.28 (13 April 1988): 7. |
1225 |
Smothers, Ronald. “Steps Taken to Ease Tension in Carolina County.” New York Times 10 April 1988: 26. |
1224 |
“Indians Unsatisfied with Lumbee Murder Victim Probe.” IPN Weekly Report [Highland, MD: Crowflying] 4 April 1988. |
1223 |
Plott, Monte. “Tolerance of Drugs Blamed for N.C. County’s Troubles.” Atlanta Journal and Constitution 3 April 1988: 8A. |
1236 |
“Assassination of Julian Pierce.” Human Rights Internet Reporter 12.3 (Spring/Summer 1988): 25. |
1222 |
Plott, Monte. “Slain Indian Activist Eulogized as ‘Real Hero’ at N.C. Funeral Service.” Atlanta Constitution 31 Mar. 1988: 3. |
1221 |
Hitt, Greg, and Terry Martin. “Young Lumbee Killed Pierce, Then Himself, Authorities Say.” Winston-Salem Journal 30 March 1988: 1. |
1220 |
Rezendes, Michael. “Candidate’s Slaying Shocks County: Motive Sought in Apparent Assassination of Indian Seeking Judgeship.” Washington Post 28 Mar. 1988: A3. |
1218 |
Martin, Terry. “Julian Pierce, Lumbee Indian Activist, Is Shot to Death.” Winston-Salem Journal 27 March 1988: A1. |
1219 |
Ruffin, Jane. “Pierce’s Sturdy Determination Recalled.” News and Observer 27 March 1988. Rpt. in NewsBank Names in the News 1988: fiche 101: C11. |
1217 |
Henderson, Bruce. “Robeson Activist John Godwin Dies.” Charlotte Observer 24 March 1988: 2C. |
1216 |
Hitt, Greg. “Robeson’s Unsolved Murders Feed Unrest.” Winston-Salem Journal 13 March 1988: A1. |
1215 |
Rankin, Sam. “Civil Rights Lawyer Takes Hatcher’s Case.” Fayetteville Times 2 March 1988: 1B. |
1214 |
Ola, Akinshiju C. “Newspaper Office Seized in Protest.” The Guardian: Independent Radical Newsweekly 2 Mar. 1988: 7. |
1237 |
Tumulty, Karen. “Killing of Indian Brings N.C. Racial Problems to Fore.” Akwesasne Notes 20.1 (Early Spring 1988): 10-11. |
1213 |
“Critics Say Robeson Task Force Backing Off Mandate.” Fayetteville Times 1 March 1988: 1B. |
1229 |
“Cocaine, Corruption and Killings in Robeson County.” Akwesasne Notes 20.1 (Early Spring 1988): 10. |
1212 |
Moss, Gary. “John Hunt Sums Up His Situation: ‘I’m Terrified’.” Fayetteville Times 28 Feb. 1988: 1A. |
1211 |
Godfrey, R. L. “About 4,500 Petition for Dismissal of Charges Against Hatcher, Jacobs.” Robesonian 15 Feb. 1988: 1A. |
1210 |
Stinebaker, Joe. “Eddie Hatcher: Willing to Walk to the Edge for What Is Right.” Winston-Salem Journal 14 Feb. 1988: A11. |
1209 |
Mangiameli, Mike. “Hatcher, Jacobs Indicted.” Robesonian 10 Feb. 1988: 1A. |
1208 |
Harrison, Eric. “Some Hail N.C. Hostage-Takers as Heroes of Oppressed.” Philadelphia Inquirer 7 Feb. 1988: C1. |
1207 |
Wilson, Susan Price. “Tension Has Grown Since [19]86 Shooting.” Winston-Salem Journal 2 Feb. 1988: 4. |
1206 |
Henderson, Bruce, and Elizabeth Leland. “Indians Free Hostages at Paper.” Charlotte Observer 2 Feb. 1988: 1A. |
1261 |
Hold On! Robeson County’s Fight for Justice. Videotape. Written and narrated by Mab Segrest. Durham: North Carolinians Against Racist and Religious Violence, 1988. 35 min. |
1205 |
Henderson, Bruce. “Lumbee Indian Strives for Equality for All Races.” Charlotte Observer 29 Nov. 1987: D1. |
1203 |
Struck, Doug. “Baltimore Man Leads 3 ‘Voices’ in N.C. Protest.” Baltimore Sun 3 May 1987: 1A. |
1204 |
“Shooting of Lumbee Outrages Robeson Citizens—NCARRV Joins Coalition.” NCARRV Newsletter [North Carolinians Against Racist and Religious Violence] 5 (Spring 1987): 1-3, 6. |
1202 |
“Justice Dept. Examining Robeson Slaying.” Carolina Indian Voice 29 Jan. 1987: 1. |
1201 |
Swofford, Stan. “Blacks, Lumbees Want Answers.” Greensboro News and Record 14 Dec. 1986: A1. |