“Jacobs speaks out about Eddie Hatcher.” Robesonian 27 February 1994: 1A.
Timothy Jacobs feels that Eddie Hatcher “is not the same person” he teamed up with to take Robesonian employees hostage in 1988. Jacobs believes Hatcher has sensationalized the drug trafficking and social problems the two of them were protesting when they took over the Robesonian office.
Jacobs dislikes the continued press coverage of Hatcher, feeling that Hatcher does not represent Native Americans in the county and that his negative comments are mainly to “grab headlines.” Jacobs has severed all contact with Hatcher and has been unable to find work in Robeson County because people still associate him with Hatcher. Jacobs regrets that the press attention given to Hatcher has made it difficult for the county to attract business and industry.