Record Number | Citation |
WFLA001 |
”Robeson County Sheriff’s Office asks public to stop making fun of drug suspect’s mugshot.“ WFLA News Channel 8 [Tampa, FL: Nexstar Broadcasting] July 2, 2019. |
SMOK002 |
Smokowski, Paul R., et al. “The North Carolina Youth Violence Prevention Center: Using a multifaceted, ecological approach to reduce youth violence in impoverished rural areas.” Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, vol. 9, no. 4, Dec. 2018, pp. 575-97. |
ROBE018 |
"Judicial map plan wouldn’t benefit Robeson County [Editorial]." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. October 3, 2017. |
SHIL070 |
Shiles, Bob. "Locklear sends in letter of resignation." St. Pauls Review [St. Paul, NC] July 25, 2017. |
WOOL014 |
Woolverton, Paul. "Killer of Michael Jordan’s father seeks new trial." Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC]. April 5, 2017. |
WILL009 |
Willets, Sarah. “Lumbee Tribe, R.A. Jeffreys settle in beer ad lawsuit.” Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). July 1, 2016. |
NEWR001 |
"New Report Names Former North Carolina Prosecutor Among Top Five Deadliest Prosecutors in America." Wilimington Journal [Wilmington, NC]. June 30, 2016 |
WOOL007 |
Woolverton, Paul. "Lumbees sue beer-maker for using tribe's logo in Bud Light ads." The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, NC). June 15, 2016 |
BLYT002 |
Blythe, Anne. "Anheuser-Busch distributor removes Budweiser ads that offended Lumbees of NC." The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC). June 15, 2016 |
BLYT001 |
Blythe, Anne. "Lumbees of NC sue Anheuser-Busch over trademark use in Budweiser ads." The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC). June 14, 2016 |
BAXL004 |
Baxley, Jaymie. “Pembroke attorney sworn in as judge.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). June 3, 2016 |
OPIN001 |
Opinion. “Larger than life, Britt make a mark.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). May 4, 2016. |
SAUN001 |
Saunders, Barry. “An end to Britt’s brand of justice.” The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC). April 12, 2016 |
WILL006 |
Willets, Sarah. “’Deadliest DA’ remembered for substance, style.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). April 7, 2016 |
KENN001 |
Kenney, Andrew. “Slain Lumbee leader honored in Raliegh.” Newsobserver [Raleigh, NC] March 20, 2014. |
VIOL002 |
"Is this the key to mending a violent culture?" Editorial. Fayetteville Observer Friday, January 7 2011. |
BLOG016 |
Hixenbaugh, Mike. "Crime keeps Robeson County down." The Fayetteville Observer. 17 July 2010. |
BLOG018 |
Hixenbaugh, Mike. "Ex Robeson Sheriff Maynor to finish prison term at home." The Fayetteville Observer. April 29, 2010. |
BLOG021 |
"Pioneering attorney honored with scholarship." Laurinburg Exchange Friday, June 12, 2009. |
BLOG023 |
Brooks, Drew. "Former sheriff wins new sentence." Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] Tuesday, February 10, 2009. |
WERT001 |
Wertheimer, John W. "Native Americans and school desegregation: the Chavis case in Robeson County.” Law and society in the South: A history of North Carolina court cases. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2009. Pp.165–189. Notes, Pp. 251–264. |
BLOG027 |
"Maynor to serve time in N.J." Fayetteville Observer [Fayetteville, NC] Tuesday, August 12, 2008. |
BLOG024 |
Chamberlain, Knight. "Ex-sheriff Maynor faces punishment." Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] Friday, June 20, 2008. |
GROS002 |
Gross, Ariela J. “Citizenship of the little races.” What blood won't tell: a history of race on trial in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2008. 111-139. |
BARN002 |
Barnhill, Jane Blanks. Sacred Grounds: "Gone but Not Forgotten". St. Pauls, NC: Jane Blanks Barnhill, 2007. 374 p. Key source |
ROBE011 |
"Robeson's pain; a state grant to study death rates in Robeson County should be a down payment on making the county safer and more livable." editorial. News and Observer Thursday, July 27 2006, sec. Editorial/opinion: A12. |
COLL001 |
Collins, Kristin. "Violence plagues Lumbees who are trying to stem tide; tribe in Robeson gets $30,000 state grant to study death rates." News and observer July 25 2006: A1. |
HUNT014 |
Hunt, Stephanie. "A sense of justice [Arlinda Locklear]." College of Charleston Magazine Summer 2006: 31-33. |
JENK034 |
Jenkins, Venita. "Tribe to study homicides; Lumbee grant will cover crime, health issues." Fayetteville observer Thursday, July 6 2006, sec. Local and state. |
PIER001 |
Pierce, Julia. "Julian Pierce '76: an attorney who was 'for the people.'" Of counsel [North Carolina Central University] 2003-2004: 2-3. |
BREN001 |
Angell, G. Brent, and G. Mark Jones. “Recidivism, risk, and resiliency among North American Indian parolees and former prisoners: an examination of the Lumbee First Nation.” Journal of ethnic & cultural diversity in social work 12.2 (2003): 61-77. |
WITT021 |
Witten, Scott. “Locklear wins Superior Court judgeship.” Robesonian 25 April 2002. |
BRAY008 |
Brayboy, Connee. “Remembering senior resident Superior Court judge Sandy Dexter Brooks.” Carolina Indian Voice 14 March 2002: 1. |
LOCK017 |
Locklear, James. “Mourners Pay Homage [to] Judge Brooks.” Fayetteville Observer Saturday, 9 March 2002. |
LOCK016 |
Locklear, James. “Cancer claims Judge Brooks.” Fayetteville Observer Thursday, 7 March 2002. |
FOX0003 |
Fox, Geoff. “Best of the best: Robeson lawman gets national honor.” Robesonian Sunday, 25 June 2000: 1A, 8A. |
ROBE007 |
“Robert A. Williams, Jr.” DISCovering multicultural America (Web and CD-ROM database). Gale Group, 2000. |
ARLI001 |
“Arlinda Faye Locklear.” DISCovering multicultural America (Web and CD-ROM database). Gale Group, 2000. |
ASSO002 |
Associated Press. “Defendants sit and wait in Robeson County.” Greensboro News Record (Greensboro, NC). April 1, 1999 |
PEMB002 |
“Pembroke native sworn into State Bar.” Carolina Indian Voice 24 September 1998:1. |
WOOL001 |
Woolverton, Paul. “Swett trial gag order raps Robeson County media.” The Fayetteville Observer-Times (Fayetteville, NC). July 31, 1998 |
WOOL002 |
Woolverton, Paul. “Robeson County tugs at Eddie Hatcher.” The Fayetteville Observer-Times (Fayetteville, NC). June 29, 1998 |
TRAV001 |
Travis, Scott. “Activist lawyer's legacy is still felt in Robeson.” Fayetteville Observer-Times 26 March 1998. |
LOCK003 |
“Locklear, Arlinda.” In: Sonneborn, Liz. A to Z of Native American women. New York: Facts on File, 1998. P. 95. |
WILL001 |
Williams, Robert A., Jr. “Vampires Anonymous and critical race practice.” Michigan Law Review 95 (February 1997): 741-65. |
NELS001 |
Nelson, Mark S.; Elizabeth A. Benziger, Michael J. Budzynski, et al. “Variations of probe EFD52 (D17526) for forensic DNA analysis.” Journal of Forensic Sciences 41.4 (July 1996), 557-68. |
BENN001 |
Bennett, Walter H., Jr., and Judith Welch Wegner. “Lawyers talking: UNC Law Graduates and their service to the state. Judge Dexter Brooks: loyalty to community, service to the state.” North Carolina Law Review 73.2 (January 1995): 861-867. |
THOM004 |
Thompson, Estes. “Lumbee Indian sheriff wants to restore faith in law; officer seen as unifying force in Robeson County.” Charlotte Observer Monday, 21 November 1994: 14C. |
879 |
“Murder Rate May Be Tied to Culture.” News and Observer 3 Feb. 1992: 3B. |
LUX0001 |
Lux, Joseph R. “When is an Indian not an 'Indian'? State v. Daley.” South Dakota Law Review 36.2 (1991): 419-433. |
873 |
“Britt Should Be Saluted for ... Sentence.” Robesonian 11 March 1990: 4A. |
872 |
Rhodes, B. “Locklear Agrees to Plea Bargain.” Robesonian 28 Feb. 1990: 1A. |
871 |
Rhodes, Barbara. “Attorney: No Merit to Charges Against Locklear.” Robesonian 27 Feb. 1990: 1A. |
870 |
Rhodes, Barbara. “Horace Locklear’s Motions Hearing Scheduled During Superior Court.” Robesonian 28 Jan. 1990: 1. |
869 |
Orlean, Susan. “Killing: Pembroke, North Carolina.” Saturday Night. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990. Pp. 95-111 passim. |
867 |
“Robeson Crime Rate Drops 35%; State Average Jumps 12%.” Robesonian 24 Oct. 1989: B1. |
864 |
Godfrey, R. L. “Judicial Officials, Ministers Discuss Problems of County Justice System.” Robesonian 28 June 1989: 1A. |
862 |
Guyton, Nanette. “Official: Report Has Eased Judicial Inequities Against County’s Indians.” Robesonian 26 April 1989: 1A. |
860 |
“New Court Officers Take Up Their Duties.” Robesonian 5 March 1989: C1. |
LOCK053 |
Locklear, Ramona. "A study of Lumbee homicide, 1983-1987. What's going on here?" Thesis (Master of Public Health). University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989. 84 pages. |
857 |
Godfrey, R. L. “Thompson Selected as County’s Public Defender.” Robesonian 29 Dec. 1988: 1A. |
1256 |
Barreiro, José. “Drug Terror at Lumbee: Does Justice Mean ‘Just-Us’ in Robeson County?” Daybreak 2.2 (Midwinter 1988): 13, 15-16, 28-29, 35. |
856 |
Menges, Jerri. “LRLS Officials Celebrate Service’s 10th Anniversary at Friday Banquet.” Robesonian 6 Nov. 1988: 1A. |
855 |
Leland, Elizabeth. “Robeson Sorts Out Murders.” Charlotte Observer 18 April 1988: 4A. |
854 |
Naureckas, Jim. Drugs, Good Ole Boys and ‘Just Another Murder’. In These Times 12.20 (13-19 April 1988): 5. |
849 |
Dew, Joe, and Jane Ruffin. “Drug Money a Powerful Lure in Robeson.” News and Observer 14 Feb. 1988: 1A. |
850 |
Hitt, Greg. “Reports Allege Racism: Robeson Courts Unfair to Indians, Studies Say.” Winston-Salem Journal 14 Feb. 1988: A1. |
848 |
Applebome, Peter. “Behind Hostage Case, Issues of Rural Justice.” New York Times 8 Feb. 1988: 1. |
847 |
Bowden, Barry. “Report Says Justice Not Equitable for Indians.” Fayetteville Times 3 Feb. 1988. |
845 |
N.C. Dept. of Admin. N.C. Comm. of Indian Affairs. Ad Hoc Comm. on Indians and the Criminal Justice System. A Report on the Treatment of Indians by the Criminal Justice System. Oct. 1987. Rpt. in entry 859, pp. 31-91. |
844 |
Jordan, Pat. “The Passions of Joe Freeman Britt.” Southern Magazine March (1987): 38-41, 95-99. |
844 |
Jordan, Pat. “The Passions of Joe Freeman Britt.” Southern Magazine 1.6 (March 1987): 38-41, 95-99. |
843 |
“Prosecutor Wins Death Sentences: For 37th Time, Lawyer Convinces a Jury That Life Isn’t Enough.” New York Times 25 Dec. 1985: 64. |
841 |
Reid, Dee. ‘Killer DA’: In First 28 Months on Job, He Won 23 Death Verdicts. National Law Journal 7.2 (17 Sept. 1984): 1, 8-9. |
840 |
North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs. Report: internship, North Carolina state government. Agency, N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs. Assignment, American Indians in North Carolina’s Criminal Justice System. By Chris Browning. [Raleigh, NC?]: [N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs?], [Sept. 1984?]. |
837 |
Geiger, Maurice D., and Kathryn Fahnestock. “A Report by the Rural Justice Center to the Chief Justice of North Carolina: An Update on Robeson County.” North Conway, NH: Rural Justice Center, [1984?] 8 p. |
834 |
North Carolina Department of Administration. North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs. A Preliminary Review of Arrest and Incarceration Rates of Indians vs. Whites in the N.C. Judicial System. By Darlene Jacobs. [Raleigh?]: [North Carolina Dept. of Administration?], 1982. Rpt. in Anti-Indian Violence (entry 859), pp. 92-106. |
353 |
Schmalleger, Frank. “The Root Doctors and the Courtroom.” North Carolina Folklore Journal 29.2 (Fall-Winter 1981): 102-05. |
350 |
Schmalleger, Frank. “Criminal Justice-Related Magical Practices Among the Lumbee Indians of North Carolina.” Paper presented at the Conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, May 1980. 11 p.
829 |
Burgess, Harvey. “‘Deadliest Prosecutor’ Once Opposed Death Penalty.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 22 Mar. 1979: 4. |
826 |
“Official to Eye Charges of Brutality to Indians.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 29 June 1978: 18. |
823 |
“Deadliest Prosecutor [Joe Freeman Britt].” Guinness Book of World Records. By Norris McWhirter and ross McWhirter. New York: Sterling, 1978. P. 394. |
818 |
Whittle, Richard. “Small N.C. District Is Giant on Death Penalty.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 22 Dec. 1975: 1, 6. |
817 |
Footlick, Jerrold K., and Eleanor Clift. “Crusading for Death.” Newsweek 86.3 (21 July 1975): 31. Reprinted., with “an alternate view,” in Carolina Indian Voice 7 Aug. 1975: 2. |
788 |
Barton, Lewis Randolph. “Contrasts.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 19 July 1954: 10. |
786 |
“Judge Ivey Says He Followed Law and Practices of People.” Pembroke Progress [Pembroke, NC] 28 Jan. 1954: [4]. |
785 |
“ ... Cover Limited Territory.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 25 Jan. 1954: [4]. |
784 |
“Woman Advised ‘to Go North’ after Two Court Appearances.” Robesonian 22 Jan. 1954: 1. |
779 |
“Robeson’s First Indian Dies in Gas Chamber; Lumberton Negro Also Is Put to Death.” Robesonian 7 July 1939: 1. |
778 |
“White Man To Leave State to Live with Indian Wife He Loves.” Robesonian 17 May 1939: 1. |
777 |
“Revels Given Fifty Years for Assault on White Girl.” Robesonian 14 Nov. 1938: 1. |
774 |
“Indians and Negroes on Jury for First Time in Nearly 40 Years.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]18 Aug. 1937: 1. |
773 |
“Indian Files for F’mont Constable.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 30 April 1934: 1. |
772 |
Wilkins, Cherry. “The Strange Case of Nick and Versha.” The State [Charlotte, NC] 1.47 (21 April 1934): 18. |
771 |
“Why the Distinction?” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 28 Sept. 1931: 4. |
770 |
McInnis, N. “Mayor McInnis Resents New Name for Pembroke.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 1 Jan. 1931: 4. |
769 |
Locklear, Patrick. “Some Questions.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 19 April 1928: 4. |
ROXB001 |
"Band of men whips couple near Roxboro." The Bee [Danville, VA] Saturday, April 7, 1928: 1. |
768 |
“Superior Court: Dr. G. W. Locklear, Indian, of Pembroke, Must Leave the State to Live with the White Woman He Married in Georgia–Marriage Not Recognized in This State.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 26 Jan. 1920: 1. |
767 |
“Justice McInnis Replies: He Justifies His Act in Drawing Up Contract Between Indian and White Woman.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 5 March 1917: 3. |
766 |
“Recorder’s Court: White Woman and Indian in the Toils for Living Together.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] 26 Feb. 1917: 4. |
765 |
“Robeson Indians.” Robesonian 10 Jan. 1916: 4. |
764 |
Wilkins, W. S. “State Should Provide for Indian Insane: White and Colored Insane Are Provided For But There Is No Place for the Indian Insane.” Robesonian 6 Sept. 1915: 3. |
763 |
Locklear, A. W. “The ‘Macs’ of Robeson: Hon. Hamilton McMillan and What He and Other ‘Macs’ Have Done for the Croatan Indians.” Robesonian 6 Aug. 1908: 1. |
762 |
Stancill, G. W. “A Lie Denounced: An Old Confederate Soldier and Preacher Denounces as a Lie the Report that He Is Preaching Social Equality.” Robesonian 25 May 1908: 1. |
761 |
“The Pembroke Petition.” The Argus 12 Feb. 1903: 2. |
760 |
“Strong Argument for the Amendment.” Robesonian 17 July 1900: 2. |
759 |
Humphrey, W. H. “A Card.” Robesonian 26 June 1900: 1. |