See also: Genealogy Resources
Record Number | Citation |
ROBE16 |
"Tribe gets Smithsonian showcase [Editorial]." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. September 1, 2017. |
OXEN010 |
Oxendine, Kelvin Ray. Seven generations: Ancestors of the present day Lumbee. Raleigh, NC: Lulu P, 2015. 158 p. |
BARN003 |
Barnhill, Jane Blanks. Sacred grounds: Robeson County, NC Indian cemeteries. |
1034 |
Elisha Locklear Collection. PO Box 1180, Pembroke, NC 28372 |
1022 |
Barton, Lew. “Searching the Family Tree.” Unpub. typescript. N.D. |
ROBE001 |
Robeson County NCGenWeb [part of The U.S. GenWeb Project]. Maintained by Victoria Proctor. |
JORD001 |
Jordan, Larry E. From Virginia to Alabama and beyond: migrations of related familes from 1610 to today [Web site]. |
1017 |
Lovin, Mable S., comp. 1820 Census for Robeson County, North Carolina. N.p.: n.p., n.d. |
1019 |
“The Contemporary Descendants of the ‘22’ Recognized by the Dept. of Interior.” Unpublished typescript. N.d. 13 p. |
WILL007 |
Williams, Megan. “Sacred Grounds.” Our State Magazine (September 2007): 34-36. |
JAEN005 |
Jaenicke, Michael. “Sacred Grounds [Book Title].” Robesonian February 5, 2007. |
BARN002 |
Barnhill, Jane Blanks. Sacred Grounds: "Gone but Not Forgotten". St. Pauls, NC: Jane Blanks Barnhill, 2007. 374 p. Key source |
SING001 |
Singh, Renee. "Our roots go back to Roanoke: Investigating the link between the Lost Colony and the Lumbee People of North Carolina [Unpublished undergraduate student essay]." Prized Writing [UC Davis] 2006. |
WOOD007 |
Woods, J. Cedric. "Lumbee origins: The Weyanoke-Kearsey connection." Southern anthropologist [Southern Anthropological Society] 30.2 (2004): 20-36. |
BRAY009 |
Brayboy, Tim, and Bruce Barton. Playing before an overflow crowd: the story of Indian basketball in Robeson, North Carolina, and adjoining counties. Chapel Hill, NC: Chapel Hill P, 2003. 201 pages. |
JENK022 |
Jenkins, Venita. “Genealogy project offers window into Lumbee history.” Fayetteville Observer Monday, 29 July 2002. |
JENK003 |
Jenkins, Venita. “Robeson SAT scores rise again.” Robesonian Wednesday, 1 September 1999: 1A, 6A, 1 chart |
HOLB001 |
Holback, Gloria D. “The spiritual journey of a Lumbee granddaughter.” Appalachian Quarterly 3.1 (March 1998): 90-96. |
OMAR001 |
O'Mara, Richard. “Among Lumbees, Locklear is the name of the game.” Baltimore Sun 12 October 1993: 6A (Tuesday) |
1043 |
DeMarce, Virginia Easley. “Looking at legends: Lumbee and Melungeon: applied genealogy and the origins of tri-racial isolate settlements.” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 81.1 (March 1993): 24-45. |
1042 |
DeMarce, Virginia Easley. “‘Verry Slitly Mixt’: Tri-Racial Isolate Families of the Upper South–A Genealogical Study.” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 80.1 (March 1992): [5]-35.aZ |
1041 |
Byrd, William L., III, and Sheila Spencer Stover. “In Search of Cultural Identity. Part 2.” North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal February 1992: 48-54. |
1040 |
“Church Register for Robeson Circuit, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1869-1881.” Robeson County Register 6.4 (Nov. 1991): 134-41. |
1039 |
Britt, Morris F. “Robeson County Indian Names: An Analysis Based upon the Census of 1910.” Robeson County Register 6.3 (August 1991): 120-22. |
1038 |
Pate, Albert F. The search for Johnny Chevin: being a poetic quest out of the most ancient records and oldest traditions for descendants of Sir Walter Raleigh's Lost Colony. Pikeville, NC: A. F. Pate, 1991. |
1037 |
Mills, Gary B. “Tracing Free People of Color in the Antebellum South: Methods, Sources, and Perspectives.” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 78.4 (Dec. 1990): 262-78. |
1036 |
“Robeson County Bastardy Bonds and Records, 1866-1869.” Robeson County Register 5.1 (Feb. 1990): 34-36. |
1033 |
“Criminal Papers–-Robeson County 1818-18–-.” Robeson County Register 4.2 (May 1989): 60-63. |
1032 |
Locklear, Grady. Genealogy: A Perspective. Unpublished typescript. Feb. 1989. 394 p. |
1035 |
Shoop, Michael I. “Index to Notices of Death Found in the Robesonian.” 1989- . |
1031 |
West, Sam. “Records of Robeson County in the North Carolina Archives.” Robeson County Register 3.3 (Aug. 1988): 92-111. |
1029 |
Pate, Albert F. “... At Your Beginnings ...” Ezekiel, Chapter 36. Goldsboro, NC: Albert F. Pate, 1988. 181 p. |
1028 |
Jordan, Jerry Wright, comp. Cherokee by Blood: Record of Eastern Cherokee Ancestry in the US Court of Claims 1906-1910. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1987- . |
1027 |
Britt, Morris. “Indian Names in Robeson County.” Robeson County Register 1.3 (Aug. 1986): 113. |
1025 |
Where Our People Lie: Inventory of Native American Burial Sites in Robeson County. Lumberton: Robeson County Compensatory Indian Education Project, Robeson County Board of Education, 1986. |
BRIT004 |
Britt, Morris F. "Appendix T. List of Lumbee surnames with dates of appearance in the greater Lumbee Settlement (N=523 surnames) 1740-2007." 107 pages. |
1026 |
Robeson County Register [periodical]. Ed. Morris F. Britt. Quarterly. Charlotte: M. F. Britt, IBS Graphics, 1986- . |
1024 |
“North Carolina State Archives Research. Robeson County Court Minutes, 1797-1843, C. 083.3001.” Unpublished typescript. Lumbee Tribal Enrollment Office, 14 June 1984. |
1023 |
Oxendine, Carol Smith, comp. Twelfth Census of Population, 1900. North Carolina Vol. 56 E. D.s 100-122 (Indian Population). Pembroke, NC: Lumbee Regional Development Association, 1982. [Alternate title: 1900 federal census information of Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina.] |
1021 |
[Robeson County Compensatory Indian Education Project.] “U.S. Census Abstracts 1784-1900.” Unpub. typescript. Compiled 1980-1981? |
1020 |
Harmon, Elaine Davis, comp. 1850 Federal Census of Robeson County, NC. Copied from Microfilm Roll #642. Raleigh: Elaine Davis Harmon, 1980. |
1018 |
Townsend, Peggy T. Vanishing Ancestors: Cemetery Records of Robeson County, North Carolina. 3 v. N.p.: [Peggy Townsend], 1975-92. |
1014 |
Biggs, Kate Britt, comp. Census of 1850, Robeson County, North Carolina. N.p.: n.p., [1946]. |
1015 |
Biggs, Kate Britt, comp. Census of 1800, Robeson County, North Carolina. Compiled ... for the Col. Thomas Robeson Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. N.p.: n.p., [1946]. |
1016 |
Lovin, Mable S., comp. 1810 Census for Robeson County, North Carolina. N.p.: n.p., n.d. |