Record Number | Citation |
RICH001 |
"Quilt sewn by Lowrie’s daughter donated to UNCP museum [Editor]." Richmond County Daily Journal [Rockingham, NC]. January 5, 2018. |
SINC001 |
Sinclair, Tomeka. "Murals in Greensboro feature images of Lumbee Tribe members." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. September 18, 2017. |
ROBE16 |
"Tribe gets Smithsonian showcase [Editorial]." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. September 1, 2017. |
LAGR002 |
Lagrone, Juanita. "Teaching what she sews: quilter passes on knowledge of craft." Red Springs Citizen [Red Springs, NC] August 14, 2016. |
LAGR001 |
Lagrone, Juanita. "Chavis: 'You can't teach passion.'" Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] July 31, 2016. |
LAGR003 |
Lagrone, Juanita "Artist passes on traditions, history." Robesonian (Lumberton, NC). July 17, 2016. |
SHIL045 |
Shiles, Bob. "Getting schooled on art." St. Pauls Review. June 26, 2016 |
MERE001 |
Meredith, America. “Lloyd Earl Oxendine.” First American Art Magazine Winter (2015/2016): 90-91. |
LOCK060 |
Locklear, James. “Painting captures Lumbee-Klan clash.” The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, NC). October 19, 2015 |
JOHN006 |
Johnson, Nancy Winora. "Symbolic representation in Native American Lumbee art." M. A. U of North Carolina at Pembroke, 2004. |
KING002 |
King, C. Richard, Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr. “Gene Locklear.” Native Americans in Sports Vol. 1. 2004. |
JOHN001 |
Johnson, Nancy Winora. "Symbolic Representation in Native American Lumbee Art." Masters thesis. University of North Carolina at Pembroke, 2004. |
FOX0001 |
Fox. Geoff. “Painting brings 'SATW!' $8,500.” Robesonian Wednesday, June 28, 2000, p. 1A, 8A. |
NATI001 |
“Native American Resource Center presents new art exhibit.” Carolina Indian Voice 10 December 1998: 5. |
KNIC025 |
Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail (column).” Carolina Indian Voice 26 November 1998: 3. |
CUSH001 |
Cushman, Tom. “Brush with success did not come easily to Locklear.” Union Tribune (San Diego, CA) 23 June 1996:C1. |
BRAV002 |
Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara. “Lumbee artist dancing 'the Spiral Dance.'” Robesonian 21 December 1994: C1. |
BRAV001 |
Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara. “Local artist creates work for 'SATW' art auction.” Robesonian 26 June 1994:1A. |
FORD001 |
Ford, Thomas C. “Play ball: the art of the big game has never been more popular.” Art & Antiques 17 (May 1994): 80-83. |
ROSE001 |
Rosengarten, Dale. “Spirits of our ancestors: basket traditions in the Carolinas.” In:The crucible of Carolina: essays in the development of Gullah language and culture. Ed. Michael Montgomery. Athens, GA: Georgia UP, 1994. Pages 133-157. |
KERN001 |
Kern, Bliem. “Lloyd Oxendine: visual artist.” Artist and Influence (New York: Hatch-Billops Collection, Inc.) 7 (1994): 186-195. |
LOCK007 |
Braveboy-Locklear, Barbara. “Real Indian art.” N.C. Arts 8.3 (Fall 1992). Reprinted in Shared Heritage (Heritage Arts, 1993) and in Pembroke Magazine 27 (1995): 10-11. |
OSBO001 |
Osborne, Ozzie. “Artist works passionately with clay, sharing skills with kids.” Miami Herald (Florida) Sunday, 3 November 1991: 1B. |
379 |
Chamberlain, Knight. “Lela Brooks: An Example of the Power of Folk Art.” Robesonian 3 May 1991: 6A. |
376 |
Guyton, Nanette. “Successful Pembroke Native Encourages Students.” Robesonian 16 Dec. 1990: 1A. |
373 |
Warren, Gene. “Mike Wilkins To Exhibit Carving Skills During Heritage Celebration.” Robesonian 14 Sept. 1990: 1A. |
372 |
Hamilton, Lee. “Pembroke Artist’s Work To Be Sold at SATW Auction.” Robesonian 25 June 1990: 5A. |
MANL001 |
Manley, Roger. Signs and wonders: outsider art inside North Carolina. Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1989. Pp. 35, 53, 117. |
ZAGA001 |
Zagadinow, Lidija. “Keeping her heritage alive through art.” Philadelphia Inquirer (Pennsylvania) 3 July 1988: N05 (Sunday). |
357 |
Bayes, Ronald H., ed. North Carolina’s 400 Years: Signs Along the Way. An Anthology of Poems by North Carolina Poets to Celebrate America’s 400th Anniversary. Durham: Acorn P, 1986. |
351 |
Jennings, Jan. “Ex-Padre Outfielder Hopes to Make Big Hit as Artist.” [San Diego, CA] Tribune 29 Sept. 1980. |
331 |
Oxendine, Lloyd E. “23 Contemporary Indian Artists.” Art in America 60.4 (July-August 1972): 58-60+. |
329 |
Warren, Gene. “Gene Locklear: Lumbee Indian Artist Who Made It to Big Leagues.” Robesonian 29 April 1972. |
308 |
Speck, Frank G. Gourds of the Southeastern Indians: A Prolegomenon on the Lagenaria Gourd Culture of the Southeastern Indians. Boston: New England Gourd Society, 1941. Pp. 72-75. |