Cherokee Tribal Name-Cherokee Theory of Tribal Origin

Record Number Citation

Murray, Janette K. "Ella Deloria: A Biographical Sketch and Literary Analysis." Diss. U of North Dakota, 1974. Pp. 136-38.


Chavers, Dean.  “The Lumbee Story, Part I—Origin of the Tribe.”  Indian Voice [Santa Clara, CA: Native American Pub. Co.] 1.10 (1971-72): 11-12, 24.


McNickle, D’Arcy.  “Memorandum [for the Commissioner of Indian Affairs].  Re: Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina.”  Washington: Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1 May 1936.  13 p.


McMillan, Hamilton.  Letter to O. M. McPherson, Special Indian Agent.  2 Aug. 1914.  Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit M, pp. 242-3.


“Uncle Sam Is Probing Identity of Croatans: To Ascertain if They Are Branch of Cherokees.”  Wilmington Star 2 Aug. 1914.


“Investigation of Indians: Simmons and Godwin Want to Know Whether There Are Any Lands or Monies Due Indians of Robeson and Adjoining Counties from the Government.”  Robesonian 30 April 1914: 1.


“Cherokee Indians of Robeson: Rightful and Ancient Name of Indians of Robeson and Adjacent Counties Restored.”  Robesonian 13 March 1913: 4.


“Croatans Want Name Cherokees: The Rival Indian Forces Appeal to Legislature.”  News and Observer 4 Feb. 1911: P. 3 col. 1.


Hunt, James.  “Seriously Objects to the Name ‘Croatan’.”  Robesonian 11 Aug. 1910: 3.


Locklear, A. S.  “A Protest.  The Indians of Robeson Merely Want Their Original Name and Are Not ‘Pursuing a Shadow’.”  Robesonian 7 (8?) Feb. 1910: 8.


“Croatan to Cherokee: Croatan Indians Want Name Changed to Cherokee.” Robesonian 3 Feb. 1910: 3.


“Croatan.”  Robesonian 24 Jan. 1910: 1.


McMillan, Hamilton.  The Lost Colony Found: An Historical Sketch of the Discovery of the Croatan Indians.  With: Their Advance Movement: Condition Before and After the War, Progress in Civilization and Religion.  By the Rev. J. J. Blanks.  Lumberton: Robesonian Job Print., [c1898?]  35 p.