Record Number | Citation |
ROBE019 |
"UNCP seeks info on Lumbee clash with KKK [Staff Report]." The Robesonian [Lumberton, NC]. September 30, 2017. |
LOCK060 |
Locklear, James. “Painting captures Lumbee-Klan clash.” The Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, NC). October 19, 2015 |
Cart001 |
Carter, Stephen L. “Rename Redskins after NC Lumbee.” Newsobserver [Raleigh, NC] August 25, 2014. |
1191 |
Klash Kluxer Kaput. Scrapbook compiled by Lacy Maynor. |
HARR002 |
Harrell, Hannah Beth. “‘Slap 'em around a little if you have to but don't hurt 'em’: the Lumbees and the Ku Klux Klan rally of 1958.” M.A. U of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2011. |
OAKL004 |
Oakley, Christopher Arris. "'When Carolina Indians went on the warpath': The media, the Klan, and the Lumbees of North Carolina." Southern Cultures 14.4 (2008): 55-84. |
SHO001 |
“Showdown at Hayes Pond: 50 years ago, the Ku Klux Klan met its match in a showdown with the Lumbee Indians.” Website, Fayetteville Observer, 2007. |
COOK001 |
Cook, Andrew M. "'Thirty Thousand Half-Breeds' And 'Negroes with Guns': The Violent Formulation of Race in 1950s North Carolina." Thesis (MA, History). U of New York College at Brockport, 2006. 80 pages. |
YEAD001 |
Yeadon, Tim. “Hundreds mourn, remember Revels.” Greensboro News & Record (Greensboro, NC). July 14, 2003 |
JENK016 |
Jenkins, Venita. “Maxton wants Tribe-Klan clash site.” Fayetteville Observer 20 March 2002. |
TYSO001 |
Tyson, Timothy B. "Ku Klux Klan routing, January 18, 1958." Radio free Dixie: Robert F. Williams & the roots of Black power. Chapel Hill, NC: U of North Carolina P, 1999. 137-40. |
WEST001 |
Weston, Mary Ann. Native Americans in the news: images of Indians in the twentieth century press. Westport, CT: Greenwood P, 1996. Pages 120-121. |
1200 |
Henderson, Bruce. “Robeson civic leader dies at 69: Simeon Oxendine won fame confronting Klan.” Charlotte Observer 28 Dec. 1988: 1B. |
1199 |
Van Dyke, Jeffrey Alan. “Bedsheets and broadsheets: covering the Ku Klux Klan in North Carolina.” Thesis. U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986. Pp. 41-45, 55-57. |
1198 |
Fox, Cynthia Gregory. “The Battle of Hayes Pond: The Ku Klux Klan versus the Lumbee Indians, Robeson County, North Carolina, 1958.” Thesis. East Carolina U, 1979. |
1197 |
Craven, Charles. “The night the Klan died in North Carolina.” True Magazine March 1975. Rpt. in Carolina Indian Voice 22 Jan. 1976: 1, 4-6. |
1196 |
“Oh, I remember them: Lumbees famous for routing … in 1958.” Greensboro Daily News 17 Jan. 1971: A15. |
1195 |
“State of North Carolina ex rel. John B. Regan, etc. v. Invisible Empire, United Klans, Knights Ku Klux Klan, etc., et al. Robeson County, North Carolina, Superior Court, March 17 and April 22, 1966.” Race Relations Law Reporter 11 (Fall 1966): 1162-65. |
1194 |
“Membership in Klan is offered to Indians.” New York Times 22 March 1966: 43. |
WOOD001 |
Wood, Rob. “Klan hopes to make peace with Lumbees.” Greensboro Daily News 21 March 1966: B1. |
SPEC001 |
“Special danger in Robeson justifies court injunction.” Charlotte Observer 19 March 1966. |
1193 |
Clay, Russell. “Injunction bars Klan from Robeson rally.” News and Observer 18 March 1966: 1. |
1192 |
Barton, Lew. “Lumbee Indians Honored Seawell with 1959 ‘First American Award’.” The Lumbee 13 Jan. 1966: 2. |
1190 |
Craven, Charles. “The Robeson County Indian uprising against the Ku Klux Klan.” South Atlantic Quarterly 57 (Autumn 1958): 433-42. |
1188 |
Newman, John U., Jr. “We ran the Klan out of Carolina.” By a Lumbee woman as told to Newman. Official Detective Stories 28 (May 1958): 8-13. |
1187 |
“Lumbee Indians form own news service.” News and Observer 10 April 1958: 23. |
1186 |
“Heap bad Kluxers armed with gun, Indian angry paleface run.” Ebony 13 (April 1958): 25-26, 28. |
1189 |
Reynolds, Malvina. “The Battle of Maxton Field.” Sing Out! 8.1 (Spring 1958): 4-5. |
1185 |
“Klan Wizard Cole gets 2-year sentence; Titan Martin draws 12 months. Both free on bond; both file appeal.” Robesonian 14 March 1958: 1. |
1183 |
Ruark, Henry G. “Fear Klan revival in the Carolinas.” Christian Century 75 (26 Feb. 1958): 257-58. |
1182 |
“Indians back at peace and the Klan at bay.” Life 44 (3 Feb. 1958): 36-36A. |
1181 |
“Indians rout the Klan.” Commonweal 67 (31 Jan. 1958): 446. |
1180 |
“When Carolina Indians went on the warpath–.” U. S. News and World Report 44 (31 Jan. 1958): 14. |
1184 |
“Lumbee Indians put Klansmen to rout in ‘uprising’.” The Amerindian [American Indian Review] 6.3 (Jan.-Feb. 1958): [1]-2. |
1179 |
“Within the framework of law.” Greensboro Daily News 31 Jan. 1958: A6. |
1177 |
“Southern Indians battle the Klan.” Christian Century 75 (29 Jan. 1958): 124. |
1176 |
“King Katfish Kole kries against Robeson ....” Robesonian 28 Jan. 1958: 1. |
1175 |
“Bad medicine for the Klan: North Carolina Indians break up Kluxers’ anti-Indian meeting.” Life 44 (27 Jan. 1958): 26-28. |
1174 |
“North Carolina: Indian raid.” Newsweek 51 (27 Jan. 1958): 27. |
1172 |
Brown, Dick. “The Indians who routed the ‘Catfish’.” News and Observer 26 Jan. 1958: Sec. 3 p. 1. |
1173 |
Grimsley, Will. “Robeson area is tensed as ugly rumors abound.” Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinel 26 Jan. 1958: 6A. |
1171 |
“Redskins whoop Lumbee victory.” Robesonian 23 Jan. 1958: 1. |
1170 |
Cuthrell, Harold Glenn. “The charge of the Lumbee Indians.” Scottish Chief [Maxton, NC] 23 Jan. 1958: 1. |
1169 |
“Judge deplores Klan entry into peaceful Indian land.” Robesonian 22 Jan. 1958: 1. |
1168 |
Ryan, Ethel. “Indians who crushed rally were mature tribesmen.” Greensboro Record 21 Jan. 1958: A1. |
1167 |
“Cole faces indictment; disgusted … quits.” Robesonian 21 Jan. 1958: 1. |
1166 |
“No Racial Rift.” Robesonian 21 Jan. 1958: 4. |
1165 |
Morrison, Julian. “Sheriff Seeks Klan Leader's Indictment: Cole Accused of Inciting Riot Involving Indians and Ku Klux.” Greensboro Daily News 20 Jan. 1958: A1-3. |
1163 |
“The Lumbees Ride Again.” Greensboro Daily News 20 Jan. 1958: 4A. |
1162 |
“Cole Says His Rights Violated.” Greensboro Daily News 20 Jan. 1958: A1. |
1164 |
“‘The Law’ Treads Lightly to Avert Maxton Violence.” Robesonian 20 Jan. 1958: 1. |
1161 |
Morrison, Julian. “Armed Indians Break Up Klan Meeting.” Greensboro Daily News 19 Jan. 1958: 1. |
RAID001 |
“Raid by 500 Indians balks North Carolina Klan rally.” New York Times January 19, 1958, page 1. |
1160 |
“Klan-Indian Violence Is Feared in Rural North Carolina Area.” New York Times 17 Jan. 1958: P. 10 col. 5. |