Henry Berry Lowry

Record Number Citation

Oxendine, Kelvin Ray. Seven generations: Ancestors of the present day Lumbee. Raleigh, NC: Lulu P, 2015. 158 p.


Our People: The Lumbee. DVD. 28.00 min. Pembroke, NC: Native American Resource Center, UNC-Pembroke (in collaboration with the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs), 2009.


Rach, Amber. “Local Experts Contribute to History Channel Documentary.” UNC-Pembroke newswire Monday, February 5, 2007.


Jaenicke, Michael. "SATW!: outdoor drama returns after two-year hiatus." Robesonian Friday, July 7 2006.


Maynor, Malinda. "Finding wisdom in places: Lumbee family history." Indigenous diasporas and dislocations. Eds. Graham Harvey and Charles D. Thompson, Jr. Vitality of indigenous religions. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2005. 153-67.


Fox, Geoff. “'SATW' returns to historical roots.” Robesonian Friday, 30 June 2000: 1A, 10A.


Barton, Garry Lewis. “Henry Berry, a bigger-than-life hero.” Carolina Indian Voice 21 January 1999: 2.


Stein, Robert E. “Encountering liberalism: devaluing the economics of racism.” Diss. Michigan U, 1999. 275 pages.


Patterson, Oscar, III. “The press held hostage: terrorism in a small North Carolina town.” American Journalism 15.4 (Fall 1998): 125-39.


Blu, Karen I. “'Reading back' to find community: Lumbee ethnohistory.” In North American Indian anthropology: essays on society and culture. Ed. Raymond J. DeMallie and Alfonso Ortig. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1994. Pp. 278-95. Key source


Dial, Adolph L. The Lumbee. Indians of North America. New York : Chelsea House, 1993. 112 p. Key source


Sider, Gerald M. Lumbee Indian histories: Race, ethnicity and Indian identity in the Southern United States.


Montgomerie, Deborah. “Coming to terms: Ngai Tahu, Robeson County Indians and the Garden Band of Ojibwa, 1840-1940. Three studies of colonialism in action.” Diss. Duke U, 1993.


Reising, R. W.  “Literary Depictions of Henry Berry Lowry: Mythic, Romantic, and Tragic.”  MELUS 17.1 (Spring 1991-1992): 87-103. Key source


White, Wes. "Local History References and Lumbee Indian References in the Lumberton, NC Robesonian, 1897, 1900-1939." Unpublished manuscript. N.D.


Manley, Roger. Signs and wonders: outsider art inside North Carolina. Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1989. Pp. 35, 53, 117.


Rinzler, Kate.  “The Miracle of Maxton Field.”  Unpublished typescript. 1988.


McMahan, Eva M. “Lumbee Soundings: Voices of the Past.” [Script for a 30-minute videotape.] Lumberton: Robeson County Compensatory Indian Education Project, 31 May 1984. 18 p.


Oakley, Eve.  “James Lowery: Seeking the Truth.”  Fayetteville Observer 12 July 1983: 10A.


Parramore, Thomas C.  North Carolina: The History of an American State.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983.  Pp. 55-56, 292-94.


Thomas, Maude.  Away Down Home: A History of Robeson County, North Carolina.  Lumberton: Historic Robeson, 1982.  Index.  By May Bell Lontz, et al.  Lumberton: Historic Robeson, 1988.


United Native Instruction to Youth: An Indian Studies Curriculum for Grades K-5 and 8-9. Developed by Title IV Part A, Robeson County Compensatory Indian Eduction Project and Robeson County Board of Education. 1979. [IERC] [PSU-MLL] Also ERIC ED 219 214.


Study Prints. Billy E. Barnes, designer. Lumberton: Title IV, Part A Indian Education Project, Robeson County Board of Education, 1979. [IERC]


Blu, Karen I.  “The Uses of History for Ethnic Identity: The Lumbee Case.”  Currents in Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Sol Tax.  Ed. Robert Hinshaw.  The Hague: Mouton, 1979. Pp. [271]-85.


Blu, Karen I.  “Varieties of Ethnic Identity: Anglo-Saxons, Blacks, Indians, and Jews in a Southern County.”  Ethnicity 4.3 (1977): 263-86.