Race Relations

Record Number Citation

Schilling-Estes, Natalie. “Constructing ethnicity in interaction.” Journal of sociolinguistics 8.2 (May 2004): 163-195. 6 tables, 22 extracts.


Barton, Bruce. “As I See It (column): White male files discrimination complaint at RCC.” Carolina Indian Voice 18 May 2001: 2.


“Robeson County may disband Human Relations Agency.” Fayetteville (North Carolina) Observer-Times 6 June 1998 (Saturday).


White, Wes. "Local History References and Lumbee Indian References in the Lumberton, NC Robesonian, 1897, 1900-1939." Unpublished manuscript. N.D.


Rollins, Brenda Whitehurst.  “Bane and Blessing.”  [Original novel.]  Thesis.  U of South Alabama, 1989.


Hitt, Greg. “Reports Allege Racism: Robeson Courts Unfair to Indians, Studies Say.” Winston-Salem Journal 14 Feb. 1988: A1.


494.     Barkley, Key L.  “Inter- and Intra-Group Levels of Esteem among Three Ethnic Groups.”  Journal of Negro Education 54.1 (1985): 56-70.


Sider, Gerald M. “Lumbee Indian Cultural Nationalism and Ethnogenesis.” Dialectical Anthropology 1.2 (Feb. 1976): 161-72.


Murray, Janette K. "Ella Deloria: A Biographical Sketch and Literary Analysis." Diss. U of North Dakota, 1974. Pp. 136-38.


Owen, Guy.  Journey for Joedel.  New York: Crown, 1970.


Amanullah, Mohammod. “The Lumbee Indians: Patterns of Adjustment.” Toward Economic Development for Native American Communities: A Compendium of Papers. Vol. 1, Part 1: Development Prospects and Problems. U.S. Congress. Subcomm. on Economy in Government. Joint Economic Committee. 1969. Pp. 277-98. [PSU-MLL]


Waynick, Capus M., ed. North Carolina and the Negro. Raleigh: North Carolina Mayors’ Co-Operating Committee, 1964. Pp. 127-28.


Simkins, Virginia.  “Indians Hail Whites on PSC Board.”  Robesonian 2 Sept. 1959: 1.


“Mystery People of Baltimore.” Ebony 12 (Sept. 1957): 70-73


Johnson, Guy B.  “Personality in a White-Indian-Negro Community.”  American Sociological Review 4.4 (Aug. 1939):  516-23. Excerpted in: When Peoples Meet.  New York: Hinds, Hayden, and Eldredge, 1946.  Pp. 576-82.


Cohen, Felix S.  “Memorandum for the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.”  Washington: Office of the Solicitor, US Dept. of the Interior, 8 April 1935.


Porter, Kenneth W.  “Relations Between Negroes and Indians Within the Present Limits of the United States.”  Journal of Negro History 17.3 (July 1932): 287-367.


Henderson, James E. “The Croatan Indians of Robeson County.” Report to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. from James E. Henderson, Supt., Cherokee Agency, U.S. Indian Service, Dept. of Interior. Cherokee, N.C., 11 Dec. 1923. 8 p. National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C. RG 75, Entry 121, Central Classified Files, 1907-1939, 93807-1923-Cherokee School-150 (James Henderson’s Report).


Henderson, James E.  The Croatan Indians of Robeson County.  Report to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. from James E. Henderson, Supt., Cherokee Agency, U.S. Indian Service, Dept. of Interior.  Cherokee, N.C., 11 Dec. 1923.  8 p.  National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C.  RG 75, Entry 121, Central Classified Files, 1907-1939, 93807-1923-Cherokee School-150 (James Henderson’s Report).


McMillan, Hamilton.  Letter to O. M. McPherson, Special Indian Agent.  2 Aug. 1914.  Rpt. in McPherson (entry 49), Exhibit M, pp. 242-3.


Guy Benton Johnson Papers, 1830-1882, 1901-1987 (Collection number: 3826). Southern Historical Collection. Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, North Carolina.