Record Number | Citation |
1348 |
“Pageant Has Large Cast to Show Phases of Indian Life.” Robesonian 3 Dec. 1940: 1, 6. |
529 |
National Anthropological Archives. Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC. Manuscript 3775. Collector: J. N. B. Hewitt. nd. |
666 |
Wilkins, David Eugene. “An Analysis of Colonial, State, and Federal ‘Definitions of Indian’.” Thesis. U of Arizona, 1982. |
335 |
Murray, Janette K. "Ella Deloria: A Biographical Sketch and Literary Analysis." Diss. U of North Dakota, 1974. Pp. 136-38. |
616 |
“Indians Approve Change in Name.” Robesonian 2 April 1951: 1, 7. |
610 |
Zimmerman, William. Letter to Joseph Brooks. Washington: Office of Indian Affairs, US Dept. of the Interior, stamped 12 Dec. 1938. Correspondence no. Ind-Org. 71526-38. [3] p. |
609 |
Sharpe, J. A., Jr. “Siouan Council’s Main Objective Realized in Indian Resettlement Project, Biggest Federal Benefit.” Robesonian 22 July 1938: 1. |
700 |
Seltzer, Carl C. “Report on the Racial Status of Robeson County Indians.” 30 June 1936. National Archives and Records Admin., Washington, DC. Record Group 75, Entry 616, Applications and other records relating to registration under the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, North Carolina. |
604 |
“Robeson Indians Farther Advanced, Speaker Asserts.” Robesonian 26 April 1934: 6. |
603 |
“The Cherokee Indians’ Objection to the ‘Siouan Bill.’” Robesonian 26 April 1934: 4. |
602 |
“Indians at Big Mass Meeting Vote Unanimously to Adopt Name Siouan.” Robesonian 23 April 1934: 1, 8. |
601 |
“The Cherokees’ Objection to the ‘Siouan Bill’.” Robesonian 23 April 1934: 4. |
600 |
“Indians Protest Strongly Against Name of ‘Siouan’.” Robesonian 19 April 1934: 1. |
597 |
Godwin, W. H. “Proposed Change of Name to Siouan.” Robesonian 26 Feb. 1934: 4. |
596 |
Sharpe, J. A., Jr. “Dispute of Robeson Indians Over New Name Based on Motives for Adoption.” Robesonian 19 Feb. 1934: 1. |
595 |
Sharpe, J. A., Jr. “Sentiment Among Indians Divided on Change of Name.” Robesonian 15 Feb. 1934: 1. |
594 |
The Diamond Kid. “As the Wind Changeth—A New Name.” [Poem.] Dated 14 Feb. 1934. Rpt. in Thomas (entry 569), p. 248. |
593 |
“Robeson Indians Would Be Called Siouans under Senate Bill.” Robesonian 12 Feb. 1934: 1. |
592 |
“Croatans Again Seek Recognition.” Charlotte Observer 4 Feb. 1934: 3-1. |
1347 |
73rd Cong. 2nd Session. Siouan Indians of Lumber River. S.Rept. no. 204 (to accompany S. 1632). Dated 23 Jan. 1934. Serial Set, serial no. 9769, v. 1. |