Chronologies of events related to Lumbee

Record Number Citation

“Background Paper on Robeson County, North Carolina: A Special Report Prepared for the Fannie Lou Hamer Convention, July 1988.” Lumberton: Center for Community Action/CALC, 1988. 2 p.


Lumbee River Legal Services. The Lumbee Petition.  Prepared in cooperation with the Lumbee Tribal Enrollment Office.  Julian T. Pierce and Cynthia Hunt-Locklear, authors.  Jack Campisi and Wesley White, consultants.  Pembroke, NC: Lumbee River Legal Services, 1987.


Eliades, David K., and Linda Ellen Oxendine.  Pembroke State University: A Centennial History.  Columbus, GA: Brentwood UP, 1986.  110 p.


Perdue, Theda.  Native Carolinians: The Indians of North Carolina.  Raleigh: Div. of Archives and History, North Carolina Dept. of Cultural Resources, 1985.  Pp. 45-52.


Scheirbeck, Helen Maynor.  "Education, Public Policy and the American Indian."  Diss.  Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1980.


Woods, Ruth Dial.  “Testimony: Indian Definition Study.”  Pembroke: R. D. Woods, [1974?]  75 p.


“Legal History Between Lumbee Indians and the United States Congress.”  Unpublished typescript.  [1974?]  [8] p.