Record Number:
Henderson, James E. “The Croatan Indians of Robeson County.” Report to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C. from James E. Henderson, Supt., Cherokee Agency, U.S. Indian Service, Dept. of Interior. Cherokee, N.C., 11 Dec. 1923. 8 p. National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C. RG 75, Entry 121, Central Classified Files, 1907-1939, 93807-1923-Cherokee School-150 (James Henderson’s Report).
Comments on the Croatans’ education problems after the Civil War, dislike of the name “Croatan,” claims to be Cherokee, population, land holdings, homes, agriculture, use of alcohol, problems getting fair treatment in court, opposition to Black children attending their schools, and school enrollment.
First Appeared in 1994 Book?:
Publication Type:
Additional Information:
Cherokee (Tribal Name)/Cherokee Theory of Tribal Origin – Crime and Criminal Justice – Education and Schools – Race Relations – Religion – Singing Conventions