Overviews and studies–comprehensive

Record Number Citation

Lowery, Malinda Maynor. The Lumbee Indians: An American struggle. U of North Carolina P, 2018.


Knick, Stanley. The Lumbee in context: toward an understanding. Pembroke, NC: Native American Resource Center, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, 2000. Key source


Knick, Stanley. “Along the Robeson Trail” (column). Carolina Indian Voice 13 August 1998: 2.


Sider, Gerald M. Lumbee Indian histories: Race, ethnicity and Indian identity in the Southern United States.


Dial, Adolph L. The Lumbee. Indians of North America. New York : Chelsea House, 1993. 112 p. Key source


Blu, Karen I. The Lumbee problem: the making of an American Indian people. 1980; Lincoln: Nebraska UP, 2001. Key source


“Lumbee Indian History Soon to Be Released; New Book 18 Years in Making.”  The Lumbee 2 Dec. 1965: 1.


 Lowrey, Clarence E.  The Lumbee Indians of North Carolina.  Lumberton: Clarence E. Lowrey, 1960.  64p.


Oxendine, Clifton. "A Social and Economic History of the Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina." Thesis. George Peabody College for Teachers, 1934.


McPherson, O. M. Indians of North Carolina: Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, Transmitting, in Response to a Senate Resolution of June 30, 1914. Caption Title: Report on Condition and Tribal Rights of the Indians of Robeson and Adjoining Counties of North Carolina. US. 63rd Congress, 3rd Session. S. Doc. 677. Dated 5 Jan. 1915. Serial Set 6772. 252 p. Key source