Record Number | Citation |
842 |
Jacobs, Ben. “The History of Lumbee Regional Development Association, Inc. (1968-1985).” Unpublished typescript. 80 p. and appendices. |
1034 |
Elisha Locklear Collection. PO Box 1180, Pembroke, NC 28372 |
WERT001 |
Wertheimer, John W. "Native Americans and school desegregation: the Chavis case in Robeson County.” Law and society in the South: A history of North Carolina court cases. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2009. Pp.165–189. Notes, Pp. 251–264. |
SIDE003 |
Sider, Gerald M. “The walls came tumbling up: The production of culture, class and Native American societies.” Australian journal of anthropology 17.3 (December 2006): 276-90. |
LOCK010 |
Locklear-Brayboy, Ervin. “What's in Lumbee name? Not much.” Robesonian Friday, June 16, 2000, p. 4A. |
LOCK010 |
Locklear-Brayboy, Ervin. “What's in Lumbee name? Not much.” Robesonian Friday, June 16, 2000, p. 4A. |
PADG001 |
Padget, Cindy D. “The Lost Indians of the Lost Colony: a critical legal study of the Lumbee Indians of North Carolina.”American Indian Law Review 21.2 (1997): 391-423. |
59 |
Sider, Gerald M. Lumbee Indian histories: Race, ethnicity and Indian identity in the Southern United States. |
687 |
Allday, Martin L. “Memorandum ... Interpretation of the Lumbee Act.” Washington: Office of the Solicitor, US Dept. of Interior, 20 Nov. 1989. 4 p. |
40 |
Dial, Adolph L. “From Adversity to Progress.” Southern Exposure 13.6 (Nov.-Dec. 1985): 85-89. |
32 |
Spicer, Edward H. “Lumbees.” Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups. Ed. Stephen Thornstrom. Cambridge: Belknap—Harvard UP, 1980. Pp. 70-71. |
652 |
95th Cong. 2nd Sess. Hearing ... on S. 2375, to Establish an Administrative Procedure and Guidelines to be Followed by the Dept. of Interior in its Decision to Acknowledge the Existence of Certain Indian Tribes. Senate Select Comm. on Indian Affairs. Dated 18 April 1978. (CIS 1978, S961-16.) |
651 |
Zucchino, David. “The Lumbees.” News and Observer 18 Sept. 1977: 4-1. |
819 |
Sider, Gerald M. “Lumbee Indian Cultural Nationalism and Ethnogenesis.” Dialectical Anthropology 1.2 (Feb. 1976): 161-72. |
999 |
Cumberland County Association for Indian People. “Written Statement for Task Force Ten.” Unpublished typescript. 1976. 12 p. [IERC] |
54 |
Dial, Adolph L., and David K. Eliades. The only land I know: A history of the Lumbee Indians. San Francisco: Indian Historian P, 1975. Rpt. |
229 |
McLaurin, C. E. “Old Main, Grocery Destroyed as Robeson Fire Continues.” Robesonian 19 March 1973: 1. |
227 |
“Indians Waiting for Word.” Greensboro Record 19 March 1973: A1. |
637 |
Nichols, Rick. “Indian Rights Is Smoldering Issue.” News and Observer 11 March 1973: Sec. 1 p. 5. |
808 |
Tarleton, Larry. “Robeson County’s Indians Bolting Democratic Ranks.” Charlotte Observer [Charlotte, NC] 5 Nov. 1972: 3B. |
125 |
“Indians Square Off with Deputies.” News and Observer 31 Oct. 1972. |