Record Number | Citation |
ASSO001 |
Association on American Indian Affairs, Inc. Papers. Housed at the Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, 65 Olden St., Princeton University Libraries, Princeton, NJ, 08544 |
WERT001 |
Wertheimer, John W. "Native Americans and school desegregation: the Chavis case in Robeson County.” Law and society in the South: A history of North Carolina court cases. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2009. Pp.165–189. Notes, Pp. 251–264. |
59 |
Sider, Gerald M. Lumbee Indian histories: Race, ethnicity and Indian identity in the Southern United States. |
497 |
Chavis, Ben. “The Teacher-Student Relationships as Perceived by Lumbee Indians.” Diss. U of Arizona, 1986. |
56 |
Barton, Bruce. An Indian manifesto: Bruce Barton’s The best of—As I see it: The sometimes irreverent but always honest columns as they appeared in the “Carolina Indian Voice” newspaper over the last ten years by Bruce Barton, editor; with some “Musings” by Ol’ Reasonable Locklear. A special ten year anniversary edition, 1973-1983. Pembroke, NC: The Carolina Indian Voice, 1983. |
144 |
Bishop, Lynette. “Two School Suits Claim Violations.” Robesonian 4 Jan. 1981: 1D. |
142 |
“Suit Claims Robeson Schools Segregated.” News and Observer 29 May 1980: 58. |
141 |
Brown, Joye. “Indians Lose Appeal of School Convictions.” News and Observer 5 March 1980: 34. |
137 |
Brooks, Dexter. “Desegregation in Robeson: Old Misrepresentations and New Directions.” Revised. Unpublished typescript. 22 April 1976. 31 p. |
130 |
Maynor, Gerald D. “The Effects of Socio-Economic Status and Race on Parental Attitudes toward Public Education in a Tri-Racial School District.” Diss. Coral Gables, FL: U of Miami, 1974. |
131 |
Maynor, Waltz, and W. G. Katzenmeyer. “Academic Performance and School Integration: A Multi-Ethnic Analysis.” Journal of Negro Education 43.1 (1974): 30-38. |
734 |
Fazio, Thomas P. “Indian Group on Protest Trek.” News and Observer 5 April 1973: 39. |
731 |
Price, Bill. “Tuscarora Chief Offers Tribal History Account.” Robesonian 18 March 1973: 2A. |
728 |
“Indians Continue Protest.” News and Observer 9 March 1973: 27. |
126 |
Thompson, Vernon Ray. “A History of the Education of the Lumbee Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina, 1885-1970.” Diss. U of Miami, 1973. |
125 |
“Indians Square Off with Deputies.” News and Observer 31 Oct. 1972. |
124 |
“Integration Went Smoothly.” Scottish Chief 10 Sept. 1972. |
122 |
Dennis, Henry. The American Indian, 1492-1974: A Chronology and Fact Book. 2nd ed. Oceana, 1972. P. 62. |
123 |
Fuchs, Estelle and Robert J. Havighurst. To Live On This Earth: American Indian Education. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972. Pp. 97-106. |
121 |
Gaillard, Frye. “Desegregation Denies Justice to Lumbee Indians.” Indian Historian 4.3 (Fall 1971): 17-22, 43. |
24 |
Gaillard, Frye. “Lumbee Indians.” South Today [Atlanta, GA] 3.2 (Sept. 1971): 4-5. |
942 |
Gaillard, Frye. “Cities Contradict Lumbees’ Values.” Race Relations Reporter 2 (21 June 1971): 6-9. [PSU-MLL] Rpt. as “The Lumbees Fight Back” in News and Observer 11 July 1971: Sec. 4 pp. 1, 7. |
120 |
“Lumbee Sit-ins May Get Unofficial Study Credit.” Robesonian 8 June 1971: 6. |
119 |
Bledsoe, Jerry. “‘Our Schools Are Close to Us’: Will Loss of Indian Schools Mean Loss of Identity?” Greensboro Daily News 19 Jan. 1971: A9. |
117 |
“Schools Demand, Indians Comply.” News and Observer 25 Sept. 1970: 3. |