Record Number | Citation |
1381 |
100th Cong. 2nd Session. Providing for Federal Recognition for the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. Report, Senate Select Comm. on Indian Affairs. S.Rept. 100-579. 37 p. Dated 30 Sept. 1988. Y1.1/5: 100-579. |
1396 |
The Indians of Robeson County: A People Proud and Free. Videotape series. Lumberton: Robeson County Compensatory Indian Education Project, 1979? [IERC] |
828 |
Evans, W. McKee. “The North Carolina Lumbees: From Assimilation to Revitalization.” Southeastern Indians Since the Removal Era. Ed. Walter L. Williams. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1979. Pp. 49-71. |
126 |
Thompson, Vernon Ray. “A History of the Education of the Lumbee Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina, 1885-1970.” Diss. U of Miami, 1973. |
211 |
Dial, Adolph, and David K. Eliades. “Lumbee Indians of North Carolina and Pembroke State University.” Indian Historian 4.4 (Winter 1971): 20-24. Rpt. in The American Indian Reader: Education. Ed. Jeannette Henry. San Francisco: Indian Historian P, 1972. Pp. 51-60. |