Overviews of Lumbee History and Culture

Record Number Citation

100th Cong. 2nd Session. Providing for Federal Recognition for the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. Report, Senate Select Comm. on Indian Affairs. S.Rept. 100-579. 37 p. Dated 30 Sept. 1988. Y1.1/5: 100-579.


The Indians of Robeson County: A People Proud and Free. Videotape series. Lumberton: Robeson County Compensatory Indian Education Project, 1979? [IERC]


Evans, W. McKee. “The North Carolina Lumbees: From Assimilation to Revitalization.” Southeastern Indians Since the Removal Era. Ed. Walter L. Williams. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1979. Pp. 49-71.


Thompson, Vernon Ray.  “A History of the Education of the Lumbee Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina, 1885-1970.”  Diss.  U of Miami, 1973. 


Dial, Adolph, and David K. Eliades.  “Lumbee Indians of North Carolina and Pembroke State University.”  Indian Historian 4.4 (Winter 1971): 20-24.  Rpt. in The American Indian Reader: Education.  Ed. Jeannette Henry.  San Francisco: Indian Historian P, 1972.  Pp. 51-60.