[Visit Among the Croatan Indians, Living in the Vicinity of Pembroke, North Carolina

Record Number: 

Pierce, Charles F. [Visit Among the Croatan Indians, Living in the Vicinity of Pembroke, North Carolina.] Report, in the Field at Pipestone, Minn., to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, U.S. Indian Service, Dept. of the Interior, 2 Mar. 1912. [National Archives and Records Admin., Washington, D.C. File 23202-1912-123 General Services.] [IERC] [Lumbee Petition, Exhibit A30] Summarized in entry 62.


Pierce’s report was ordered because Croatans would soon request federal funds for a government boarding school. Discusses population, origins, language, school enrollment, wages, property value, and land ownership. Concludes that Croatans would benefit from a boarding school, but federal funding “would be taking a backward step in our Indian School policy” and would create a precedent for other tribes “that are now cared for by the various states.”

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
Publication Type: