Shiles, Bob. “Questions swirl on vets office.” The Robesonian (Lumberton, NC) November 20, 2015.
At the Lumbee Tribal Council meeting on November 19, 2015, council member Al Locklear said he had heard that the Veterans Services Office staff was shredding documents and moving out because funds were not available. Tribal Administrator Tony Hunt said he was looking into the matter, as he had heard the same thing and told them to stop immediately.
After being cited by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for using federal money for activities not related to housing, the Tribal Council was waiting for approval from the department before providing $82,837 to the Veterans Service Office. Hunt had presented the members with a letter stating the funds were approved by the Department and the council sent the proposal to the Finance Committee for review.
The council also received a grant from the “Duke Energy Helping Hunt Fund” that will provide $24,794 and $16,884 to Robeson County and Cumberland County, respectively. It will help with health, safety and weatherization. The same grant calls for Robeson County to get $57,854 for HVAC repair and replacement. Cumberland County will also get $39,394 for the same purpose.