“UNCP: New logo will include Old Main.” Robesonian [Lumberton, NC] August 28, 2014.
Concerns were expressed previously at a Lumbee Tribal Council meeting that Old Main was possibly to be replaced on the logo by a hawk, the university’s mascot. Scott Bigalow, a spokesperson for the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, assured the Lumbee Tribal Council members that a logo being designed for university will still depict Old Main. The hawk was “never a candidate,” Bigalow said, and that the school board and officials all have agreed that Old Main was their prefered choice.
The university, in an effort to ‘rebrand’ itself, has proposed new designs for the school’s logo, and will be taking the community’s input into consideration.
Old Main, which was erected in 1923 and is the oldest building on the UNCP campus, is the last symbol of the university’s beginnings as a school for American Indians. “It’s a part of our heritage and culture that we don’t want to lose,” Bobby Oxendine, who chairs the council’s Education Committee, said.