108th Congress. 1st Session. “H.R. 898. To provide for the recognition of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, and for other purposes.” Introduced in the House of Representatives of the United States by Mike McIntyre (D-NC) on February 25, 2003.
This bill (short title: “Lumbee Recognition Act”) amends various portions of the Lumbee Act of June 7, 1956. The major change is the addition of Section 3.(a): “The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina and its members shall be eligible for all services and benefits provided to Indians because of their status as members of a federally recognized tribe.” Tribal members in Robeson, Cumberland, Hoke, and Scotland counties, North Carolina who are listed on the tribal roll will be “deemed to be residing on or near an Indian reservation.” Indians living in Robeson or adjoining counties who are not members of the Lumbee Tribe may submit a petition for federal acknowledgement. The Secretaries of the Interior and Health and Human Services will each confer with the tribe to determine needs and budget for services to the tribal members. Each Secretary will submit a needs statement and a budget request to Congress after the fiscal year in which the tribal roll is verified. The State of North Carolina will have jurisdiction over all criminal and civil offenses committed on land owned by the tribe.
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