Pembroke State University, Native American [Resource] Center.

Record Number: 

Sanoff, Henry.  “Pembroke State University, Native American [Resource] Center.” In: School Design.  New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.  Pp. 169-173.


The book's purpose is to illustrate a design process which 
involves administrators, architects, students, teachers, and 
parents in the decision-making so as to have a major impact on school 
performance and provide variety in physical facilities within a 
tight budget. 

This chapter discusses the interaction among the 
Old Main Commission, the design team from North Carolina State 
University's Community Development Group, UNC-Pembroke officials, 
and UNC-Pembroke's American Indian Studies Faculty in planning the 
renovation of Old Main, which was practically destroyed by 
fire on March 18, 1973 (see The Lumbee Indians: an annotated
bibliography, items 220-233). The design team created a design 
proposal; and through legislative action, $1.5 million was 
obtained for the renovation project. Through numerous discussions 
with the Old Main Commission, the American Indian Studies faculty, 
and a museum committee, an activity analysis, conceptual diagram, 
and a set of objectives for the facility were proposed. The 
planning process from completion of the feasibility study to 
construction starting date took six years.

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
Publication Type: 
These libraries have back years of this book. Check the library catalog of the library of your choice to see if the material is available.
Other Features of Work: 
Includes photographs, conceptual diagrams, and floor plans.