Remembering 'Mr. Tom.'

Record Number: 

Oxendine, Joseph B. “Remembering 'Mr. Tom.'” Robeson Remembers (column). Robesonian Sunday, 18 June 2000, pages 1C, 5C.


Detailed biographical sketch and reminiscence of Thomas H. Oxendine (1898-1960) by his son Joseph B. Oxendine, who served as chancellor of UNC-Pembroke from 1989-1999. Tom Oxendine, in addition to raising eight children through the Depression and through the segregation of an earlier Robeson County, was a public school teacher for over 40 years. The article describes Tom Oxendine's communication and storytelling abilities; a trip to the State Fair as a childhood reward for picking 200 pounds of cotton in one day; Tom's ways of incorporating games and activities into his teaching; the importance of the church, community service, and fishing and hunting along the Lumber River in his life; and his respect for people of all races.

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
Publication Type: 
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5 photographs