Race an open issue in Robeson County

Record Number: 

Biank, Tanya S. “Race an open issue in Robeson County.” Fayetteville Observer-Times 26 October 1996


This perceptive article explains racial issues and attitudes at the time the article was written. Recent concerns it mentions are a request from the county's black caucus to put a statue of Martin L. King Jr. on the courthouse steps; requests from white and black school board members that the Board hire a white principle for Lumberton High School; and concerns by black leaders that the location of polling places for the Lumbee River EMC Board of Directors elections discriminates against blacks. County commissioners and school board members regularly receive reports with racial breakdowns on employees in various county departments so that they can answer questions from their constituents.

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
Publication Type: 
Additional Information: 
Robeson County Black Caucus | Lumbee River EMC | Robeson County School Board | Public schools