Police Brutality

Record Number Citation

U.S. Cong. House. Comm. on the Judiciary. Subcomm. on Civil and Constitutional Rights. Anti-Indian Violence. Hearings ... May 4 and 18, 1988. 100th Cong., 2nd Sess. Washington: GPO, 1989. Y4.J89/1: 100/119. Serial Set, Serial no. 119. Pp. 20-44, 432-40.


Wright, Ed. “Judgement Day in Robeson County: Forcing a Community to Face Its Past.” Southern Magazine 2.8 (May 1988): 15-16.


“Official to Eye Charges of Brutality to Indians.” News and Observer [Raleigh, NC] 29 June 1978: 18.


Swofford, Stan. “Are Highway Patrolmen Mistreating Lumbee Indians?” Greensboro Daily News [Greensboro, NC] 25 June 1978: A1.