Record Number | Citation |
MAYN014 |
Maynor, Malinda M. "People and place: Croatan Indians in Jim Crow Georgia, 1890-1920." Thesis. U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002. 43 p. 100 references (primary and secondary). |
OKUD001 |
Okuda-Jacobs, Angelina. “Planting health, culture and sovereignty: traditional horticulture of the Lumbee Nation of North Carolina.” Thesis (M.S., Land Resources). U of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000. 90 p. |
MAYN012 |
Maynor, Malinda, Judy Kertesz, and Ian Aronson. “Lumbee history.” The Appalachian Quarterly [Wise County Historical Society, VA] 4.2 (June 1999): 82-93. |
STEI001 |
Stein, Robert E. “Encountering liberalism: devaluing the economics of racism.” Diss. Michigan U, 1999. 275 pages. |