Caste System (Races in Robeson County)

Record Number Citation

494.     Barkley, Key L.  “Inter- and Intra-Group Levels of Esteem among Three Ethnic Groups.”  Journal of Negro Education 54.1 (1985): 56-70.


Evans, W. McKee. “The North Carolina Lumbees: From Assimilation to Revitalization.” Southeastern Indians Since the Removal Era. Ed. Walter L. Williams. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1979. Pp. 49-71.


Gaillard, Frye. “Desegregation Denies Justice to Lumbee Indians.”  Indian Historian  4.3 (Fall 1971): 17-22, 43.  


Temple, Dennis Michael.  “Comparative Approach to the Study of a White-Indian-Negro Caste System in Robeson County, North Carolina.”  Thesis.  North Carolina State U, 1971.


Johnson, Guy B.  “Personality in a White-Indian-Negro Community.”  American Sociological Review 4.4 (Aug. 1939):  516-23. Excerpted in: When Peoples Meet.  New York: Hinds, Hayden, and Eldredge, 1946.  Pp. 576-82.