Population Dynamics of the Coastal Plains Region. Robeson County.

Record Number: 

Gade, Ole, and H. Daniel Stilwell.  “Population Dynamics of the Coastal Plains Region. Robeson County.”  North Carolina: People and Environments.  Boone, NC: Geo-App, 1986.  Pp. 135-42.


Robeson’s fertility rate was 33% higher than the state average between 1970 and 1980.  Lumbees had a lower life expectancy than Whites and the lowest female/male ratio of the races.  Predicts, like Ross (entry 499), that by the end of the century Lumbees will be the county’s largest racial group.  Note: 1990 census data shows Indians as the county’s largest race; see Robesonian 28 April 1991: C1 and 3 May 1991: 6A.

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
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