A history of the capture of the notorious outlaw George Applewhite, alias, Ranse Lowery, of the Lowery gang of outlaws, or Robeson County, N.C. ...

Record Number: 

“A history of the capture of the notorious outlaw George Applewhite, alias, Ranse Lowery, of the Lowery gang of outlaws, or Robeson County, N.C. ... ” Columbus, GA: Thos. Gilbert, 1872. 12 p. Rpt. in entry 1125.


Chas. P. Murrah, J. G. Bryant, Geo. N. Murrah, and Albert Sanford captured Applewhite in Harris County, GA despite problems. They reprint and correct a Columbus Daily Sun article on the capture. Edwards (entry 1125) analyzes the capture.

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
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