A Tri-Racial MMPI Study.

Record Number: 

Bull, Rex Warren.  “A Tri-Racial MMPI Study.”  Thesis.  U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1976.


Gave the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory to 178 Robeson Technical Institute students of both sexes and all races “to provide a local comparison group for clinical use.”  Responses among the races were surprisingly similar in both the multivariate and the item level analysis, with few sex-by-race differences.  Indians scored between Blacks and Whites on most scales.   Mean profiles were elevated for all six groups.  Sc, Pt, and Pd were above a t-score of 70; and for all groups except White females, Ma was above 70.  For Indian and White males, Hs was elevated.  Concludes that the Minnesota norms are not accurate for Robeson County and that “in this study, racial differences are not very important, but subcultural differences are.”

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
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