H.R. 1408. To provide for the consideration of a petition for federal recognition of the Lumbee Indians of Robeson and adjoining counties, and for other purposes

Record Number: 

108th Congress. 1st Session. “H.R. 1408. To provide for the consideration of a petition for federal recognition of the Lumbee Indians of Robeson and adjoining counties, and for other purposes.” Introduced in the House of Representatives of the United States by Charles H. Taylor (R-NC) on March 20, 2003.


This bill provides that the Lumbee Act of June 7, 1956 will not bar consideration by the Secretary of the Interior of a petition from “a group or organization representing the Lumbee Indians of Robeson and adjoining counties of North Carolina” [Sec. 1 (a)]. In addition, the Lumbee Act of June 7, 1956 cannot be construed as denying federal recognition to any group whose petition is approved by the Secretary of the Interior on or after the enactment of the Lumbee Act of June 7, 1956. The bill requires that the Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs must publish a finding on the petition submitted by LRDA on December 17, 1987 (see The Lumbee Indians: An Annotated Bibliography, item 57) no later than 18 months after the tribe has fully responded to the Interior Department’s notice of obvious deficiencies. The finding must not take into consideration the number of persons listed on the petition's membership roll. If the 18-month deadline is not met, the tribe may ask the federal district court to decide whether federal acknowledgement will be granted.

First Appeared in 1994 Book?: 
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